[RELz] The Ayleid Steps

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:11 am

I found a really cool lost ruin - an "unknown" exterior fort ruin. It's a simple circular tower, open to the sky, with the step inside. To my surprise, though, I heard people outside, talking. I TCL'ed through the wall to find a man and a woman (Elvira and I forget his name) wandering around out there on a walkway. They're from this mod, but I have no idea what they were doing there. Are they intended for something, or just there for flavor?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:17 pm

I found a really cool lost ruin - an "unknown" exterior fort ruin. It's a simple circular tower, open to the sky, with the step inside. To my surprise, though, I heard people outside, talking. I TCL'ed through the wall to find a man and a woman (Elvira and I forget his name) wandering around out there on a walkway. They're from this mod, but I have no idea what they were doing there. Are they intended for something, or just there for flavor?

Where would that be? I'd like to go poke around :P
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:56 pm

And I see more and more NPCs stepping. Will be intersting to see how that turns out, as it has the potential to screw up some quests. I've also seen some MMM Adventurers inside lost ruins, too, and there was some concern about that in an earlier thread, but I just imagine they arrived in the same manner my character did.

I was wondering if instead of turning off NPC stepping, or making the NPCs essential during stepping, what about adding completely new adventuring NPCs that use the steps, in a similar way that http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20575 adds travellers to roads?

That way we get the benefit of seeing some other adventurers, without the danger of breaking quests that rely on vanilla NPCs, and also without making them essential, which I find quite immersion-breaking.

Anyway, thanks for a great and interesting mod :)
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:56 pm

Are they intended for something, or just there for flavor?

Flavor. Which is more enjoyed by consuming the dish than by taking it apart. :P
Where would that be? I'd like to go poke around

Only a 'broken' step can dump you there if it feels like it - overall chance that that happens is less than 0.2 % per teleport.
I was wondering if instead of turning off NPC stepping, or making the NPCs essential during stepping, what about adding completely new adventuring NPCs that use the steps, in a similar way that Crowded Roads Revisited adds travellers to roads?

That is such a good idea that I thought of it too. :nod:
However, assembling over 100 new NPCs is quite a task. Being rather perfectionistic I'd want them named and uniquely clothed and armed and AI-packaged and so on. I may some day get to do it, but not before having finished my current project.

In fact this NPC-stepping business is part of the version 3.0 I'm working on; it should serve as a background against which some conflicts develop, resulting in quests that have to do with upsoaring Welkynd prices, merchants being terrorized by people who want to take control of the Steps system, the Government getting involved and so on. I included this part in 2.5 merely to see how it would behave in-game, as I'm not a confident scripter (even though the mod now has lots of them!). The vanilla NPCs who until then had no other purpose than to decorate the world could perform the tests for the time being. So far I like it - seeing Keld of the Isles from Cheydinhal wandering near Anvil, or Heinrich Oaken-Hull emerging from the pond in the IC market district still makes me chuckle.
There are a few custom NPCs stepping around, by the way - I've seen bandits and even a goblin appear in the Imperial Palace corridor ... which was such a surprise that everyone seemed paralyzed for ages, before fighting it out. :hehe:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:38 am

Flavor. Which is more enjoyed by consuming the dish than by taking it apart. :P

:D I just wanted to know who was out there and what they were doing. Nice touch, though.
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Steve Smith
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:16 pm

In fact this NPC-stepping business is part of the version 3.0 I'm working on; it should serve as a background against which some conflicts develop, resulting in quests that have to do with upsoaring Welkynd prices, merchants being terrorized by people who want to take control of the Steps system, the Government getting involved and so on. I included this part in 2.5 merely to see how it would behave in-game, as I'm not a confident scripter (even though the mod now has lots of them!). The vanilla NPCs who until then had no other purpose than to decorate the world could perform the tests for the time being. So far I like it - seeing Keld of the Isles from Cheydinhal wandering near Anvil, or Heinrich Oaken-Hull emerging from the pond in the IC market district still makes me chuckle.
There are a few custom NPCs stepping around, by the way - I've seen bandits and even a goblin appear in the Imperial Palace corridor ... which was such a surprise that everyone seemed paralyzed for ages, before fighting it out. :hehe:
And there I was, just about to ask what the future had installed for The Ayleid Steps. Sounds good. :D
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:16 pm

That is such a good idea that I thought of it too. :nod:
However, assembling over 100 new NPCs is quite a task. Being rather perfectionistic I'd want them named and uniquely clothed and armed and AI-packaged and so on. I may some day get to do it, but not before having finished my current project.

