I have seen lots of threads about textures, followers, overhauls etc but few dedicated to the best Audio mods.
So what are your favourites and why?!
Here are some of mine!
A great zero-impact-on-performace mod! Subtle and excellently made.
Some feature include:
-300 new ambient sounds to exterior and interior locations
-new sounds for light snowing and blizzards
-waterfalls fader slider added to skyrim audio menu
-house interiors now have rain and moaning wind sounds when it rains or snows outside
-new impact sounds for all weapon classes
-new and some heavily tweaked draw, sheathe, block and bash sounds for all weapon classes
-new sounds for firing firebolt, fireball, lightning bolt, lightning chain
-many mixing tweaks across the board, including reverb
I like to use this mod with darker nights and the music off! It's a really engaging experience!
This gets rid of all crafting noises, all alchemy noises, all map noises, all BOINK, CLANK and SWOOSH noises in the UI. Even the save menu and settings options have no sound when being selected!....after years of hearing these cartoon effects a silent UI is very immersive and a great addition to any game!
This little mod modifies the distance necessary to trigger an NPC greeting. You can make it so staring an NPC in the face is the only way to trigger his or her greeting. OR turn the distance to zero with the installer for a greeting free game!
No more irritating jokes about sisters and junk treasures!
This also silences many UI elements (but not all) and the optional esps include quieter torches and no bug sounds for a desolate night in the tundra!
So what are your favourite audio mods for Skyrim?