Gender: Human Male
APPEARANCE: Waster haircut, no facial hair, dark brown hair, blue eyes, and is normal build and 6' 1'' tall in height.
CLOTHING/ARMOR: A black button up shirt with sleeves rolled up, dark jeans with combat boots, and wearing a flak jack over the shirt, also wearing aviator sunglasses and occasionally a scavenger hat.
WEAPONS: Silenced M14, Silenced M9, Machete used when enemies aren't using guns.
PERSONALITY: Des has always lived by a motto "There is no losing scenario". He believes in protecting others and if it means putting others before him, he will. Though through all of that he is always a jokster, and he always keeps his friends close.
BIO: Desmond Flynn grew up in a small town in the capital wasteland, near Vault 106, and with his Regulator father he learned how to fight, shoot, and most importantly, to be a better person. Des grew up knowing that he always needed to be a hero. So when he was 17 he joined the ranks of the Regulators but quit when he was 20 to travel to Vegas, for the son of Desmond's fathers best friend, Jack White, invited Des to work for him. However once Des got there, Jack told him of his work with the Elders, and told him thats why he was there. So Des, now working for Jack had a better plan, with Jack's recommendation to Mr. Black, who worked closely with Mr. Black, Des would join the Shadows. To Mr. Black, Des is just another great assassin, but to the Elders, Des is a double agent deep undercover with one mission, assassinate Mr. Black at all costs.
(p.s. Jack White invited me to join this forum)