THE BIG MODS: List them, stalk them and cuddle them! Post al

Post » Wed May 08, 2013 11:14 am

original thread
Continuing this from the Previous OP:
My friend Winterhold Guard told me to post a new thread where it will be constantly updated, but i m not sure what Solitude Guard will say. NONETHELESS, HERE WE GO! Ulfric better give me a pay rise for this, perhaps promote me to legate. Damn dragonborn took all the prizes while i still stand here and guard that windhelm gate.

For easy browsing, stalking and exposure to the big Skyrim mods in development. They need time, but they also need support and recognition!
thats right! These guys work hard and they play harder. This is why we need to show em the support. Imagine a guy releasing a huge mod and nobody plays

~if you know of a big mod that is not listed here, let me know. Same with any mistakes I've made.
~ if you know how the mod progresses, let me know
~ if you are a creator of a BIG mod (new lands, many/big quests, well-developed NPC, serious tweak-pack, new faction with quests, something else that's big), let me know.
~ if you want to write a 1-3 sentence brief 'about' a mod, do it!
~ if you support this mini-archive, spread the word and help these mods be noticed by people who want some juicy, BIG stuff in their Skyrim.
~ let me know of any significant changes or progress in the mods! That should be a useful 'way of bumping this.
~if the other OP comes back, get a dark brotherhood assassin for me and i will make the arrangements.

fully finished(or finished but adding more bugfixes and expansions) / some version released / almost at first release / hot in-progress / just starting / hiatus/dead/no news

New lands+ big extensions to the vanilla world of skyrim
(I think they all include quests and some include many more things)

Babylon (dead)

Beyond Skyrim
The site hosts individual mods that will be released. The title says so, that areas outside skyrim will be added. Each mod is on its own. They are elsweyr, hammerfell, return to morrowind, travel to cyrodiil, high rock

Ethas: Embrace of Destiny
In Embrace of Destiny, you will explore the lands of Arelia and Virardan, two countries currently at war with each other. Your role starts you out as one of the five famous Captains of the Arelian Army. Choices will be made, and sides will be chosen. The only question that remains, is, will you become the hero, or the villain?

Death Mountain(waiting for status)

Death Mountain is a fortress located in the skies of skyrim, full of enemies.
Death Mountain will require a very high level of experience, and there will be many dangers they will have to bite along the entire adventure. made up of several Quest, in which we will move finding various hidden notes, which show us the way forward etcetc

(lands, story) A new landmass north of Tamriel with almost 600 years of complex lore, and tons of new content that should add about 20-30+ hours of gameplay when completed. PREPARE PREPARE FOR IT. IT IS NEARLY READY. HOLD ON YOUR SEAT BELTS!

Explore a new land, unsettled by men or Mer, and complete a series of quests to rule it.

Isle of the Akavir (waiting for reply on its status)
Since this is a new island added in lake illinata, i can say it is, a new land, though not in a worldspace like wyrmstooth.
Shrouded in the mists of Lake Illinalta, the Isle of the Akaviri continues to guard the secrets it has kept for millenia. Architecture never seen before throughout Tamriel is only the beginning. The island houses its own unique township and economy as well. There are places of worship unknown to anyone but the residents, and it is rumored that there are plants and creatures unknown to anyone but storytellers with the wildest of tales!

(lands, models, story) Introduces new land of Isgaard. (lands, story, models, creatures) introduces The new continents north of skyrim of Atmora and issgard as well as new sea of ghosts islands , with lore fitting new quests , creatures , architectures , weapons , armors and more...

steam demo here
AND a Nexus demo HERE
A massive area in High Rock, Above Daggerfall In the Wrothgarian Mountains between Vermeir and Thorvale.

Lost Holds of Skyrim: falkreath Creek
It's working on a huge new explorable area near Falkreath, full of wonderful pine forests. Like an expansion to the vanilla world, and that fits well in it. It will have very detailed and unique quests. It's such a beautiful mod and one of my favourites... the forests are just wonderful.

A large new city situated beyond the initially playable area Northwest of Skyrim and on the border to High Rock, Luftahraan and its surrounding lands feature a large cast of fully voice acted NPCs, an extensive and engaging main quest and numerous side and miscellaneous quests for the player to complete

Moonpath to Elsewyr
(areas, quests, creatures, meshes) Its a Mod attempting to give an Elsweyr experience to any player of Skyrim regardless of race.

