The Battle of Fort Constantine

Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 3:26 pm

OOC: this is a carry on from red sky over washington that one poster ruined, if you want to join read the guidelines from the OP of that thread and PM me, it may continue after the battle it may not so if you do join at this late stage then be prepared that it may not go on for very long.

Reidster338 and NYAGohst just start posting you dont have to PM seeing as you were still with the last one

Aston had been suprised at the good condition of the Cypher officer he had heard refferd to as Jacob, usualy the patrol brutes killed on sight, finaly organiseation and strategic thought. The men were ready and spoiling for a fight, he did not even know if thier fear of him would be able to stop them from killing Aron but all was good sor far they had even gotten into trading techniques and stories with the two Cypher rebels. Aston looked out among the crowd they were strong, fit and scared to the point of complete loyalty but then a pang of regret stabbed his heart, they were young men of Arons age with their lives to live. Aston had run many simulations in his head and all resulted in at least heavey casualties. Aston cast these thoughts to the back of his mind and walked toward the platform. " Do the men know what the bomb could do?" Aston adressed the question to his personal gaurd Richard, the only surviving member of his squad from AIRCLAW and his closest freind. " No sir, the higher ups thought it would distress them to much and cause desertions." Richards thick southern accent was the same layed back drawl as always but Aston could sense his fear. " Im going to adress the squad now, we'll leave within the hour." Aston climbed up onto the wooden gallows that served both as an execution platform and a makeshift stage. He took out an SMG and shot once up into the air to get the crowds attention. " Men, soon we will march for Constantine. Take a look at the man next to you because you will likely never see him again, the forces the Red Hand have assembled at the fort are the greatest outside of the city itself. They are well armed and ready for an attack, do not be alarmed if your abilities are limited or are disabled completely this is the manner of the Red Hand they will make you weak so they appear stronger. If this happens pull out your gun and do your best with that.
When we get into the fort we will split into three groups one lead by myself and Aron who i am sure you all know buy now, we will take warhead storadge the most likely place that objective lies, the other lead by the Cypher officer Jacob will take the recently fortified and extended personnell building where the Red Hand leaders may be. The final group lead by Richard will go through the secret underground tunnel through the CO quaters and re-enforce myself and Aron at bomb storadge.
You will have 10 minuites to farewell loved ones and freinds and then we will leave, To march into hell for a heavenly cause." Aston looked among the faces of the soldiers infront of him, many had just realised that this was likely the end. Aston walked to his quarters, took out the phtotgraph of Ysabelle and slotted it into the briast pocket of his uniform just above his heart, maybe she would offer him better protection than he had provided her. Aston walked back to the battlefeild and orderd the men into a forward march toward thier likely doom.


carry on from here, if tayroc disrupts it again then just ignore him and keep posting.
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:31 am

ill be checking applications. later as i have a party to atned so if i dont reply right away dont worry

characters so far

Name: Aron Moore
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Dark Caucasian
Age: 20
Appearance: Green Eyes, Black short cut hair, 5"10, a wasteland wandered outfit, recovered reillys rangers helmet
Weapons: Chinese Assault Rifle, trench knife, 113 assault rifle bullets
Only has one super power, and that is the ability to turn small insects into larger, stronger, faster insects.
Every time he makes an insect larger and stronger and faster he loses stamina and energy. Also he sometimes loses control of what he summons.
Equipment: 3 Stimpaks, Rad-X, Unclean water, 132caps, old book, 1 nuca cola, an old nuca cola truck he keeps in his backpack

Disposition to Red Hand: Hates there rotten ideas and politics.
Disposition to Cypher: Honors them but has doubts...
Disposition to The Vulcans: If they get in his way, he kills them.
Disposition to the Commonfolk/Wastelanders: Will help them if he has to.
Outlook on life: Wants peace but believes war is the only way to get peace.

