I never did go out on the forum back in the day to find out why they had removed this awesome experience with all its mystical values, but always assumed that the company had put a more mainstream approach with their last success, that usually sort of happens when a company in the entertainment business gets to play with with a bigger ball on ther court at the stockmarket.
Anyways... I did a nefty search on the Skyrim forum and compiled a thread with both positive and negative quotes from various threads along with some possible solutions and opinions about the whole thing.
In The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, players had access to (and at some places, such as Tel Branora and Tel Fyr, required) a "Levitation" spell. In Oblivion, Levitation spells have been removed. The reason levitation was removed, according to the developers, is that, unlike in Morrowind, cities are located in separate cells from the rest of the world. Since the cities aren't fully rendered until you enter them, it wouldn't look right if you were to fly over the walls. Levitation also was sometimes used as an exploit in previous games of the series, so it was removed to preserve game balance. However, by climbing on roof tops one can exit towns and see the unrendered world.
Two NPC conversations that you can overhear in the Imperial City mention that Dovyn Aren has been discouraged by the passage of the "Levitation Act." This is presumably an effort to establish continuity with Morrowind. The specific quotes are: He still teaches, though he lost his passion for it after the Levitation Act was passed. Can't say I blame him. He's getting older, but he can still teach a bit about Alteration. He's been teaching it since before the Levitation Act of 421. Also, one of M'aiq the Liar's quotes is about levitation: Levitation is for fools. Why would we want to levitate? Once you are up high, there is nowhere to go but down.
Several areas incorporate this limitation into their level design. The planes of Oblivion, including the tower, is one notable example. In many multi-level dungeons, there is also often a door at the end of the last level which leads back to a walkway above and near the entrance, which the player can jump down from for a quick exit. Having a levitation spell available would eliminate the need to traverse much of these areas..
Some threads about levitation.
In MW, levitation was too easy to get in a form that could be abused. If the maintainance cost over time was higher, as opposed to the base cost, it would be relatively easy to make short "hops", but harder to just float there and spam arrows and spells on a helpless foe beneath you. Not that you couldn't do it, but the cost and difficulty would make it prohibitive for all but the most powerful or rich. Just make the duration's magicka cost exponential, and you suddenly limit spell durations to 5-30 seconds, except for the most powerful wizards, who might stay aloft for a whole minute, or the absolutely money-saturated characters who could afford the insanely priced potions or enchantments to do it.
A few opponents could also throw an occasional Dispel at you when you're airborne, which would be a pretty effective way of ruining your whole day, and would make aerial combat a potentially dangerous maneuver.
When Oblivion came out with its next gen engine, I was sadened to see that dungeons had lost much of their cavernous feel, and levitation in all forms, be it spells or potions, was gone.

- Removing levitation and 3d dungeon design, grottoes and under water dungeons: The need to look in all direction in dungeons not to miss some nice surprise, gone, immense variety of the dungeon design and ideas, gone.
I do think levitation should be high magicka cost spell...but then the most powerful versions of it were in Morrowind so that's not really any different. /shrug.
There's no legitimate reason not to have levitation other than it forces the developers to design the world with it in mind. :poke: