Whilst I of course respect and honour your views on the world of Tamriel, with your being a fellow son of Summerset, I must protest most vociferously at the notion of the beast races being anything other than mere savages. Granted, I have not myself ever left the confines of the glorious Summerset Isles (the very thought repulses me), although I simply refuse to believe that the beast races are anything other than mindless savages. Indeed, I find it a rather offensive, and indeed repulsive idea that the beast races are capable of anything other than the most base emotions and instincts. Why, what you suggest is tantamount to heresy!
I trust that upon your return to Summerset you either publish your peer-assessed research for the rest of us to pour over, or else seek instant medical attention, as you are almost certainly suffering from some sort of mental confusion, as a result of having been around so many lesser mortals for a prolonged period of time.You poor, poor soul. Hurry back to Summerset, before you lose what is left of your already shattered mind.
Brother Anon,
Yes, being away from the glorious isles for decades does make the heart grow fond of home.
Indeed, I plan to set sail as soon as my work in Tamriel proper is complete, wich should not take long, five to ten years at most.
Please understand me brother that I do not comment on the obvious savagery of the lesser races, but upon their innate intelligence.
Long has it been held that, say, an Argonian did not really understand the sounds it was making. Rather, it would have associated certain sounds with certain happenstances and made a connection between the sound 'food' and actual food.
However, my detailed and in depth studies have brought to light that while they are savage and unrefined, yes, they do posess 'the spark of understanding'.
I shall not go in detail on the various mundane and arcane experiments involved, just know that it was a costly and lenghty endeavour.
I am confident that I have gathered enough case studies, conversed with a proper amount of ancestor spirits (The mere fact that they have those is an indicator) and made enough experimentations to refute the theory (accepted as it is, it is still a theory) that the beast races are not sentient.
In my mind however I have already moved a step further, towards the implications of my theory.
Do you see, it may be possible for them to achieve enlightenment and to follow the proper old ways!
With enough incentive and education, of course.
It has been my long held belief that education is the bane of savagery.
May your path be well lit,