Backstory: Aron grew up in Rivet City, Left because he wanted to explore. Loves insects, with radiation poisoning or not. Figured out his powers while killing a group of mole rats. He turned a small spider into a giant beast and he could control it. It made him weak though.
Misc. Information: None

Name: Aston Hulse
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: English
Age: 38
Appearance: Aston is a man of above average height with medium length mousey hair flecked with grey, his eyes are a very dull brown glazed over with a look of cynsism and appathy, he has the build of soldier with broad shoulders and the compact muscles of an athelete. he wares a self constructed green uniform similar to the english nepolionic war style. his hands a permenantly coverd by shiny black lether gloves and his feet are encased in impeccabley clean black leather boots. rolls up the sleeves of his uniform in heavey combat
Weapons: a large hunting knife with exactly 8 notches. two dual weilded 10mm SMGs
Superpowers: Aston is able to instantly anolyse any combat situation and run a vauge simulation in his head in seconds ( sort of like a savant with math )
Aston is able to project dart like shards of bone through his palms ( leaving the the conventional method, messing up his hands in the process ( if you can think of a better offensive power i am realy open to suggestions because i had a lot of trouble with it )
Weaknesses: ocaisional random loss of all senses, regaind in 20 minuites

Equipment:a batterd pocket watch engraved to a Y.J

Faction: Vulcan

Disposition to Red Hand: an obbstical to a better people free of the mistakes of the past. respusetfull of their abilities and wary of there weapons
Disposition to Cypher: traitors to their genetics
Disposition to The Vulcans: a group with vast potential and goals worthy of fighting for, but dissorganised and ill disciplined
Disposition to the Commonfolk/Wastelanders: second class citizens in need of the help of mutation to survive.
Outlook on life: Hulse is an appathetic man who has seen many shatterd dreams and lost battles, the only safe ground is neutrality dont get you hopes up and never admit defeat. Stratagises everything and will use his silver tounge to convince others to do his will. The wasteland is a place in need of help, the mutants were created by fate to provide this help and bring the rest of the world either to their level or to its nesicary extinction.

Backstory: Aston was raised a soldier and will die a soldier, his father was a refugee from england and had seen the conflicts that ravaged a once glorious empire. Aston's father tatood the image of the gentlemen soldier in Aston's mind and taught him stratergy and how to fight. Aston joined AIRCLAW for the experience of conflict with a worthy adverssary, leading many succesfull raids and fighting in many battles. When the F.E.V hit Aston he lost his senses for an entire four months, he spent this time reflecting on the great leaders of the past and how they would bring the wasteland under the single banner of empire. when Hulse awoke he was different, cautious opptomism was replaced with cyncism and he no longer drew the enjoyment of battle, every downed foe was just another corpse now. when AIRCLAW was defeated he roamed aimlessly leading vigilanties against raiders and the like. he came out of retirement to fight with the vulcans and try to orginze them into a cohessive fighting unit as a captain.

Misc. Information: when senseless Astons Eyes go a bright yellow and he bleeds from the mouth.

Name: Jacob Stevens
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Age: 32
Appearance: 5'10" slim with light build. Jacob has brown eyes and brown hair. He wears a black hat and yellow tinted shooting glasses. He wears old Winter Combat armor without the helmet. A sergeants insignia is barely visible on his right shoulder.
Weapons: An M4 Assault Rifle and two German P230's. One of which is engraved with the name Robert Stevens, and the other with John Stevens.
Superpowers: Stevens doesn't have a superpower, instead he is a master in the use of weapons. He signed into the Cyphers with the intent of lending a hand in
defeating the Red Hand.
Weakness: The lack of a superpower, thats about it.
NC Equipment: two holsters for his pistols, a pair of shooting glasses, a black hat, and pouch for food.
Faction: Cypher (Officer)

Disposition towards Red Hand: Scum, all of them. They need to learn how it feels to lose everything, starting with their lives.
Disposition towards Vulcans: Misled. They walk the wrong side of life, seeing only what has wronged them, not what has given them new strength to do what is good. Save them if we can.
Disposition towards Cypher: Has the right idea on how to live life, if a little bit too straightforward in objective.
Disposition towards Commoners: Save them all. Innocent lives take priority over old feuds.
Outlook on life: Every life needs to be given a chance.

Bio: Jacob was an Airclaw during the biological attack. He was one of the few who was lucky enough to get away unharmed. He was permanently scarred by the loss of his friends, including Darkwater, whom he thought was dead.

