» Mon Aug 16, 2010 5:24 am
I see, thanks.
Kind of odd that volume 1 is a random, one-chance-only reward. For being the first of 4 books of a prolific series, it seems quite bad to force a player to metagame to get it to be able to complete the series. You could play the game a dozen times with different characters and never get the full series, with no hints and never realizing where the missing book is, especially if you don't always do that quest (I actually tend to avoid it because those bears are nasty and the quest is otherwise nothing special). Volume 3 isn't much better, with a single copy locked away with no hints to its where-abouts, but at least it's a static placement in the AU, always available to those with a keen eye (which apparently I'm not, as I've been to the AU with a couple different characters before; and of course my current one isn't a mage).