» Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:15 pm
I asked Matt a while back if he could confirm to me exactly where a few locations mentioned in Falllout 3 were, specifically Ronto, but unfortunately he wasn't able to tell me anything. I kind of assumed that, barring the real possibility of Bethesda not wanting to reveal that information, you guys just didn't remember where you originally intended them to be. If that's the case, and imagine me falling to my knees and begging you guys while saying this if it helps, could you guys arrange a meeting with the people responsible for determining this sort of thing and come together and give actual locations to these places? http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/East_Coast lists all the places you've mentioned in Fallout 3, and the following are all the places that have no confirmed location:
Broken Banks
Crater Banks
Great Lanta
Erie Stretch
The Abbey of the Road