Misc. Jacob is a living reference to Dr. Strangelove's Battle Of Alaska, the first RP i joined on this forum. Jacob is a direct descendent of John Stevens, and Robert Stevens before him. He found himself with a bag at his feet one morning, containing two handguns and a necklace. He never figured out who this was from, or what they meant.

Dispositions will have changed over the course of the last thread, for a full idea of whats going on and what the characters are like go and read the first 3 pages of red sky over washington.
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:04 pm

The march to Fort Constantine took seemed to last an eternity. Aron knew that Fort Constantine was far away, and that the march there would be rigorous and take its tole on his body. He decided to pack some books for when they camped out that night. They were only going to be sleeping outside for one night before they reached Fort Constantine. As he walked behind a line of Vulcan soldiers he thought about the plan to attack the fort. He wanted to be in Jacobs group but he knew they needed to spread out the better soldiers so each group could have a good and well trained leader. After seemingly marching for hours he started to lose strength and his legs were getting numb. When night fell and his clock read nine thirty they stopped and set up camp. He walked over to an empty spot partly secluded from the rest and pitched his tent. When he finished he walked in and laid out his makeshift bed on the ground and pulled out a lantern, which he lit. He grabbed blanket from his pack and laid it gently on the dirty bed. He walked out and looked around him. The others had also pitched their tents and were making sure they were stable. A few men had started a fire in the middle and were sitting on old dirty logs that had obviously been scavenged of off dead trees. He ambled over and searched for something to sit on. He found a log not far from the camp and brought it over. He was afraid to sit near the Vulcans. He laid it on the ground away from the others and sat there. He took out his book and started reading. Even though he never got into it he kept sitting their, mostly thinking and enjoying the amazing freedom he had. Once Aron had finished a few chapters he was contempt and put it back in his bag. He took out his watch, now dirty and scratched up. He wiped of the mud and dirt and noticed it was almost eleven o clock. He got up and said good night to Aston and Jacob. He walked over to his tent and laid on the bed. It had bugs on it and he enjoyed their company. He reached out to a small spiders mind touching it lightly.

Hello there little fellow. The spider looked up and stared at him, surprised. Aron laughed and lay down. He took out his Assault Rifle and cleaned it with a rag. His emotions were getting the best of him. He loved his life, and he wanted to live it as long as possible. A single tear fell from his eye. Falling upon the spider, scaring it away.

OOC: Thanks for making the new post. I saw what happened to the other one. Some people just wont give up.
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:28 pm

Night had fallen and the men where sleeping and resting for the battle ahead,that would be a key factor in the war with the Red Hand, Aston could not sleep, he never could on the eve of battle. Thoughts raced through his head, was his stratergy good enough, could he trust Jacob, did Aron camond the respect needed to keep the men in line. He looked over to richard, his best freind and the man he had betrayed. The opening from the CO office was narrow few were likely to survive the route but no great plan is viable without a disection of the enemy forces, this would make sure that the Hand were fighting on two fronts giving Aston the greatest chance of victory. Aston had origanoly put jacob in this position of his plan but he could not be sure of how loyal he would be to keep fighting when the bodies started to pile up. Aston walked over to some of Jacobs Cypher recruits, none seeemed to trust him and probably saw him as a cliche vulcan sociopath, this was starting to bother Aston, he had worked hard to be were he was and he wanted respect. Aston sat on the log and started trading stories of the old days, when a young seargent Hulse was the golden boy of AIRCLAW, raids on Red Hand Bases, defending against deathclaws and Yao Gui. The stories were a distraction from the upcoming battle for Aston and he could see he had drawn the Cypher men into the tales, but soon he reached the day that would change him for ever, F.E.V day. Aston walked over to his bed and took out an old pre war book Sharpes Challenge he had made himself around this fictional hero but in this moment he knew that they were worlds apart. Aston did a rutine weapons check to make sure his firearms were in good condition and then went to his rest and his nightmares about the night AIRCLAW died.
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JaNnatul Naimah
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:48 pm

