I couldn't care if the graphics are better than witcher 3 or not.
There is actual detail and story in the freaking environment! Mannequins holding machetes and standing next to bath tubs, skeletons in the driver seats of cars, or flung through windows of a crashed vehicle. Skeletons crushed by toppled over vending machines. Skeletons holding plasma cutters, and sledge hammers trying to break out of a sealed entrance.
Teddy bear art!
Damage actually mimics the location of where the bombs fell. Weather phenomena, companions actually interacting with the world rather than standing next to you like a statue. Freaking dark humor. A living breathing world, occasional wars happening in the background. And people actually forgetting what past things really were! And then some!
These are all things I haven't seen and been craving from games for A LONG TIME! Bethesda provided.
Heck you can even tell what you may be fighting by just looking at the corpses! These corpses aren't thrown about randomly! They were skillfully placed. Raider's look like they were having a final stand, with one dead slumped, back against the wall and pistol in his hand.
Bodies ripped apart, and scatttered, the place looks like it's had it's scavenge thrown all over the place. You know you got ghouls. Holes in the walls, broken windows, random "Dead" bodies? You know you got ghouls, and you are freaking double tapping them immediately.
Entire place looks like the koolaid man bashed it in? You may have a Death Claw!
Mutilated bodies, and crude graffiti? Raiders!
Everything is too quiet? Institute!
Hear a chopper overhead? Or the entire place is littered with scorch marks? BOS