OOC: Boo time skip, I wanted to get some creepy zombies in the hallway illuminated by the swinging lamp

Still, I can work with a creepy swamp too :hehe:
Well, I'm set to go when you are"
Robert looked up, tying the cord of his leather pouch into a tight knot and then threading it through one of the loops in his belt. "Good" he said, standing back up and giving a hopeful smile at the Imperials weapon of choice.
"A shovel I see. This is good. The instrument had seen much decay since the prison hired a groundskeeper with more efficient tools, but now it will once more serve a use. Come along, the roof is not far and I have the things that I need. Once we clear this god-forsaken prison, the road, although laden with peril Im sure; will take us to the safety of Rockspring".
The ground was soft with moisture, the heat undoubtedly unbearable. Robert had been leading ahead, wooden club clenched tight in his gloved fist...and his lazy eye constantly scanning the dirt and foliage-laden pathway ahead for any foul creatures. He turned back to Julius, looking at the exhausted Imperial with pity. It was times like this he was thankful for being a person of the root. Being naturally accustomed to the marshland was a luxury he was always grateful for.
He backtracked to Julius, taking a quick peek over his shoulder before snapping back and untying the leather tan pouch from his belt, opening it and foraging through various leaves and plants. His expression was deep with thought as he picked through the small bag, occassionally picking out the odd leaf or frond before realising it was not the one he wanted and placing it gently back in the pouch.
With a quick "aha!" of relief, he picked out a small black vine from the bag, rubbing it with his index finger and then raising the plant to his nose and sniffing it. A smile crept across his face and he looked back at Julius. "yes, he said...this is it".
He then walked to the side of the dirty road and knelt down at an otherwise unremarkable bush. Picking a leaf from it, he wrapped it around the black vine before standing up and walking back towards Julius. Eagerly handing the plants to the Imperial, he then retied the pouch and put it back on his belt.
"I have noticed your fatigue, and understand the the marshes are no place for an Imperial. However, what you have in your hand should help. Chew them together Julius, and hold them in your mouth for a while. The mixture tastes bitter, but it is a well known remedy for fatigue. It should rejuvinate you a little, and the burn will not feel so harsh".
He looked up at the sky. Even in darkness, the swamps were blistering with heat. The conditions were by no means hospitable. The air was sticky, the ground was mushy, and the jungles were
quiet. That is what he liked the least. Silence. Normally the sounds of the jungle were loud, but now...an eerie silence encompassed the land. It was a clear indicator that all did not bode well. He regretted not moving with the main group.
"Rockspring lies ahead Julius, almost there friend. Hopefully we will find much needed aid there"
OOC: I quit WoW earlier this year, but trekking in this tribal jungle makes me think of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0kK1zvoEOk&feature=related:P