Aron walked slowly keeping his mind focused on what he was to do ahead. He had been assigned the main attack force to reach the nuclear device and deactivate it. He walked in the very back of the line and was trying to see if he could see Fort Constantine ahead. After walking for another two or three hours he though he could see the large building looming ahead. All of the men stopped and were making their last preparations before the attack. Aron loaded his assault rifle making sure it was unjamed. He then started looking for insects to try and morph for the battle ahead. After finding some spiders, ants, cockroaches and other unusual creatures morphed by radiation. After he caught them he put them in his pocket and zipped his pocket up keeping them from escaping. He then saw Aston in the clearing ahead telling the soldiers the plans one more time. Aron holstered his assault rifle and walked up. After more explaining Aston walked back to his equipment and put it on. Once all the men were ready they started to group up ready to attack the fort.

OOC: short post sorry...
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The Time Car
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 11:07 am

Aston was exited, the two auxilary forces were in position waiting for orders and he was about to launch the attack. The men looked ready, the fear and forbodeing of yesterday was gone and replaced with that incomparable Vulcan bloodlust thst made his unit particularily renowned. He had said his goodbyes to Richard an hour ago and had now cast all thoughts about his old freind into the furnace of stratergy in his mind, winning was all that matterd death was irrelevent this would cement Aston with other great war heroes ; Napolean, Hannibal, Alexander the great he would soon join thier ranks. Aston gave a final speech re-breifing the man and then walked over to Aron. " If we make it through this, you are going to have to choose. " Aston kept walking letting the young soldier think over his words he moved to the very front of the ranks, took out his guns and launched the attack.


OOC: not the longest post but i wanted to get the action underway and get the ball rolling. NyaGhost you will need to post soon the battle is officialy on.
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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:27 am

The charge started. Aron hung back in the crowd of Vulcan soldiers. They ran quickly towards the fort, only rarely taking cover. He could tell the Red Hand sentry's had noticed them. Bullets started flying past them and the ones that hit were to small to actually wound any of the Vulcan soldiers. When they were so close he could see the red hand soldiers they stopped and waited. Aron saw the other two groups attacking on opposite directions. He hoped Jacob wouldn't get hurt in the battle. Devoting his attention back to his own group they started to attack again. The soldiers lumbered forward making great progress. Now they were in front of the chain link gate, the first defensive post. He shot of about five rounds from his assault rifle and got back to cover. It's time... Aron took out the spider and two other ants. He focused his energy into their minds. The spider wiggled and tried to escape, but it was to late. Aron had taken control. The giant ants and the spider ran up and busted open the gate. The red hand soldiers holed up their were easily scared out and the Vulcans dropped them. If I can keep these insects alive, there may be few casualties...
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:35 pm

Jacob and four others dove through the windows of the troop's building in a loud crash. Immediately his squad tucked into a tight formation and moved throughout the building. There was a chilling silence, with only the dull thumps of gunshots from outside reverberating into the room. Jacob made two quick vertical cutting motions with his left hand, signaling the advance of his men. Two Vulcans took point, a Cypher in the rear, and Jacob in the center. The last man stayed behind and watched their backs. The remainder of Jacob's forces were either fighting to hold the entrances or had been cut down on approach.

They moved quickly and quietly, not coming into any resistance. When they had cleared the Troop's building they started to move towards the main gate. They were cut off en route by a squad of Red Hand soldiers and two bots. Jacob scanned the group quickly, wondering why they hadn't fired yet. Suddenly he understood. "Shift LEFT!" The squad turned on their heels and engaged a sentry bot that had almost taken them all out. Within seconds the bot was destroyed, riddled with bullets and fried by pulse grenades. "TAKE 'EM DOWN!" Jacob yelled as his men screamed their battle cries and began the fight. The Red Hand were way outmatched, unable to combat the powers of the Mutants. Fire and Lightning erupted spontaneously out of thin air, igniting and burning their targets to crisps. Bullets whizzed back and forth as the Reds and their minions fell to the ground one by one. The last one that remained dropped his guns and raised his hands to surrender.

