The biggest failure of the gaming community in 2010?

Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:11 am

Speaking of romance, that bilge is rotting BioWare's minds. Ever since they started those NPC romances, the fans HAVE to have them, and BioWare just caters to them. I bet that 1/4th of the fanbase would leave if BioWare removed them.

Bioware has had romances in their games for as long as I can remember. It isn't something that started with ME1.

The ability to romance someone (or something ;) ) has been in every Bioware game that I have ever played.
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:53 am

Yeah, by the end of ME2, with a fully upgraded Normandy, I didn't even care who died at the end since I knew I wasn't even going to play 3. I'm wondering what ingenious money grab schemes EA/Bioware is thinking up for the KOTOR MMO. How did ME2 not get summary?

Simple answer its BW, they can pull that crap.Though lots are pissed at seeing DA2 following the ME franchise of being "streamlined" I think soon they will eitherr go back to the way they were or lose alot of fans.

Yeah, funny thing about black ops. Hit detection is broken, its an fps, hit detection is the most important thing in an fps, how can you praise it if its core element is broken. Its not like they had much else to add, aside from sooting things, and they cant get shooting things right.

Fly the romances are terrible. The only way Liara could have been less subtle in amss effect one was if she just started tearing shepards clothes off. Mirandas ass got mopre screen time than her face in ME2, Tali threw herself at you, playing fem shep talking to jacob was like a bad pormo. Its just pathetic at this point.
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Post » Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:54 pm

DA:O plays almost exactly like KoToR and yet KoToR doesn't receive the same amount of hate? I dun get it.

The story is what killed it for me, it just never really pulled me in. :shrug:

The combat was fun though and Allister/Morrigan were awesome. :wub:
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Post » Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:29 pm

Bobby Kotick...yeah...
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:01 am

Oh thank god, I was thinking it would be that terrible hack someone made which... I can only describeas a groping simulation.... Needs more brain bleach.

Mass effect 2, or fale 3. Cant decide. Just look at them and then I think what could have been. I suppose ME2, fable 3 I just expected 2 with a few tweaks, it crawled under the low bar, but Mass effect, was so different from rpg to tps, mouch more drastic. And if 3 is nlike it E is dead to me, unless it becomes more like one, but as it is *shakes head*

Well atleast this year I got fallout new vegas and Skyrim was announced.

Why is it that only one the Beth-forums that everyone seems to hate ME2? I can't understand it. I loved ME2. and believe that it's a worthy sequel.

I can understand the issue with it being overly-streamlined, but I get tired of hearing "ZOMG, it's slightly faster paced and combat is smoother!! THEY TURNED IT INTO GEARS OF WAR!!"
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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:26 am

Why is it that only one the Beth-forums that everyone seems to hate ME2? I can't understand it. I loved ME2. and believe that it's a worthy sequel.
Hmm you must have put the people who praise the game on your ignore list then

I can understand the issue with it being overly-streamlined, but I get tired of hearing "ZOMG, it's slightly faster paced and combat is smoother!! THEY TURNED IT INTO GEARS OF WAR!!"

They did turn it into GoW, it is more TPS than rpg, chest high walls everyhwere, all that shepard needs is a [censored] lancer.
But hey pretend its now GoW, but playing ME1 and playing GoW ME2 falls much closer to GoW.
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jennie xhx
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:43 am

Why is it that only one the Beth-forums that everyone seems to hate ME2? I can't understand it. I loved ME2. and believe that it's a worthy sequel.

I can understand the issue with it being overly-streamlined, but I get tired of hearing "ZOMG, it's slightly faster paced and combat is smoother!! THEY TURNED IT INTO GEARS OF WAR!!"

The Bethesda forums are full of hate...

To quote Wyatt's sig:

Pro Tips for this site:
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Post » Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:51 pm

I agree, if you dont like it, dont play it. However I do have it and am playing it and it is very good. :D

I love Golden eye on the N64, I just dont agree with Nintendo's repackaging and re-selling of a classic with no real upgrades updates or innovations. I mean, look at the graphics, are they not worth updating at least? The game play is fantastic but come on. Nintendo is a dead company to me now, I just wish they would do something new. I'm bored of recycled games now, its almost getting as bad as Hollywoods trend for remaking movies.
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Post » Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:50 pm

The Bethesda forums are full of hate...

To quote Wyatt's sig:

I feel the Beth forums are a lot more accepting than a lot of others. Better patrolled as well. People don't even play the "spelling/grammar" card here a lot. I mean look at GameFaqs/Gamespot, its a joke. Or look at a qusi-bias forum like NMA. I think Beth did well with the forums.
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Post » Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:16 pm

They did turn it into GoW, it is more TPS than rpg, chest high walls everyhwere, all that shepard needs is a [censored] lancer.
But hey pretend its now GoW, but playing ME1 and playing GoW ME2 falls much closer to GoW.

I disagree. I noticed very little difference between the combat in the first and second games. 2's had a bigger emphasis on ammo and seemed to move along faster, but overall I was taking cover just like I did in the first game. ME2's combat just felt a bit more like a TPS style firefight, and for some reason, that warrants it being slammed as not being an RPG, and being a crappy sequel. I've seen very little about the game on this site that isn't just overzealous, opinionated criticism that's stated as fact.

Now, I'm not saying that it didn't have elements that I thought were lacking (some dialog felt weak, I missed the spacier feel of the pace and music from the first game, and the idiot "news" forced Bioware to nerf the beautifully crafted romance sequences and svck the meaning out of them), but overall, IMO, it was utterly badass. Also, the Normandy SR2 is sixy.

