» Tue May 07, 2013 6:07 pm
For me Morrowind has the most interesting story and factions. Factions as true, coherent in the gameworld organizations, not just collections of quests, not just quest hubs. The best factions in terms of writing, lore integration, connections to the bigger picture, rewarding progression and aptitude requirements.
As concerning the most interesting questlines and individual quests, Oblivion hands down. The mages, I liked working my ranks up. The Dark Brotherhood, very fine pieces of work there, variety, surprise, good characters. Also the thieves in Oblivion were quite interesting. Too bad Skyrim couldn't keep up with Oblivion in terms of quest writing, maybe except Daedric where I can't precisely name one as better than the other, they both have good and bad.
As for cities, Vivec hands down has the most intriguing character and stand out architecture. I would like Bethesda to try and be that daring and creative again when they'll build the cities of the future games.