One of Jacob's men moved to secure him when the Red grabbed for a switch and hit the button. The Cypher who moved up barely had time to mutter "Cra-" before the grenades detonated, ripping him and the Red to shreds. A strange blue light pulsed through the building, causing any mutant that it hit to crash to the ground and writhe in pain before finally disintegrating from the inside out. Jacob stood alone in the building, his comrades remains scattered about him. "Aww [censored]"
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 1:14 pm

people were falling all over the place, every move his force made came with heavey cost, ten men had been lost alreadey. Aron's insects were doing huge amounts of damage. Aston had felled seven red hand soldiers so far, three with his darts, two with his guns and and two with his knife. Aston had been hit almost as soon as he gave the order to move, the bullet that skimmed his ankle did nothing more than make him wince for a moment before he started to run towards the fort. The screams of the men dying on both sides touched a long lost area of Astons soul, one he had vowed to ignore for the rest of his life, the thrill of taking a life. More soldiers dropped to his darts the initial ninety soldiers on the plateu had benn reduced to near seventy, with about fifteen Vulcans dead. Aston's Smg's ran out of ammunition so he started flinging his darts, more rapidly and acurately than ever before, blood red fragmens of bone crisscrossed the battle feild as he selected targets. A red hand soldier came out of the fort with a huge weapon the mutants knew well Aston shouted to warn the others " Anti Fev Gattling!!!! " a mofdified gattling laser that would strip his men of their powers. Aston was about to drop the soldier when he was knocked aside and just watched as the young soldier was mauled by a spider three time that of what he had seen Aron produce before, the boy was realey starting to impress Aston. the battle progresssed there was blood everywhere, the fighting went on four what seemed days but was actualy an hour. By the end there were 38 vulcan soldiers left to deal with the surrendering 26 Red Hand. Aston told the men to execute the prisoners and they pushed inside the fort.


OOC: Reidster, if you dont want Aron making insects this size then just say the word and ill edit
may be my last post for about a day. so if you realley want to progress do so though your characters eyes, just dont find the bomb, the red hand leaders, or mention richard. and under no circumstances is there to be a giant atomic blast that kills everything. ;)
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:06 am

Good Job. when yor next post
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:15 pm

OOC: Im back dont seem to have missed anything, you lazy bone RP'ers ;)


the inside of the bomb storadge facility was enourmous, there were walkways and balconies everywhere each with a number of soldiers readey to pick off any threat that cam through the door. Aston had anticipated this and had manueverd his forces around to the side of the fort, placeing explosive charges against the side wall and making themselves a new door. forces poured through the hole in the wall over the bodies of the soldiers unlucky enough to have been killed by the explosion and falling rubble. Aston orderd the Vulcans to first pick off the soldiers on the balconies and walkways, the twelve climbers scaleing the walls and either breaking thier necks or slitting there throats. Bullets and lazer beams flashed through the air norrowly missing Aston, the confusion and bloodieness of the battle working to the Vulcans advantadge. Aston was killing at a rate that he had not since his old days as the golden boy of AIRCLAW's black ops team. Arons insects were not fareing as well inside the building as they had outdoors in thier natuaral climate, but they were still a huge factor. Aston was unable to see Aron through the fighting masses, but he was sure that as long as the insects were enlarged and still under control then Aron would still be thriving . Aston's palms began to feel numb from the blood lost through the exiting darts, the pain from the bullet in his ankle keeping him focused. The Vulcans were running out of men and more Red Hand soldiers were pouring out of the next room of the warehouse. The sheer number of Hand soldiers was getting the better of the more powerfull vulcan forces. Suddenly a section of flooring flew up and a very familiar Texan voice shouted a cry fierce enough to put fear into the heart of any man. Richards re-enforcements had arrived, coverd in blood but with no casualties. The battle swung and eventualy both warehouse floors were emptied of red hand soldiers, but a defient automated door still stood between the Vulcans and thier target. Aston looked down at the one surviving red hand soldier, the fear in his eyes spurring Aston on " The bombs are behind this automated door yes? " the soldier remained silent. Aston shot a dart into the mans shoulder " twenty soldiers will acompany you to the personnel building and you will bring me the officer with the clearance and password to open this door. or the next one wont be in your shoulder, understand."
Aston hoped that Jacob had not alreadey killed the only man able to ensure the destruction of the weapon behind the door.


