At least no legal one. Having a small illegal trade running under secrecy for the visiting dunmers, the jaded or other is certainly possible. But it's strictly illegal and must run in the shadows, though it can have a legal exitence andfacade in Morrowind.
You make a good point.

Also: Aulakauss said he'll join as well.
Second character (if I'll be allowed two characters, Haj-Jei?)
Name: Neffedemelza
Nickname: Neffe
Race: Ohmes-Raht
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Birthsign: The Tower
Focus: Stealthy Magic
Skills: Sneak, Acrobatics, Hand-To-Hand, Blade, Speechcraft, Illusion, Alteration, Mysticism
Class: Infiltrator
Class description: Infiltrators are good at knowing things they aren't supposed to know, getting into places they aren't supposed to be, and getting out of them again without mishap. More adventurous- and in many ways, less subtle- than spies, infiltrators use the best of stealthy, social and magical skills to make their way in the world. Usually less-than-legal citizens, Infiltrators are by no means always criminal- some do it to live, some for more noble purposes, but they all do it for the thrill.
General appearance: Neffe does not always immediately appear to be Khajiit, marking her as one of the ohmes-raht. Most notably, her face and body is furless, save for on her cat-like ears and bushy tail, and on the red tiger-stripes. Her skin is golden brown. Her features are feline, however: her eyes are large and angular, her nose is small and her canines are elongated. Her fingernails are more alike to claws. She is petite in build, and in her movements in particular she is feline.
Hair: A tangled mane of sleek black hair cascades past shoulders. Her hair is streaked with red in such a way that it calls to mind the pattern of a tiger. She wears it pulled back.
Eye colour: Amber
Height: 5ft3"
Build: Neffe is toned without muscles. Combined with her small stature and slender limbs, this gives her a petite look much alike to the compacted-power of a cat.
Fur/Skin: Her skin is golden brown in colour, and very smooth. The only fur on her body is her tail and her ears, both of which are red. Notably, there are faint, lightly-furred red tiger-stripes spreading from her hairline towards the centre of her face, fading the closer to her face they become. Similar stripes can be found on the outside of her arms, legs, and spreading from her spine to her stomach.
Tattoos/Scars: None worth mentioning.
Mental description: Neffe is often quite annoying- in her lighter moods, she will often pick a fight just to see how people react, and loves shocking people even to her own detriment. Those who get close to her find her to be loyal, if strong-minded, a good friend, and motherly (in a bizarre way) to those she cares for. Or at least... that's what she would have been were she not
crazy. The problem is, Neffe is no one-sided kitty. She
hates men, and especially dunmer men, who there is a good chance of her flipping out and attacking if they get too close. Her past is one of abuse, trauma, and ultimately emotional horror, and there is a dark side to her that goes so deep that if you turn it on, it's hard to switch off again.
Weapon(s): Neffe prefers to fight fist-to-claw, but she has daggers in her boots, in arm sheathes, under her shirt at the small of her back, and strapped to her legs.
Clothing/armour: Neffe dresses simply and lightly in long, navy woollen shirt, coarsely woven though tight-fitting, knee-high doeskin leather boots, and doeskin leggings. She has a cloak, but doesn't often wear it, finding it too restricting if she is not cold.
Inventory: The essentials, some lockpicks, and notably, a slave bracer.
Misc Skills and Traits:-Neffe loves a challenge
-She is not unknown to pick a fight or start an argument just to see how someone else will react.
-Is quite righteous in her principals if not in her lifestyle, and often will attach herself to a worthy cause.
-Is a natural leader.
-Will often go into denial when seriously faced with something good in her life, more often than not leaving her completely misreable at all times.
Short Bio: Neffe has been an infiltrator all her life, first as the hobby of a small child, and then as the profession of one who throws herself heart in soul into the things that she loves. She's quite infamous in some of the more shady circles, and her name is thrown around casually by certain authorities. Despite being highly recognisable, she's never been caught and charged for doing anything wrong, and as a result, lives free. Guards in various cities would like to claim that they keep an eye on her, but that's a very hard thing to do. There is also a much darker side to Neffe's past, but she tries very hard not to dwell on it.