The bag space issue

Post » Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:34 am

I'm not seeing enough of this on forums and in beta reviews, This is something that needs to be talked (yelled) about.

It is a really really big issue!

The crafting system, exploration, and general enjoyment are all crippled by it.

In beta I had to choose a single profession, PURELY because of bag space, It had nothing to do with saving skill points, Rp, Lore, etc.. Nothing else, Just bag space.

The devs talked so much about exploration and interaction with the enviroment,

but in beta by about level 3 I felt disappointed everytime I walked past a barrel knowing there was useful loot in it.

I think the community needs to be making more noise about this.

It may well be intended, a way to stop people from leveling up every profession,

but if the devs want us to only realistically be able to do 1 profession at a time surely there is a better way to do it.

This doesn't feel like a role playing game-play choice, or a method of balancing, It feels like a broken game mechanic.


1. A second bag that is only for crafting stuff,... The crafting bag would be pretty big, and maybe reduce the normal bag.

2. armor, weapons and enchantments could be "extracted" without a crafting bench.

3. A skill point required to harvest crafting stuff for a specific profession, Making us pick 1 ( Like every other MMO, please don't do this ).

Am I the only one that thinks this is a very big deal?, why arn't more people talking about this? ( there was alot of it on the beta forums )

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Sandeep Khatkar
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Post » Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:36 am

+1 absolutely agree! I love crafting and in ESO I will most likely spread my crafting across several characters so they do not get too gimped in skill points but still, each character will want to GATHER everything to feed to crafting alts. The shared space was also very limited. However, I was able to purchase upgrades to both inventory and bank space with in-game gold in the beta and I also heard that mounts can offer pack space so maybe it will get a little easier in time, especially when we have played for a while and have more gold available to spend.

But yes, inventory space is something I have always struggled with in any game that allows me to craft :-)

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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Mon Feb 17, 2014 1:16 am

You know you can craft with materials in your bank, yeah?

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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:28 pm


Did you buy more bag space? Increase the size of your personal bank?

If not, then you should do so next time, it could help.

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Paul Rice
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:27 pm

I didn't look deep enough to see if there was an option to increase bag space, but if it's there then that's your solution.

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Julie Ann
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 7:26 pm

For normal persons there is the bank space where you can put ALL your craftables, but for dedicated gatherers/crafters it's still a major issue.

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Post » Mon Feb 17, 2014 4:46 am

You can pay gold to increase your bags in increments of 10, and I forget how many bank sizes per increase but also purchasable with gold.

Then there's mounts and capacity. If you feed your horse for capacity, each point of that = 1 extra inventory space when you have that horse with you.

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Assumptah George
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:52 pm

The first upgrade is quite normal, at 400g, but dear lord it then jumps to a whooping 2k, god knows whats further than that.

And horses also cost 17k, so thats a looooooooooooong way down the road.

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Alada Vaginah
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Post » Mon Feb 17, 2014 12:45 am

17k isn't that much, and 2k isn't whopping, and bag space gets waaaay higher, lol.

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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:26 pm

Hmm from what I understood its 10 slots every time, but the payment increases.

And 17k is quite a lot considering repair costs.

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Latino HeaT
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 8:58 pm

Yes I did all that ( didn't use the mount to carry stuff )

even then I was always walking back to town to craft/sell

when I played Wow ( along time ago ) bags were always a priority

and in skyrim everytime I started the game the first thing I did was:

player.setav carryweight 1000

I don't want to have 7 alts JUST for the bag space, But as it is I will

I just hate having to deal with it ALL the time

I know its part of the genre etc.. but this game seems to be the worst for it that I've played,

seems like a backwards step and an easy fix.

Do people enjoy bag management?

If its a ballence issue I get it, but I think they should find a better way to restrict us.

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danni Marchant
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:05 pm

Sorry, I meant the PRICE of the bag increases. Its always 10 extra slots with each purchase.

Repairs aren't that bad. 17k shouldn't take the average person more than 10-20 levels to get if they aren't just blowing cash willy-nilly, which I guess some people might...Guess its subjective, but 17k seems fair to me considering the current economy/loot scaling.

No offense, and please don't take this wrong, but maybe you're just not very good at inventory management? I mean you said yourself you basically cheat in games when able to (inventory increase through console). Walking back to town isn't that big of a deal, and honestly is not even necessary most of the time because there are merchants traveling along most of the roads in the game near wayshrines.

I don't think the developers intended on people trying to gather materials for and train EVERY single craft at the same time. And we know from previous interviews they originally didn't even want us to train more than 2, but just because they changed their mind on that, that doesn't mean they need to make it a cakewalk to do so. Its a lifestyle choice that might not be easy to live.

TESO starts you with more inventory space than almost any other MMO around (50 slots + more in the bank), and you can buy many, many more, Pace yourself a little and it might be easier for you.

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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:20 pm

400/500 for first 10 bag slots, then 2k, then 4,9k, also bank slots available in 10's but they were more expensive, I guess this is due to it being spread over all characters, in beta I didn't really have much of an issue with cash, repairs were limited by making my own armour. when damaged just make a new set - 1 or 2 items like rare tunic etc which I just repaired. I can guarantee my first 5-6k will go on bag/bank slots before anything else so I have space for looting to make more money.

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Solène We
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:06 pm

I think bag space is fine. Bank space however isn't, especially considering it's shared between characters. It's smaller than your bag for God's sake.