OOC: we are to have a new member soon, who will be the officer the soldier has been sent to retrive.
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Jack Moves
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:07 am

OOC: we are to have a new member soon, who will be the officer the soldier has been sent to retrive.

have no fear atled's here

Name:mason Briggs
Appearance: green eyes,black hair 5'11 wearing T-51b power armor with a green painted helmet
Weapons:p-94A1 plasma rifle and a .45 colt peacemaker(family heirloom)
Weaknesses:bad right leg making it impossible to move quickly without his armor
Equipment: pip boy 3000-a,night vision and thermal optics for armor,5 stim-paks,500 micro fusion cells and 250 .45 Armor piercing rounds
Faction:Red Hand

Disposition to Red Hand:believes there tech is the only way to save the wastes but believes them in need of a regime change
Disposition to Cypher:he thinks they need to be broken up but is beginning to think they may be saviors
Disposition to The Vulcans:murderous rebels
Disposition to the Commonfolk/Wastelanders:they must be protected
Outlook on life:hopeful

Backstory:born in the Raven rock base he was trained to be an enclave soldier. but after the enclave was destroyed he joined the Red Hand
and quickly rose through the ranks to colonel to do his expertise.
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:24 pm

OOC: sweet, start posting, but from now on can people PM me instead of just putting up there character sheets
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:09 pm

atled3 try adding a bit more of a backstory, it makes for a far more interesting character.
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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:07 pm

The battle was bloody, but it was well fought. The Vulcan soldiers had fought well. The ants and spiders had killed many of the soldiers. Aron shrunk them back to their normal size. He took some a pill of Buffout. It gave him energy and the eager urge to kill more. After finishing off the remaining soldiers Aron walked up to the soldier Aston was talking to. After the quick speech he could tell the man wanted to find the officer, for his sake. Aron asked if he could be with the group to retrieve the officer and he was accepted. He and the other Vulcan soldiers walked outside of the room and headed towards the gunfire they heard. Three red hand ran around the corner, and were slaughtered by the Vulcan soldiers rifles. After marching up the steps they came upon the main battle. One large room was filled with Red Hand soldiers surrounding a door where Jacob and the others were trying to fend them of. Aron and the men surprised the Red Hand soldiers and they quickly overtook them. Aron had made sure there wasn't and officer. The officers usually wore a white trench coat with red stripes. After greeting Jacob they headed to the next level. The resistance was small, even though they came across a Red Hand soldier armed with a gatling laser. Aron stood next to the fortified door. It had been obviously barricaded. This is probably were the officer is.
"Ok, we need to rig this door with grenades." After putting about ten grenades in front of the door they all ran back to a safe distance. Aron aimed at the grenades and shot one round. The bullet pierced the grenade on top, and the huge explosion rang throughout the corridor.
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 1:42 pm

I'm touched you guys, I really am :P
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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:17 pm

Name: Colonel Norman Lee
appearance: 5'6 brown eyes, black hair, 140 pounds,wears an officer's uniform with a ridiculous amount of self-awarded medals
weapons:Glock 18 and a battle suit meant to deal with mutants, 3 incendiary grenades
superpower: the battlesuit specially designed to combat mutants and to defend high ranking Red hand officials it is armor plated and is shock and flame resistant with a minigun mounted on both arms,as well a flamethrowers on it. To deal with armored threats it has a heavy laser that requires charging up
weaknesses: the suit has a power pack on it which is exposed when Norman charges the laser up and when he is on ground he is just a human
equipment: command radio, 3 stimpaks, purified water, 25 GOLD coins( you can loot him if he dies)
Faction Red Hand

Disposition to Red Hand: Life couldn't be better as an officer
disposition to Cypher: a few upstart mutants, nothing more
disposition to vulcan: a few stupid mutants, however it is a bigger threat
disposition to waste landers: who cares about them!