Rochebere is an entirely new city/landmass mod. The city itself is based on and around the borders of Skyrim, Cyrodiil and Hammerfell. The city includes a main storyline featuring several unique, cinematic and dynamic quests, which will lead you to multiple endings and determine the fate of Rochebere. New quests will take you to entirely new locations, climbing over rooftops, chasing foes through burning buildings and hiking up steep, snowy mountains.

Shadows of Dragonstar
Ever got disappointed at gamesas not releasing the socalled redguard. Well, GUESS WHAT?! Warm up and head west to North Hammerfell. Stop an evil Shadow Mage from destroying the world. Run from Elephants. This mod is basically a homemade expansion for the North Hammerfell region. The entire story should take about 8 hours to complete. This is a new land and will not affect Skyrim’s worldspace. This mod is loosely based on the old shadowkey travels game. This mod’s worldspace is roughly 1/3 that of Skyrim. Discover two towns, a large city, several dungeons, the shadow realm, and more.

Silgrad Tower
(lands, quests) Silgrad Tower is a mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that will initially encompass the area around the city of Silgrad Tower in western Morrowind ( Upon completion of this portion, we will expand north, creating the cities of Soluthis and Blacklight.

The Clockwork Adventure
A portal of unknown origin has appeared in the reach. Will you dare to enter it and see what is beyond? This mod is a recreation of Sotha Sil's clockwork city of TES3 expansion bloodmoon. While most of the city remain similar to the expansion, there will be a point where there is a dramatic turn of events leading to totally new neverseenbefore areas.

The Final Tear
(New Lands, Quests) Explore the Dres Estate and determine its fate; resolve its buried secrets hidden deep within the island's forgotten tombs, or champion the cause of the Thalmor and seize this pocket of independence for the Aldmeri Dominion.

(uh, everything and their cat) Huge multi-component modification, still under development. To contain quests, land, NPCs in the upcoming future.

Personally i played this mod and it is really good! The modder states that the island is going to be expanded probably.

(I think they all include quests and some include many more things including races, creatures etc)

Andoran: Prologue
Lands, battles, houses, and various other goodies.

Brings the world known form Eragon into Skyrim.

Balzu is a total conversion mod currently in production for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The mod is set in a completely custom world called Durs (rhymes with 'curse'). Balzu is one of the names that the natives of Durs have given to their version of Hell. The intent of this mod is to scare you.

Enderal: The Shards of Order &--#60;--think they got the landmass done already
The story of Enderal is not set in the Elder Scrolls world of Tamriel, but takes place in its own universe, creating a new, interesting world completely unrelated to Skyrim.


The Hoddminir Mod is a huge total conversion modification for Skyrim, with a large new land mass and a unique lore. The world and it’s lore was originally made as a pen and paper role-playing game among friends and is inspired by the Nordic mythology.

MERP: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project


Tropical Skyrim
Tropical Skyrim is a mod which aims to completely convert the whole of skyrim into a tropical environment similar to valenwood/elsweyr and the Summerset isles. For those who have been asking, yes this will replace skyrims landscape rather than create any new lands. If you want better texture replacements(very very high quality, install the original mod, and then search 'tropical skyrim' on the nexus. there are some replacers but you need to have a beast PC to do it, as original tropical skyrim is really demanding)


Alduin's Fallen

ALMSIVI (A Narrative-driven(and Lore-friendly) adventure in Sheogorad)
ALMSIVI is a narrative-focused Questline and Fan-made expansion pack . players will return to the well-remembered Sheogorad Archipelago in Morrowind, where they will meet with new faces, and unravel a plot to retake Morrowind from the hands of those unfit to hold it. new dungeons, locales, and encounters for you to explore, as well as offering the player to re-visit cherished areas from The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, and see how things have changed in the 206 years separating the two games.

Depths of Tamriel
While more of a dungeon than quest mod, it's going to feature a HUGE dungeon with a small quest so I think it belongs right here.

Dragonborn Legacy
A big quest mod including various tweaks regarding the Dragonborn.

Enhanced Skyrim Factions- The companions
Adds skill, quest, and level requirements in order to advance in the Companions Guild, transforming the questline into a much longer one. Restores a voiced radiant quest and other voiced content; introduces more dialogue options for better roleplaying and to flesh out the guildmember personalities; new quests and features in the works.

Helgen Rebuilt
Voice actors needed feb19 deadline
Rebuilts town of Helgen adding new quests and radiant quests.

Hunting in Skyrim
Adds a Hunting Guild with 10+ main quests, 8+ radiant side quests, new creatures, new animal skinning system, and more! (still being actively developed)
Kind of Blue
An Imperial nobleman, Count Caerulius, lives in a forest away from the cities of Skyrim. He loves the color blue. He is an avid botanist but secretly uses magic to experiment on the flora he has collected. Will you help him?

