wasn t meant like this, friend... i just have paid 50 bucks for this game and don t want to be milked further... i d pay for an expansion... i understand that console users don t get mods which i too find pretty unfair,and hope the developers will change that soon, if thats possible... we re all gamers, and thus, equal :foodndrink:
Lol what's unfair is PC users having to play games ported from crummy consoles, if the developers actually cared, they'd port from PC to console :/ Then instead of getting crappy graphics and bad UI, we'd have an actual playable game for PC players, instead of having to depend on Modders. Modders make the games actually playable, the developers only care about the consoles, thats unfair, consoles don't deserve to have the one thing that PC users have to themselves, Mods, sad thing is almost all developers these days are just money hungry, so they make everything based of 7 year old consoles, that's unfair.