Back story: Norman joined the red hand early on and is rewarded with being in charge of the defense of fort Constantine he enjoys many luxuries that being an officer has to off and loves to show off his might with military parades and such. His family is living well in Red Haven so Norman has never known too much hardship

Colonel Lee thought heard gunshots and explosions outside of his command center and he knew that they were coming for him. He ordered everyone to take up positions and they rigged a nasty surprise at the doorway, anyone foolish enough to come through would be met with a murderous hailstorm of bullets. It would be followed quickly by a counter-attack that would hopefully repel the mutants. He looked around and said into his radio "This is colonel Lee and we need reinforcements at our location NOW!" He hoped that colonel Briggs would come through with those tanks that he requested. They would need all the firepower they could get. If worst comes to worst, I may need the X-357 battlesuit to combat these foes he thought. So Norman quickly rushed to the storage located at the back and started to punch in the access codes.
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Beast Attire
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 1:55 pm

Name: Colonel Norman Lee
appearance: 5'6 brown eyes, black hair, 140 pounds,wears an officer's uniform with a ridiculous amount of self-awarded medals
weapons:Glock 18 and a battle suit meant to deal with mutants, 3 incendiary grenades
superpower: the battlesuit specially designed to combat mutants and to defend high ranking Red hand officials it is armor plated and is shock and flame resistant with a minigun mounted on both arms,as well a flamethrowers on it. To deal with armored threats it has a heavy laser that requires charging up
weaknesses: the suit has a power pack on it which is exposed when Norman charges the laser up and when he is on ground he is just a human
equipment: command radio, 3 stimpaks, purified water, 25 GOLD coins( you can loot him if he dies)
Faction Red Hand

Disposition to Red Hand: Life couldn't be better as an officer
disposition to Cypher: a few upstart mutants, nothing more
disposition to vulcan: a few stupid mutants, however it is a bigger threat
disposition to waste landers: who cares about them!

Back story: Norman joined the red hand early on and is rewarded with being in charge of the defense of fort Constantine he enjoys many luxuries that being an officer has to off and loves to show off his might with military parades and such. His family is living well in Red Haven so Norman has never known too much hardship

Colonel Lee thought heard gunshots and explosions outside of his command center and he knew that they were coming for him. He ordered everyone to take up positions and they rigged a nasty surprise at the doorway, anyone foolish enough to come through would be met with a murderous hailstorm of bullets. It would be followed quickly by a counter-attack that would hopefully repel the mutants. He looked around and said into his radio "This is colonel Lee and we need reinforcements at our location NOW!" He hoped that colonel Briggs would come through with those tanks that he requested. They would need all the firepower they could get. If worst comes to worst, I may need the X-357 battlesuit to combat these foes he thought. So Norman quickly rushed to the storage located at the back and started to punch in the access codes.

Is this a joke? If so, its even worse than mine.
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:42 pm

nope but it has been approved
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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:41 pm

OOC: Nice to see a new face. :D As for you Tayroc, your scamming just as much as you say other people are. :cryvaultboy:

The door exploded shattering fragments of the wood everywhere. Immediately the bullets cut down two Vulcan soldiers. Aron leaped back behind cover and fired of two shots. The bullets kept coming, nonstop. He wanted to grow more insects but he knew he couldn't. He was already too weak. He threw in a grenade hoping for good results. He heard a few soldiers scream and he decided to move forward. He took cover next to the door, not daring to peek in. He blindly shot of more rounds. After unloading his magazine he peeked in and saw a large room. Red Hand soldiers were at the opposite corners barricaded behind desks. Aron rolled in. He slid behind a desk and motioned for the others to come. Slowly the Vulcans emerged from the door and took cover. Aron peeked up and fired more shots. He saw two Hand soldiers fall to the ground, dead. He moved up to another fallen desk. He noticed that he was losing alot of Vulcan soldiers. He took out an ant from the sack at his belt and morphed it quickly. The ant sprang up and charged the soldiers. He cleared out the small barricade. He then charged after the bigger one. Before he could make it something came out of the corner. It was a man but highly armed. He released the fire from his wrists and smoldered the ant. Aron tried to look over the man. He had combat armor that looked highly modified. He noticed most of the man weapons were for long range.If I can take out those flamethrowers... He shot at the man upper wrist hopping to connect with the flamethrower and be able to attack the man at close range.