In fact this NPC-stepping business is part of the version 3.0 I'm working on; it should serve as a background against which some conflicts develop, resulting in quests that have to do with upsoaring Welkynd prices, merchants being terrorized by people who want to take control of the Steps system, the Government getting involved and so on. I included this part in 2.5 merely to see how it would behave in-game, as I'm not a confident scripter (even though the mod now has lots of them!). The vanilla NPCs who until then had no other purpose than to decorate the world could perform the tests for the time being. So far I like it - seeing Keld of the Isles from Cheydinhal wandering near Anvil, or Heinrich Oaken-Hull emerging from the pond in the IC market district still makes me chuckle.
There are a few custom NPCs stepping around, by the way - I've seen bandits and even a goblin appear in the Imperial Palace corridor ... which was such a surprise that everyone seemed paralyzed for ages, before fighting it out. :hehe:

One of the FCOM mods adds a bunch of different adventurers that I've seen around the wilderness and in some of the ruins and forts. What about an addin that allows them to step?
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:52 pm

Found one not-so-serious conflict with the new UL-Cheydinhal Falls mod: a Step in cell 31,22 just east of the town is now floating above ground level. It is not connected to a quest and still usable. Will be fixed in a future update.
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:26 pm

*** Version 3's WIP: ***

Quests: 70%
Books and other in-game texts: 80%
New Locations: 98%
Storyline: 100%
Playtesting: 25%

What has to become version 3.0 is taking shape now. Real Life permitting, an open beta will emerge in the foreseeable future.
The ultimate debugged and polished version 3.0 should be the 'Final' main version of The Ayleid Steps in terms of content. It has then the 45+ dungeons, some 1000 stepstones, a series of 8 to 10 dialogued (but non-voiced) quests, a load of book and notes texts, a large player home and -domain - and the amazing, complete and true story of the Steps, adressing questions like:
-Why did the hero of the Intro Quest really die? And how?
-What has become of his relatives?
-Why would a new Necromancer cult emerge and chase the owner of a certain key?
-Why is the Council really interested in the Steps Network?
-Why should you distrust high ranked Aldmers?
-Why have the Ayleids constructed their Steps and where are they now?
The Player will learn the answers in the various quests that reveal this admittedly far-fetched, bizarre and lore-bending story. The quests are linear because the story relies on events that either have happened in the past, or are unfolding somewhere else so that you cannot directly influence them. You are not the story's protagonist but more of an observer who gets involved occasionally.
As I said before, it all ends in tears. But whose?

I have been straining my brains for over a year trying to get the story right. The main challenge was to compose a tale that would explain everything as it was presented in the Intro quest without having to 'cheat' by changing those established stories and scenes. (Note to self: I should credit that Ukrainian guy who PM'ed me to tell me that the story lacked background and inner logic, and it was rather poorly presented too ... he had visited all the Mages Guild halls to see if anyone knew 'Ervvin' and, of course being frustrated in this, announced he was going to rewrite the entire mod to make it all fit. That was a over a year ago. :) He got me thinking, though.)

Anyway, the completed beta version will definitely need more playtesting, bug hunting, proofreading and ironing out story and chronology problems. For that I'll need your help, and I'll probably set up a dedicated forum topic by then.

Some teaser pictures:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:14 am

*** Version 3's WIP: ***

Wow! :wub:

The only thing I'm sad about is that I never got around to making dungeons for you. I'm truly sorry about that, but I've been far too busy doing my own projects. It looks and sounds awesome and I'm really, really looking forward to this. You know that if I can help you in any way the PM button is just a click away. Maybe two clicks.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:53 am

Yay! Finally found that illusive step to the Talos Bridge room. It was quite well hidden and I don't quite see how a guard could have spotted Ervvin when the stone is *under* the battlement? Or does Better Cities change things?

Where is it, exactly? I mean, I've found it before, so I know where it should be, but I can't find it now - even using tcl and searching under the walls doesn't reveal it. I've been completely around
, and there's nothing there.

I think my mod's borked up, though... I activated the network, and I've use far more than 20 steps, but I still haven't gotten any dream messages about the diary. :(
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:16 am

Where is it, exactly? I mean, I've found it before, so I know where it should be, but I can't find it now - even using tcl and searching under the walls doesn't reveal it. I've been completely around
, and there's nothing there.

I think my mod's borked up, though... I activated the network, and I've use far more than 20 steps, but I still haven't gotten any dream messages about the diary. :(

When you face Cheydinhal's front gate, coming from the Imperial City, it will be near the first west tower if memory serves me right. You should have a map marker.