To be on topic with the thread: Attack of The Movies. Ugh.
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:32 am

I feel the Beth forums are a lot more accepting than a lot of others. Better patrolled as well. People don't even play the "spelling/grammar" card here a lot. I mean look at GameFaqs/Gamespot, its a joke. Or look at a qusi-bias forum like NMA. I think Beth did well with the forums.

While I do love the Bethesda forums, it's not exactly roses and light by any means.
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Josh Trembly
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Post » Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:33 pm

I feel the Beth forums are a lot more accepting than a lot of others. Better patrolled as well. People don't even play the "spelling/grammar" card here a lot. I mean look at GameFaqs/Gamespot, its a joke. Or look at a qusi-bias forum like NMA. I think Beth did well with the forums.

This community is more accepting than a lot of forums in regards to a lot of issues, but there are still a lot of things it hates. Oblivion hate, Fallout 3 hate, and a depressingly large amount of Bethesda hate is all seen far too frequently here. Any non-scientific beliefs are flamed (oh man are they flamed), and if you don't worship RPGs you are looked down upon by a good number of people. A lot of other sites hate all of those things more intensely than this community does, but this community still does hate them.

By the way, cross-site flaming (saying anything derogatory about another forum) is against the rules, unfortunately. If it wasn't, I would have bashed NMA a lot in this post. But, I can't.
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:58 am

Black Ops. It was already pretty disappointing for me, and since I don't like to play FPS games online, it got boring once I completed the story mode and played a bit with zombie mode.
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:07 am

Infinity Ward doesn't exist anymore, Activison fired everyone, most of the staff are at a new company that isn't controlled by Activison. Also, you should try Call of Duty 1 & 2 if Call of Duty 4 was your favourite.

Activision only fired West and Zampella. The rest of Inifinity Ward that left, had resigned in protest and followed West and Zampella to Respawn Entertainment.

Any IW employees that were left were folded into Treyarch.
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luis dejesus
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:59 am

OK, this thread has been getting a little out of hand. NO CROSS-SITE TROLLING, please! Warnings will be issued if it continues. Also, please remember this is a 13+ forum, so watch the vulgarity.

On topic, I really enjoyed Mass Effect 2 and thought it was the obvious game of the year for 2010, surpassing the first ME game in every way. My big disappointments were Ghostbusters and Alan Wake: neither was terrible, or even bad, but neither lived up to their potential.
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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:12 am

On topic, I really enjoyed Mass Effect 2 and thought it was the obvious game of the year for 2010, surpassing the first ME game in every way.

Hah, off topic! This is the pessimistic thread! :P

I'm not sure what the most disappointing game of 2010 is for me. :shrug:
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:05 am

I think Mass Effect 2 was the biggest disappointment this year - expected improvements over the first one, and got all the good stuff cut out and thus instead of a decent action RPG, I got a glorified action adventure. And seeing how Boyware is handling it's games now, it's going to be a long while before I buy anything from them again.
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Angel Torres
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:15 am

As much I like ME2 the thing that bothered me the most was the lack of looting. I miss picking up tons of stuff. That why hate when they streamline out important features.
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:05 am

I think New Vegas is the only 2010 game I've played so far so there isn't much for me to complain about.

Except that another year has passed without the Deux Ex HDTP project getting released. :P
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:10 am

Ubisoft's draconian DRM was probably the most disappointing thing I've seen a game company do this year.

This. The sole reason I didn't buy AC2.
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:49 am

xXAntibodyXx, on 30 December 2010 - 10:57 PM, said:

Ubisoft's draconian DRM was probably the most disappointing thing I've seen a game company do this year.

This. The sole reason I didn't buy AC2.

I can second that.
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:43 am

Ubisoft's draconian DRM was probably the most disappointing thing I've seen a game company do this year.

I forgot about that. Definitely that.
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Post » Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:12 pm

I think Mass Effect 2 was the biggest disappointment this year - expected improvements over the first one, and got all the good stuff cut out and thus instead of a decent action RPG, I got a glorified action adventure. And seeing how Boyware is handling it's games now, it's going to be a long while before I buy anything from them again.

Alright, I'm not going to go on about this because it's pointless, but I'll leave one last observation: Mass Effect 2 is not nearly different enough from its predecessor to warrant this kind of slamming. They streamlined the combat, and didn't give the RPG "purists" hundreds of items to carry around, so, naturally, everyone joins in to condemn Bioware for "dumbing down" their game. How dare they divert from the first game's pace! How dare they put more emphasis on cover in firefights! It's not even an RPG with these hideous mutilations of the classic, boring Role-Playing-Game formula!. I don't understand. Nearly every complaint I've seen about the game isn't constructive-criticism, or even criticism, it's just whining.

It's like everything that BW put into this massive, epic, beautiful game doesn't matter in the face of the dumbest, most trivial crap that these complainers can pull out of their asses. It's insane.
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Steven Hardman
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:30 am

It's like everything that BW put into this massive, epic, beautiful game doesn't matter in the face of the dumbest, most trivial crap that these complainers can pull out of their asses. It's insane.

Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe, just maybe, these people just didn't enjoy the game? You don't have to share their point of view, but they don't have to share yours either.

I swear the anti-elitists are becoming more aggressive than the elitists these days.
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:16 am

What I will never understand: How did people like ME2, especially people who liked 1?

The actual gameplay was much better, the powers and guns were more distinct and the character progression system much easier to grasp. Overly simple, perhaps, but the ME2 approach is more elegant. Story is crap, but that's what i've come to expect from games, and no, i don't see what's so special about ME1 story either, so maybe i'm just stupid :shrug: However as a game it's an improvement.

As for me, Steam UI update almost was the epic fail of all times due to preventing me from using (it happened this year, right? :unsure:), but as i managed to kick it into working order, i have to agree with Ubisoft's DRM. I did buy Assassin's Creed 2, AS A USED COPY FOR MY PS3! :D
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