OOC:brb suppa time :intergalactic:
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phillip crookes
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 11:13 am

Norman had just been able to get the armor out and quickly get it equipped as fast as possible. The troops at the door couldn't hold out for very long so he decided to pitch in using the flamethrowers to repel the giant ants. Theres too many of them and then with horror he looked at his HUD:

Armor: 97%
energy: 79%
Ammo: 80%
flamer fuel: 20%
Rockets left: 2

He had to get out quick or else he was dead so Norman fired a his rockets at the roof and ordered his men(whats left of them) to stack up behind him to make an armored column to "punch" their way out and make their last stand at the Bomb site. There was a "click" and he realized that without his flamethrower, he was a goner so Norman tried to get out of the situation as fast as he could. His thoughts were cut short by a bullet taking out his flame throwers. He was running out of time so he charged at the leader of the mutants who was taking down his troops left and right. Norman turned around to tell his troops to keep moving and to his dismay none of them were still alive. So expending and remaining energy reserves he activated the boosters and jumped right over the heads of the vulcan leader landing in the hallway behind them . Then the suit powered down! Norman ejected and made a run for it.
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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:46 pm

Aron sprinted after the fleeing officer yelling the other Vulcans to pursue the remaining red hands. He ran past the suit of armor and followed the man down the stairway. The man was fast and Aron had trouble keeping up with him because of the energy lost because of creating the ants. He yelled for the man to stop twice but the man simply ignored him. Aron was thinking of any way to take the man alive. He yelled to a group of patrolling Vulcans to help him stop the man without wounding him. The group ran to the back of the hallway and sprinted around trying to corner the man. Each time he thought he had the man he always seemed to slip away. That's what practically living in a fort can do for you. After chasing the man around the building a third time he decided to use his gun. Aiming at the mans heel Aron fired. The bullet nicked the man. He slowed but continued to run. Aron began to tire greatly so he called upon Jacob to help him. His men set up posts around the fort. The officer kept running trying to find fellow soldiers. Eventually the man began to tire and Aron backed him in a corner finally. He hoped this man had no tricks up his sleeves...
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:21 am

After sprinting and avoiding the man chasing him he got cornered! It seemed like all was lost, so Norman decided to it fight. He pulled the pin on his incendiary grenade and tossed at the man's feet.Quickly he pulled out his glock and fired. The man reacted quickly, though it was clear both combatants were tired by jumping out of the way and firing one shot. It hit Norman right in his heart and he stumbled backwards and dropped to the ground. Am I dead? thought Norman. But he was not. He realized that his Red hand medal of valor had saved him! so when he heard that man get closer he mustered his last ounce of strength and lunged at the man with his knife. He prayed to God to let him be victorious, it wasn't fair, it can't just end like this!

OOC: looks like it's getting desperate! ^_^
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:02 pm

The knife came so close to his face Aron almost screamed out. He pushed the man with his remaining power against the wall, knocking him out. Aron sat down trying to regain more energy. He took another buffout, only a small tablet because he didn't want to overdose. "Ok men, we need to get him to that door." They traveled back to the main room were Aston was now standing. Aron slapped and nudged him a few times. Then the main slowly awoke, looking terrified. "Give us the pass code and we will let you live." Aron was serious. He had chased this men for what seemed like forever. The man only stared at them. Aron pulled out his gun ready to shoot.
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:54 am

well it looked like the end was near, however he had one bargaining chip, the codes. "Go ahead shoot me if I die you'll never get through" He only had to stall long enough for reinforcements to come. He tried to think of something, anything. But his mind was blank. He had run out of tricks. It was going to take a lot of endurance he thought. Norman expected them to resort to torture so he braced himself either they were going to negotiate or he was going to have his head blown off. The standoff continued for a few minutes of yelling and death threats. When he heard a deep rumbling sound of vertibirds...

OOC: sorry for the short post, not much I could think of, probably my last post of the day. EDIT actually I may be back in an hour or two
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Hannah Barnard
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