When making a new character it says the Argonians have developed immunity/resistance to poison and disease to better suit their enviorment in Black Marsh. Does this mean you'd have a % to contract various diseases / take damage while wading through marshland? That'd be awesome
Furthermore, will there be any references to historic peoples in dialogue? By this I mean, would anyone there speak about/refer to chararcters from books like
The Argonian Account and such?
Forgive the silly questions, I am really excited about this. Black Marsh was the first location I wanted to see happen in ESIV, the second being Akavir

There are big plans to focus on diseases and suchlike. The difficulty is in making them a gaming plus rather than an obstacle to the gaming proper. We have plenty of potions set up and hopefully, once the exterior world is fuller then we can start working on the scripts. That's something that InsanitySorrow himself might be able to help with

. Nevertheless, vectors of such diseases like centipedes and mosquitoes are already available to us. These will appear in the Everglades and other, deeper areas of the beta landscape.
And yes, BM has been in development for many years (long before I arrived) so there are vast archives of lore material. I myself am not an authority in lore as I like to make my own stories but we do have a few, ahem, 'lore monkeys' around who advise us.
This is going to be so great...only 5 more months!!!

Time will tell if I've been too ambitious. We may very well need more modders to make it work by then. We have a lot of talent onboard but only a limited number of modders that are fully committed....but it's a plan that I'm sure will reap rewards as we've never really seen big worldspace mods take off....normally because some modders are just stupid. They flit from one project to the next, set ridiculous targets and end up working like crazy on something absolutely stunning that has no chance of being released. I'd like to think we're different.