hey Koniption

it is absolutely logical that you continiue working on your own worldspace....all I wanted to say is that we can maybe discuss or think about transfering different projects (like yours) into the tamriel worldspace later on...I absolutely agree that it make sense to release your stuff in your WS first, especially as no stable version of a tamriel heightmap has been released yet.
for the performance...I think it will depend a lot on how the different provinces are modded... are the cities in their own worldspace..what kind of landscape textures are used...what lod objects are used etc etc....I have tested the german Skyrim and Valenwood improved mods ( both in Tamriel worldspace) and using of course Ilianas Elsweyr mod combined with my additional Valenwood/ Elsweyr map...it is all working absolutely stable...
I am currently working on adding the summerset isles and as it seems I will have to redo the Morrowind map...but I think i will be able to start first ingame testings during the next week...
regards and good luck for your Blackmarsh project