I have converted the mod into a master file to improve mod compatibility.
I have also done likewise with the Balmora Expansion version.
The Fylberding patch for the BE version is still required, and has also been updated.
It will now enable the Cold Spring in the Bath House to add the bonus effect of the normal Hlaalu baths when used.
(Previously, if you bathed with the Cold Spring, you would not recieve any special bonus, unlike the other Hlaalu public baths.)
Also included with the BE version is a fixed copy of Balmora Expansion's ".esp" file
The copy of BE's ".esp" file available on PES originally had an error in it's "required master file" settings.
Lastly, the addons for the "Ascadian Rose Cottage", and the "Provincial Bath Shoppe" are all still fully compatible with both new versions of this mod.
(The rose cottage addon is also fully compatible with my "Ascadian Rose Cottage DX".)

The PES download page can be found here: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=8304