Calm down, I didn't see anyone here calling Oblivion a piece of crap.
Either way, I find it funny how people get so defensive over videogames.
Either way, I find it funny how people get so defensive over videogames.

lol. I know what you mean. I have, at times, got defensive about sevral parts of Morrowind or Oblivion, then on another topic, turned around and attacked them for another thing. xD
I think the trouble with moden computer role playing games is that, at times, gaming compaies (not naming any names. lol) try to appeal to everyone, and since the avarage gamer does not have a very good attention span or the disire to role play (I mean actual role play) then games get a little dumbed down, but at the same time, they advance in other areas. Take Oblivion for exsample:
It's my own oppinion that Oblivion's combat is better than Morrowinds, becasue I hate roll-to-hit combat in a real time game, but at the same time, it's lost the rules factions to which Morrowinds fighting worked, so it's a double-edged sword. Each game has it's great and bad sides. I think games will always be like that, and I expect TES V to be like that to.