Here's the issue:
I started the quest The Battle for Fort Sungard (I'm with the stormcloaks), since i already had visited the fort before i used fast travel. When doing so i failed to meet with the men that would help we take over the fort and the system automatically putt me on the next step of the quest which is "Take over Fort Sungard by defeating the enemy ( 100% Remaining)". The issues is quite simple, NO ENEMIES what so ever appears!! I tried waiting, going to other locations, restarting the game and restarting the console. None of those worked, no NPCs arrives/appears ever thus i'm unable to complete the quest.
Is it an isolated issue? Or did other people have that problem?
Is there a way for me to fix the issue or counter it?
Details of console and character (in case if it is needed):
PS3 Slim 320GB
Current update of the game 1.02
Character level 50
No companions