I also enjoy seeing a lot of variety. This is why I loved the http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Bonemold_Armor#Bonemold_Armor in Morrowind (and all the armor in Morrowind in general). They had a ton of variety in armor pieces, helmets and shields instead of just one. They all looked similar, yet different due to the factional nature. That was just great and gave a real sense of seeing actual people instead of clones wearing the same-old/same-old one-piece suit.
Overall I liked the Morrowind renditions of the armor best. Oblivion had a lot of 'generic medieval' armor. Not bad, but not great either. I can still picture the different Morrowind armors in my mind, but the ones from Oblivion just didn't stick with me that much.
And regional armor, YES PLEASE!

Seeing that the game is possibly taking place in Skyrim, I'd love to see the http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Bloodmoon:Base_Armor armor back from Bloodmoon. And maybe some rare Stalhrim armor to find in some ancient tomb.

And seeing that the game follows up on the novels, we'd have lots of Dunmer who have supposedly fled to Solstheim and beyond. So it stands to reason that they would have fled while wearing their regional/factional armor (usually Bonemold).
However, I fear that they will again employ their 'one suit' approach instead of making the armor into components (boots, belt, legs, chest, Rshoulder, Lshoulder, Lglove, Rglove). This would bring back the 'clone effect' where everyone looks the same. I don't care about minor clipping issues if it gives me complete freedom of choice on combining pieces of armor. Oblivion's (and later Fallout 3 and NV) single-suit armors were a step back in development in my opinion. A roleplaying game needs lots of variety, so separate armor pieces were perfect!
Also, the ability to wear clothing underneath your armor is something I'd like to see again.
Lastly Daedric armor should be very rare in my opinion (and I'm hoping they bring back the more rounded version like in Morrowind). It was awesome that only around 2 full sets existed in TES3, which made it extra special. In Oblivion nearly every common brigand and vampire were wearing them when you reached level 20+; and once you hopped into an Oblivion gate you were hauling them out by the dozen. What ever happened to the Dremora vanishing into mist and leave behind a puddle of goo?
So I'm hoping that http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Daedric_Armor#Armor will become very rare again and similar in appearance to the version of Morrowind (with lots of different helmets); making us scavenge ancient ruins and tombs just to gather a full set; making it an adventure in itself to get all the pieces...