Where's the "NAY - Full voice acting" option?
I had it, but it got lost during some editing. My bad. I know some people prefer partly voice acting only, but I also think they are a minority.
Anyways, if you think 35 skills is too much, see the skill list in my signature. No language skills or useless clutter (imho) but 35 skills out of which only 6 are new to the series.
The fact that Knightly Orders are only there to protect their Temple, Kingdom or Family pretty much dictates that they also have similair quests, and for the sake of loyalty you can only join one. If you manage to join a Knightly Order which mostly protects a certain corrupted yet powerful family, doing honorless errands, you could try to rebel and cleanse the Order. In Daggerfall all the orders had identical quests, but it still served it's purpose: you'd join the knights of the kingdom you call your home, or otherwise more significant to you character. It also gives you an illusion of a realistic medievalish world.
Landmass question is hard, and I was going to add an option "Somewhere between Daggerfall and sequels" but that would have been too obvious. With today's technology, a realistic scope is possible. Now you'd actually have use for the fast travel you hated so much in Oblivion. I think the fact that Skyrim is multiplatform prevents realistic scale, though. I only wish that Bethesda leaves a lot of 'empty' space around game's borders, so we can mod more content as with Oblivion.
Nothing breaks immersion for me more than a farmer sending me on a quest to kill wolves that have been killing his pigs. 'Ok' I say and turn north, where he said the wolves lair is supposed to be, only to SEE the friggin wolves in the distance, as well as the entrance to their cave. Stuffed-together game world feels like a stuffed-together game wolrd, nothing else. Game world should feel like a real world. In Daggerfall I never visited every city, never spoke to every individual in one city, never visited every shop in the city unless it was a really tiny one. If you ask me that's realism, but there are always people ready to call it pointless spamming of random content.
Oh, and about the land mass itself. In real life it's not hand-made, but formed according to the laws of erosion, which can be mimiced with computer programs, too. So the land mass you'd call random, is the most realistic one, if the program is any good.