A bit of background before the actual roleplay, and any criticism, constructive, is appreciated. My name is Justin, and this would be my first and very serious attempt to publish and generate a successful Rp. Now, I don't expect it to become an epic but I think it's a nice approach. It's influenced by theme's of hysteria and hypochondria, as well as a need to achieve a perceived perfection within your circle of peers and beyond, to be 'better than the Joneses' if you will. If anyone is a history buff, feel free to correct me however way back when 'alchemy' was still an intricate and accepted profession which sought to turn lead into gold many sought out reputed and infamous alchemists to craft and conjure elixirs and formula's which would enhance beauty, and undo age and prolong life; everything and anything for carnal longevity to a whiter, brighter smile. In any case, imagine if these claims were true? Rather, if 'many' of those claims (Who in their right mind would ask for a potion to enhance their radiance in TES?). Now it also deals with the eccentric ideals of what I perceive would be an embodiment of a Nietzsche-esque, dystopic, carnal empire and they're hate for a lack of dance and culture. Which leads us to the plot of 'The Antidote', whose intro is a bit long and ambiguous, bear with me. (For sake of the argument I have placed Ocato as current stand-in Regent, as the search for a viable figure arises)
Six years following the Oblivion Crisis
-The profession of Alchemy had its world exponentially altered the day Flavian finally unlocked the superior potential of Nirnroot. It wasn't perfect, but it was capable of enhancing the already amazing ability of master alchemist's. Elixirs capable of subtle healing for lifetimes, completely negating the need for any health potions. The same for the mystical essences of Magicka, and in the same realm, an antidote was created which never left the body, only expelling the venom, but the antidote itself stayed within the user. These things, great in themselves, severely encroached upon others who claimed themselves alchemists, who vetoed his shop unanimously, giving no praise to the otherwise genius who was able to manufacture without divine aid, seemingly divine properties. Although, at this point, the clergy of both the Nine and the Daedra have not regarded any opinions, it seems as if it would be wise to have someone step in, several threats have been left at the doorstep of the 'Myriad', the shop of Flavian, the imperial 'alchemist extraordinaire'. A mob has been standing watch constantly to make sure no costumers purchase from the shopkeeper. Already, slight violence has occurred, resulting in an incident which was dispelled by several Guardsmen who disdained the entire situation as 'foolish merchant business'.
Seven Years after the Oblivion Crisis
It seemed that since the dispelling of the riots in the Merchant quarter of the Imperial City, that Flavian would finally be able to resume his profession without event, however that sturdy peace had been reaffirmed as hopeful, but not viable as several unknown assailants were slew by the guards after a botched attempt on Sir Flavian's life. We assume, out of paranoia he has left the city, to establish shop in Anvil where he may settle down and resume his shopkeeping duties, quoting his wish to 'maybe involve myself in politics a bit, earn a clean living and hopefully live out my years happily'. We wish the Alchemist the best of luck. In other news...
Ten Years after the Oblivion Crisis
We here at the Black Horse Courier are dismayed to announce that the legion that was dispatched to the sovereign state of Anvil, or as they've renamed 'Demios', has returned bearing wounds and the news maintaining the hostility and utter depraved hatred of the converted city. It's walls now dark and looming, hung out with the corpses of those who didn't convert to the new religion praising wine and dance. They have been blamed for the recent sickness in Skingrad, which has been assumed to resonate from nightshade and other ingredients found within the community well. We are also displeased to announce that the strange cold emanating from the West has not seemed to dwell and in its first occurrence to date, it is now snowing over Skingrad, and the city of Bravil has been struck with the foreboding arrival of a brisk chill. It seems the strange cold will continue spreading for now, and we at the Black Horse will always attempt to maintain the best of coverage on its movements. May Talos Guide the Empire.
One month following the Siege of the Imperial City, Twenty years after the Oblivion Crisis
Although we realize the panic of the people to cry out for help, we, on behalf of the Regent's aides, request that the citizenry please make way for any legion soldiers of the city and to remain a respect, responsible member of the Empire. The Regent has said that 'we are experiencing an awkward time of tribulation, but we will persevere as efficiently as possible.' Ever since the raid of the ruins of Kvatch, now known as Allestroika by the new Autocracy of Demios, the strange new Empire has been on an increasing rampage throughout the east, taking Skingrad, and burning the reclusive count over a fire in front of the Imperial city in retribution for the slaughter of their war-party several weeks before. And now, they stand at the doorstep of the Imperial city, reeling from their past failure to capture the magnificent jewel of Tamriel. Anyone who wishes to join the Imperial Legion and their fight against the heretical Autocracy of Demios should report to the Prison District, and the new headquarters of the stationed legions. May Talos Guide us.
-Within the Throne room of Demios-
"I regret to inform you of our failure to sabotage the bridge towards the flank of the city, m'lord, the guard was waiting for our troops." softly spoke a darkened and gaunt gentlemen, slightly bowing his head before the throne holding the brimming figure of Flavian Atropos, holding a dark cane in his left hand.
"And the remnants of that squad will be the meal for the next troupe. Prepare another waltz of Sappers, and this time, I expect success or it will be your -other- eye Blanchette." replied, in a grim, but excellent verbose tone, and in a whirling grace, the servant left the throne room.
The lands of Tamriel are split into opposing factions, the Autocracy of Demios, led by the strange Flavian Atropos, and the everlasting Empire. The majority of the West is controlled by 'troupe's' of singing, eccentric warriors led by single 'Pariahs', often spear wielding fighters who incorporate dancing into their assaults. Preferring light troops, guerrilla attacks, poisoning and use other strange tactics, they have fooled and outdone the bulky, heavily armored, well-defending Empire.
Your characters will be a member of either faction, whether converted from a raided city, or from joining on your own. Unfortunately, this early in the Rp I won't allow people to be neutral.
- No artifacts
- Default races only
- Common sense please?
The obvious, no god-modding or character controlling, etc.
Character sheet:
Faction: Empire/Autocracy
Rank: (Empire: Soldier/Lieutenant) (Autocracy: Deviant/Pariah)
General Description:
Mental Description:
Major Skills:
Minor Skills:
(As a note, certain made up skills are allowed: forging, cooking, dancing, and the like)
Please post your sheet and then where your character begins their journey to aid their respective faction. Please Pm me with any questions you may have.