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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 3:50 pm

Look at it this's something to work towards. Personally, I want multiple things to work towards in an MMO. Can i eventually increase my bag space? Yup. Do I need to balance it against other upgrades I would like such as horse, gear, crafting, etc? Yup.

I like having multiple things to work towards and I don't mind the fact I can't carry around a massive arsenal of junk with me at all times.

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Tha King o Geekz
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Post » Mon Feb 17, 2014 1:54 am

well, It seems my concerns are not shared with the majority.

I guess i'll make alts just for the bag space like in other mmo's

It feels broken to me, but if most people like dumping useful stuff to vendors I'll just let it go and make my alts

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saharen beauty
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Post » Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:01 am

Yes use the bank offen, and craft.

But when a proper crimsystem come it will fix the problem. It felt werry weard that you was able to loot everything whitout any cost.

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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:18 am

Yes i guess ppl still will use bank alts and crafter alts even if its not benefit as older games-

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Laura Hicks
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:29 pm

Of course I would like more bank space and a cheaper mount lol, but I don't have a problem with the way things are.

Going to use my old mmo as an example for mounts. When I first started playing Lotro, mounts were expensive (cant remember how much) , and if memory serves me correctly, I was around level 30 when I could finally get one.

That was a huge accomplishment for me, it felt great, I'd worked (played) hard for that mount, and it felt like a great reward, something I was sort of proud of achieving.

Lotro today, you can get a horse for next to nothing as soon as you start playing. End result, it's nice to have but there's no sense of accomplishment

With Lotros crafting, you used to have to go to certain places once crafting was above a certain level to use the better crafting stations, this meant if you had a low level alt and leveled the crafting on it, it became a bit of a challenge to get to the areas with the superior crafting station.

Then we could use any ( or almost any, I think it was any) craft station so it became even quicker to level the crafting.

I used to love spending hours having a break from questing/fighting and go out and search for various craft materials. But they decided it was too time consuming and really dumbed down the mats needed to craft. Then they gave us a way of getting mats out of some crafted items, meaning you needed very few mats, could craft, then get most the mats back. End result, for me, crafting became zero fun and zero challenge. I could start an alt, spend very little time collecting the mats needed to max the craft level.

For me, part of the fun of any mmo is working towards getting the things I want, whether it's saving up for more bag space, saving up for a mount, having to find the crafting mats (or if I don't want to do this on an alt, making gold other ways and buying off another player) etc.

My point is, with Lotro, things that I used to spend at least 50% of my playtime doing, were suddenly given to us on a plate for zero effort. End result, I played less and less as there was less and less for me to do. If I get everything straight away, there's no sense of achievement, no goals to aim for and then you end up with many people complaining that there's not much for them to do.

I'd imagine many players coming from say Lotro now to TESO will be horrified at the price of the mount. But it's like anything in life, the more you have to work (or play) for it, the more value it will have to you.

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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:52 pm

I think the problem is, from my experience people are either crafters or they are not. I don't know too many people in MMO's that do just one craft and that's it. Most crafters I know want to do them all; it's just in our nature! And then yeah, it's difficult to manage it all.

But even for those people who are not crafters, surely they would still want to gather ingredients to sell to the crafters? It's all loot one way or another so I would expect most people would want to gather most of the free stuff lying around and there's a lot of it. But as others have said, hopefully the upgrades will seem more accessible after more play time.

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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:30 pm

yes thins are only expensiv whit youre first caracter when the game is new, most old mmos hade so bad infation that the economy was a joke. AoC was the only game that had ok system but far from good.

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Danial Zachery
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Post » Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:13 am

Do you actually think you have so many skillpoints that you can choose 4 different professions with full upgrades,

together with the weapon/armor/world/racial skills etc.

I Think you seriously need to make a choice which ones you want to upgrade and get full benefit from it.

And if you do want multiple professions, this is an mmo, you need to work for the materials.

Running back and forth from grindsites to cities and/or camps to empty your bags is part of it.

Rather then have an immense bagpack where you have "need for 3 horses to carry it" back to the city.

So backspace isnt quite an issue in my opion.

Also because you can buy upgrades in the very 1st city you encounter.

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Marie Maillos
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:53 pm

I didn't have any problem with that and I pick up everything I find. As others have said, you can buy more space. And waypoints are all over the place, so bringing the stuff back to a town with a bank is not much of a hassle, either. I'm ok with that, since TES games always tried to be a bit more realistic than the rest, and I can't see a fragile mage drag around 50 heavy shields, swords and armor pieces.

And anyway, I don't see why anyone should get everything right from the start without having to do a bit of work for it (in this case getting the cash for the bag and bank upgrades). There should be some money sinks to counter inflation as long as possible.

Just for fun and comparison I got one of those 10-days-free Pandaria WoW accounts and started a new toon on a new server. You start with a 20 slot bag, get some 6 slot bags over the first ten levels but run out of space all the time (lots of quest items, lots of crafting stuff, meat, fish, tools ...). I went to the AH to maybe get some bigger bags - no way, they want 20g for an 8 slot bag and hundreds for bigger ones when I only have 2g at lvl 18. You simply can't expect starting a char in a new game and have everything you are used to from a game that you played for years. Which is good IMHO.

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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:14 pm

yes i agree exept from that just by ex farm copper you can sell them at redicules amount off gold in a game when the game have to mutch gold in the marcet.

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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:52 pm

Yes bagspace ist fairly limited if you consider the plethora of crafting materials, different level potions, etc. Also bankspace ist shared of all toons, which is a boon an a curse at the same time.

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Darian Ennels
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