» Sat May 28, 2011 10:07 am
I love my Atronach character. But it's definitely a hard character to start out with. Alchemy is certainly helpful, but not necessary. Make sure you have some Restore Magicka potions handy though. Alyeid wells are good choices because they often contain magical enemies, and they have those stones that restore your Magicka completely. Those things are extremely useful.
I suggest joining the Mages Guild for sure. Firstly, your enemies are usually spellcasters. And secondly, once your in the Arcane University, you can very easily restore magicka. It might be considered an exploit, but you can stand in front of characters in the Practice Rooms and absorb their spells. If you don't have 100% absorption, I suggest you try to get in front of a non-destruction spell though.
And of course, 100% absorption is awesome if you can get it. Completing the Main Quest will help with that, the Mages Guild questline might help, as well as a few random quests.
But seriously, once you get to high levels, Atronach characters are extremely powerful, so stick with it.