La Daedra Commedia

Consists of 3 quests:Art of Mercy, Mythic Dawn Rerise and Stillborn Kingdom. It is machine translated to english.

The premise of the mod is to create a new guild of Bandit outlaws.

Add main and subquests about orcs as well a faction, items, locations, NPCs and other goodies.

Skyrim Sewers
a dungeon mod that adds sewer systems for Solitude, Windhelm(yay), Whiterun & Markarth

The dark brotherhood resurrection part 1
This mod adds a 4+ hour-long campaign to the end of the Dark Brotherhood Questline.

The Hanging Gardens
A quest mod playing out on a remote abandoned Dwemer island/outpost with a secret, featuring a medium length quest for mid/high level player characters with an interest in exploring, new surroundings, and a good fight. Features voiced NPC, unique items & ingredients found only on the island, 2 smallish worldspaces, 14 or so interior cells, sea travel complete with pirate raids, a metric ton of dwemer treasure and a foe thought long gone from this realm.

The Shroud of Jotunheim
A strange meeting, rumors of a mystic island shrouded in darkness and an important mission. An epic journey awaits...
The Shroud of Jotunheim is a very ambitious mod which has taken around 500+ hours to complete and it is now served to you for free. Far away to the north-west of Skyrim lies a long forgotten island with a sinister secret. It is up to you to unveil its shroud and do what you must in order to save yourself and all of Nirn.

The Keepers
brand new joinable Guild to the land of Skyrim, known as The Keepers
there are a few unique new locations that you will explore. Add to that some interesting scripted-bosses and puzzles, plus a brand new armor set and weapon, we hope you guys will enjoy the mod once it's released!


Aela the Huntress
A huge expansion to Aela the Huntress from Vanilla Skyrim. Thousand lines of dialogue, romance and marriage options in the work.

Atvir Dres
Fully voiced male companion Atvir Dres with expansive relationship possibilities.

Cerwiden -SMART Healer- AI Configurable Companion by Mujuro
"Cerwiden is the first of a new breed of "smart" AI, CONFIGURABLE followers to join in your adventures in Skyrim. She is fully voiced, and includes custom backstory/quest content (new content planned with updates)."

Dovahkriid Grenzganger
Seven voiced companions, a riddle quest and a unique player home. From the creator of Oblivion's Blood&Mud.

Fully voiced companion with her own personal quest and marriage options.

Vilja in skyrim
Her great great granny made success in Oblivion.
Now the great-great-granddaughter is ready to hit Skyrim!

Basically everything you wished for in a follower, vilja has it. Damn great if you ask me.

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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 11:35 am

Mini Quest with dungeon Mods

Conan : Hyborian Age
&--#60;waiting for link&--#62;
bigger expansion/miniquest for gameplay style of Conan the barbarian, miniquest with new custom armors and weapons mods plus a new gameplay addition for crafting steel types


Armoury of Tamriel
This mod is a complete weapons & smithing overhaul, adding countless new weapons to the games crafting and world.

Chronicles of Steel
Adds a variety of weapons to the game and NPCs.

Immersive Interiors
Interiors overhaul.

Interesting NPCs
This is a project to add color and life to Skyrim through three-dimensional NPCs.
-more than 130 Professional Voiced NPCs and over 140 in total,
-Over 25,000 lines and over 500,000 words of Player and NPC Dialogue,
-34 immersive and depthed Quests and a 7-Part Main Questline that puts you on a rollercoaster ride, plus 16 FULL and 11 misc quests(target is 100)
-20+ completely new and unique followers with 8 SUPERfollowers
-8+ marriage candidates with unique dialogue, are being expanded to include commentary on every quest and location in the game, including bonus conversations during or after major questlines.
-New bard songs and bards
-Can be played with vanilla follower system or follower mods like UFO

This is a work in progress as new stuff always come out.

Realistic needs and diseases
This mod is constantly been updated. Must have mod if you ask me. Perfect with frostfall!

SkyReal-Weather and lighting
SkyReal is a weather and lighting modification for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. SkyReal will bring an immense variety of new weathers to Skyrim. SkyReal focuses to bring balance between realism and fantasy, while at the same time achieve natural and stunning visuals. With new high quality cloud textures and fine-tuned lighting, SkyReal brings new life to Skyrim's sunsets, sunrises, days, and nights, as well as dungeons and interiors.


AI overhaul, increased spawns, support for modded content.

