» Wed May 08, 2013 10:32 am
Well, I'm not the master of content-size catagorizing or anything... Quests don't really break up into the same catagories, they're done more by number of quests.
Small: A single quest that's fairly short. Do something simple, talk to someone, etc. These are usually Misc objectives in Skyrim.
Big: A larger single quest that involves far more work, and a deeper story.
Small chain: A few quests in a row that build on the same story. They can each be large or small, usually a mix.
Big chain: A large chain of quests that build on the same story, something like a main quest for Skyrim, or one of the guilds.
And I can't really catagorize quest/lands mods... So again, this is all objective:
Small: Adds one quest or a very small new area. Adds anywhere from 30 - 60 minutes of gameplay.
Medium: Adds one large quest or several, and a larger new area/dungeons. Adds 60-180 minutes of gameplay.
Large: Adds a lot of quests, and a large new area/many interiors. Adds 3-10 hours of gameplay.
Massive: Adds a LOT of quests, and other content. Very large new area, or massive new land. Adds 10-30 hours of gameplay.
By the Nine!: Adds an absurd amount of content. 30+ hours of gameplay.
Again, all objective since I'm just kind of estimating things... Hopefully Falskaar will be massive for all, and maybe even 'By the Nine!' for some... I would hope.