Getting back to work is a relief!

OBGE sounds really interesting - thanks for the suggestion! We only just recently updated the weather effects on our regions so you're unlikely to see the effects in any of the current screenshots. Sorry about that but I resent having to update stuff when I'm busy. DoZeNt, bless him, occasionally does promo vids for us so you're best off waiting for those for the full effects.
We knew that inner BM would be a real task so I didn't want to go there yet until the technology justifies the efforts put in by our team. Honestly, some of these guys' models are amazing! It's a pleasure to be working with them.
Btw, look out for an update on the soundtrack. Xaeaix joined us from the Dark Brotherhood team some time ago and his collection is already very well developed and sounds superb! He's just setting up his new website....of course, with the sound update, I'll be getting back to what people knew me for most around the community, voice acting. I got sick of it a while back but I can get back to it when the time comes...
@ khalvin8 - I'm still a little offended by your earlier tone but forums can screw up people's meaning and, having worked with others who speak quite abrasively in the past, I know that they normally do so out of a desire to create their vision. As long as they don't impose it on others then I'm fine...and don't worry, I'm not flustered. I just don't like feeling the need to defend the project.
Anyway, back to business. That static was an SI model that I think originated in dockland areas. It may look a little odd but PhiniusMaster, who more or less finished off Gideon, wanted a different effect for the slightly higher class areas. Personally, I really like it. A docklands object might suggest that Gideon is subject to occasional flooding...and other areas do indeed have pools of swampwater around. It's not easy to get EVERY object you want and to avoid hitting players with a massive archive download. Our archive will be getting close to 600-700mb soon when we incorporate the creatures. A tremendous amount of that are our own objects.
What were the "other two observations" you spoke of? I certainly see the sense in the lanterns observation. We've been short of proper 'Argonian' lighting for a while now. Although Koniption did a truly stunning job of some 'oilplants', I nonetheless don't like to use those models in cities as they're better suited to villages.
And, as Koniption suggests, we'd welcome exterior modders. I think almost everyone who mods wants to write but it only happens if people are prepared to work on it themselves, no matter how good the skills and ideas. I could certainly use some help with landscapes though. I'm the only one who ever works on them...and the darker, murkier ones are more challenging, for reasons already mentioned above. Modding the jungles is REALLY hard-going but very rewarding!