» Fri May 27, 2011 3:33 am
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Name: Temaieeda
Nickname: Steel-Sings, "Steely"
Race: Argonian
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Birthsign: The Warrior
Focus: Combat
Major Skills: Blade, Athletics, Acrobatics, Mysticism, Speechcraft, Hand-to-Hand
Other Skills: Dodge, Unarmoured, Linguistics, Herb-Lore.
Class: Mercenary
General Appearance: Steely is a petite but long-limbed argonian. She is notably feminine in build, well-curved and quite voluptuous in shape. Despite this, she stands on beast feet, albeit incredibly elegantly. Her scales, most unusually, are a beautiful silvery colour intermixed with black on her chest, stomach, and on the underside of arms and legs, as well as down her spine. Her slender form and graceful movement bely the wiry strength that lay within her.
Hair: She has two small black horns at the the fore of her head, and at the back she has six large black horns, three on each side, each carved carefully with ornate, ritualistic designs, and with thick golden rings at their base.
Eyes: Red
Height: 5ft4"
Build: Steely has a slender and wiry build, making her strong without sacrificing her agility.
Scales: Steely's scales are a pure silver with intervals of black.
Tattoos/Scars: Steely gets few scars, her scales being quite resilient, but those she had have long since healed, save for, most notably, the thin scar that runs across her left eye, a bright white split against the silver scales of her brow.
Personality: Steely is a soft-spoken and straight-thinking female. She is sharply intelligent without being educated, and is very diplomatic despite a strong aversion to lying. Her gentle nature and calm manner befriend her to many. However, her reluctance to share words (or banter unnecessarily) means that she is slow to make friends, and Steely is often shy, although she does not allow that to get in her way if she feels something needs to be said. She has the famed Argonian loyalty, and would die for those she has pledged as her friends, but also has much of the argonian superstition, and is a strong proponent of dogma and tradition. But though it would seem that her will is somehow diminished by the many limitations she has imposed upon herself, Steely is only strengthened by the rules by which she lives her life, and her will is completely indomitable. Steely never doubts herself unless brought around by firm and well-founded logic. But for all Steely is gentle and loyal, she is not always good: there is a savage practicality to her nature which shocks many, a remnant of her tribal upbringing, though she professes to have left all that behind.
Weapon(s): http://soulflame81.deviantart.com/art/Longsword-of-the-Dark-Templar-81511476 When that fails, her claws suffice.
Clothing/Armour: She wears leather greaves and a tight leather jerkin which bears her navel. She wears leather bracers, too, and her feet and tail are lightly plated in dark chitin.
Inventory: Soulgems of varying power, most empty, a small, tattered journal and ink. She also has a small purse of coins and a thick travel cloak, and a few pressed flowers which have fallen from her journal.
Misc Skills and Traits:
-Steel-Sings if very wary of others, and there is something quite sad about her that she will not tell.
-Steely will not speak in-depth about the Black Marsh. Even to those she trusts.
-Steely indulges quite heavily in alcohol.
-Steel-Sings writes in her journal every night.
-Despite her strong will, Steely has very low self-image, and will often run herself down.
-She likes cake, and is a hopeless romantic.
-She loves swordfighting, and moves with an amazing fluidity and speed which few can mimic.
Short Bio: Being a native argonian, much of Steely's early life is shrouded in mystery, and she does not trust anyone enough to speak of it- or of anything about the Black Marsh. But, that being said, her life is heavily effected by her life there. Though steely left the Black Marsh at the young age of twelve, professing that she was 'tired of the close-mindedness, unnecessary dogma and wished to be enlightened', it is clear that she is still greatly influenced by the beliefs, traditions and lifestyle learned there. She is often quite close-minded, and is stubbornly superstitious until someone comes to her with calm reason and logic. Though she received no formal education, Steely always had a great mind for learning, and particularly for language. Reading and writing come easily to her, but nothing comes more easily than language and the learning thereof. She is fiercely proud that she has learned both tamrielic and ta'agara, as well as dunmeri. She is a skilled mercenary, and particularly has an almost feverish love of fighting with sword in hand. But though her life has been full of achievements, there is clearly something within her murky past that haunts her still, but she will not speak of it, refusing to tell 'outsiders' and 'soft-skins' of her life in the mysterious Black Marsh, and also somewhat fearful of what others might think.