Immersion overhaul pertaining to weather and other outer conditions of the character.
Also, check out what Chesko wrote on, it contains a list of jewels such as Climates of tamriel

Skyrim Redone
A huge pack of tweaks and gameplay changes.

ACE: Skills Overhaul
Skills overhaul.

Game and skills overhaul. Think it is old school.
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liz barnes
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 11:58 pm

Good job on starting a new thread
How about adding Vilja to the companion mod section?
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 11:54 am

i did already. Actually i copy pasted it 2 sec after you posted
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 10:34 pm

EDIT: You beat me to it.
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Thu May 09, 2013 1:22 am

I'm not sure i understand the point of listing dead mods.
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 12:04 pm

so that if people suggest that mod, it would already be known to them as 'dead'. Actually i dont know, i just follow the previous OP's stuff.

done for the day.
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 3:20 pm

I would use redfor dead projects and teal for hot in progress, or perhaps orange .... Usually red is associated to a stop... But I actually would use green for love and wip progressing.... Blue for released and redfor stopped.

Also frostfall should be under tweaks and falskaar is close to release....
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Nick Pryce
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 2:33 pm

I am also about to releasea bigger expansion/miniquest for gameplay style of Conan the barbarian if you think is worth listing it falls in the miniquest with new custom armors and weapons mods pluse a new gameplay addition for crafting steel types...
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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 9:35 am

why why why. I m red green colourblindddddddddddddddddddddddddddd but i shall do a revamp on the colours.
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stevie critchley
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 12:15 pm

wait so that mod's name of you-are-going-to-release is called Conan the barbarian? i need skooma
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 5:40 pm

That's a good point, hadn't thought of that.
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Kill Bill
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 6:12 pm

the name will be Conan : Hyborian Age
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 5:31 pm

might need link?
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Lory Da Costa
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 11:18 am

I have not yet created a link , will. Do when I will have the release a week or few days more probably less...
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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 10:05 am

Could you change the description of my Hunting in Skyrim mod to say that the hunting guild and quests are now included (current version 1.2.1). Next update releasing soon.

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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 11:08 pm

"Short and painless: The project was canceld, because it's not possible to finish it."
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 6:50 pm

Conan hyborian age is by no mean a big quest mod , is a miniquest and a dungeon with new items armors and weapons added a tweak add on to crafting steel...
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 12:44 pm

Oooh, Merci for adding Rochebere to the list! Very helpful indeed!
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 6:04 pm

Great thread.

Just that my "Kamdoon" one should be under "some version released". As i've got a steam demo here
AND a Nexus demo HERE

both are at a 2nd release. and soon { 2 to 3 } weeks i'll be uploading a demo part 3.

Currently i'm waiting back on more auditions from afew voice actors / actresses who've shown great interest in my mod! already have an audition from someone who's name i've noticed pop up in alot of other people's mods too.. and his voice sounds like something straight out of skyrim*.

most of my time is going into this mod. and skyrim* is one of the few games that im currently playing, asides from the odd TDM match in black ops 2.

I've currently got 70 + map markers in the world, most of which you can see in this image from my Nexus screenshots page.

Here's two other shots for the hell of it

And right now, after being distracted from my task of building the 2nd part of the latest barrow ( due to getting that vivid idea pop in ya head that sends you off building other exterior stuff for like 5 + hours before you realize, crap' i meant to do this but....* - hey it produces good stuff - ) {IM SURE I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT DOES THIS now i'm getting back to building the second part of that barrow.

Also, i've got the new trailer ready. i've mixed in the video edits & the effects etc its around a 2 minute teaser trailer. but just waiting for FEB 10 to pass for the first round of VA Deadlines to finish up.

In what has been around 7 months, i'm very pleased with the results thus far.
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 2:38 pm

updated all. Had to add a 'mini quest with dungeon category' for conan
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 6:22 pm

Depends on your definition of 'soon'. Is release immininent? Not really. Is it going to be within the next month or so? It should be. (I will announce an exact date hopefully within a few weeks!)

Also, hate to be this guy, but MERP needs to be changed to dead/no news/hiatus since as far as we know it's stopped.
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 12:22 pm

so i will just make it as soontobereleased
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 7:02 pm

For the Big Companion Mods category: Cerwiden -SMART Healer- AI Configurable Companion by Mujuro @
"Cerwiden is the first of a new breed of "smart" AI, CONFIGURABLE followers to join in your adventures in Skyrim. She is fully voiced, and includes custom backstory/quest content (new content planned with updates)."
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chirsty aggas
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 8:21 pm

o.o i do need some sort of 'Smart AI' follower. Vanilla followers are just too dumb.
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Angus Poole
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