I'm waiting patiently for V3 to come out. Will it need a cleansave?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:40 am

As the master chef adds the final spices to the third course of this fabulous meal, I loosen my belt and lick my lips in anticipation. :P
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:23 am

As the master chef adds the final spices to the third course of this fabulous meal, I loosen my belt and lick my lips in anticipation. :P

:lol: You must have read the 1st comment in http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=1027326&view=findpost&p=15131214 post.
I'm waiting patiently for V3 to come out. Will it need a cleansave?

No. I'm currently playtesting with my old saves, everything works as it should.
I think my mod's borked up, though... I activated the network, and I've use far more than 20 steps, but I still haven't gotten any dream messages about the diary.

...and I vaguely recall you had been missing quest updates from the start (?), which was probably caused by Cobl or Darn interfering with book scripts, or was that someone else? That requires a clean save (after you have updated to 2.6, too).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:42 pm

And for anyone who may not have tried this mod yet ............ You are missing out on a true masterpiece (in my not so humble opinion).

I've been meaning to add this to my current game but just forgot about it - but the thread re-reminded me. Seems very ingenious and I love Ayleid ruins so I'm looking forward to it.
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Emily Graham
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:07 am

yea and it so far does not conflict with my project http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1049975 I have it running and all seems to be working just fine which is also about the Ayleid ruins and culture.
I have gotten a lot done on it so far and I feel this mod is a great companion to mine. so Kudos to you for this great plugin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:28 am

A completely updated version 2.6.1 in German is now available http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27839.
The official forum thread is http://www.scharesoft.de/joomla/forum/showthread.php?t=32164.
Many thanks to PresetM (translations up to 2.3) and Suzie Q (continuing from the present version) for their dedicated work. :thumbsup:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:53 am

I don't know if this is worth noting, but I found a floating step when using Ruins of Miscarcand. It's located on the side of the small valley around the ruin, a few feet off the ground. The (possible) problem is that it's the second step from the one
behind Cursed Mine
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:59 am

It's located on the side of the small valley around the ruin, a few feet off the ground.

So it's still usable? Then there's no problem, I guess. One can land on it and teleport from it. That mod is in Alpha, so I dont feel the urge to do something about it. Thanks for mentioning, though. :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:28 am

*** Version 3's WIP: ***

Have I mentioned I love you? :hugs: Oh, oh I mean your mod. Love your mod. Yes, that's it. :lmao: Eagerly awaiting this as I adore my steps.
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:35 am

I just DL'ed Ayleid Steps 2.6.1 and I read in Readme file that this mod was built using Vanilla Oblivion, OBSE and COBL.

I wanna know if playing Ayleid Steps with QTP3 installed will result in bugs/glitches? Is it 100% sure I will find bugs if I play Oblivion with these 2 mods?

Jos? Henrique.
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Janette Segura
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:15 am

I just DL'ed Ayleid Steps 2.6.1 and I read in Readme file that this mod was built using Vanilla Oblivion, OBSE and COBL.

I wanna know if playing Ayleid Steps with QTP3 installed will result in bugs/glitches? Is it 100% sure I will find bugs if I play Oblivion with these 2 mods?

Jos? Henrique.

QTP3 is a texture replacer, so everything will work. the "vanilla Oblivion" is here to let you know, that Shivering Isles version is not needed... :grad:

EDIT:...and probably there were no other mods involved
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:22 am

This stuff is made of awesomesauce, and its good to see you back for improved spicing!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:20 pm

*** Version 3's WIP: ***

Quests: 70%
Books and other in-game texts: 80%
New Locations: 98%
Storyline: 100%
Playtesting: 25%

We're droning on:

Quests & dialogs: 85%
Books and other in-game texts: 95%
New Locations: 99.5 %
Storyline: 100%
Playtesting: (:yuck:) 55%

Some nice forum fellow is currently working on producing/optimizing a few custom textures :D.

I hope the new version will be as stable and solid as 2.6 is, as no problems/conflicts have emerged until now. Thank Talos.
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chirsty aggas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:47 am

We're droning on:

Quests & dialogs: 85%
Books and other in-game texts: 95%
New Locations: 99.5 %
Storyline: 100%
Playtesting: (:yuck:) 55%

Some nice forum fellow is currently working on producing/optimizing a few custom textures :D.

I hope the new version will be as stable and solid as 2.6 is, as no problems/conflicts have emerged until now. Thank Talos.

If you need any help playtesting the mod, give me a shout. I won't be available till friday though :P Otherwise you seem to have made great progress, congrats!
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