*** Version 3's WIP: ***Quests: 70%
Books and other in-game texts: 80%
New Locations: 98%
Storyline: 100%
Playtesting: 25%
What has to become version 3.0 is taking shape now. Real Life permitting, an open beta will emerge in the foreseeable future.
The ultimate debugged and polished version 3.0 should be the 'Final' main version of The Ayleid Steps in terms of content. It has then the 45+ dungeons, some 1000 stepstones, a series of 8 to 10 dialogued (but non-voiced) quests, a load of book and notes texts, a large player home and -domain - and the amazing, complete and true story of the Steps, adressing questions like:
-Why did the hero of the Intro Quest really die? And how?
-What has become of his relatives?
-Why would a new Necromancer cult emerge and chase the owner of a certain key?
-Why is the Council
really interested in the Steps Network?
-Why should you distrust high ranked Aldmers?
-Why have the Ayleids constructed their Steps and where are they now?
The Player will learn the answers in the various quests that reveal this admittedly far-fetched, bizarre and lore-bending story. The quests are linear because the story relies on events that either have happened in the past, or are unfolding somewhere else so that you cannot directly influence them. You are not the story's protagonist but more of an observer who gets involved occasionally.
As I said before, it all ends in tears. But whose?
I have been straining my brains for over a year trying to get the story right. The main challenge was to compose a tale that would explain everything as it was presented in the Intro quest without having to 'cheat' by changing those established stories and scenes. (Note to self: I should credit that Ukrainian guy who PM'ed me to tell me that the story lacked background and inner logic, and it was rather poorly presented too ... he had visited all the Mages Guild halls to see if anyone knew 'Ervvin' and, of course being frustrated in this, announced he was going to rewrite the entire mod to make it all fit. That was a over a year ago.

He got me thinking, though.)
Anyway, the completed beta version will definitely need more playtesting, bug hunting, proofreading and ironing out story and chronology problems. For that I'll need your help, and I'll probably set up a dedicated forum topic by then.
Some teaser pictures: