The Sload, a repugnant race of highly intellectual slug men who feel no emotions like other Sentient of Tamriel; they think fast but move slower. They view all other life as play things and experimental canvasses, they are responsible for the biggest calamity to mar the face of Nirn since Men and Mer first walked the earth, soon enough they will be responsible for a second, the Black Plague of Black Marsh.
Esctacy shot through the air like a thunderous current as the tribal drum beats reverberated rhythmically through the canopy around them; six fires burned around the great Hist tree, Argonians wearing feather covered skulls and masks danced around them nvde shaking crude instruments and ceremonial weapons, singing in unison with the Hist tree in their ancient and native language -- a mixture of shaking quills hissing noises and almost wrenching sounds from within their throats.
Every one was elated; the music flowed through their bodies like one long perpetual orgism, they chanted and beat their chests, howling into the night at the young ones walked forward almost like a unit, moving each foot forward at the same time. The tribe elder smiled as they walked closer to the Hist; one of the children wondered how he could see them if his eyes where stitched closed with the jerked intestines of the swamp walluga, a great eight legged boar hound that was traditionally hunted by their tribe.
The fires shot up higher and higher as the Hist energy was released into the air; nobody noticed a ball of pestilential black energy shooting forth from the grease covered hand of a corpulent plague infested Sload, hitting the Hist tree with a violent shudder that shook the swamp to its core. Nobody noticed as the veins of sap flowing through the bright green leaves turned from brightest yellows to darkest black.
And the children drank.
They drank from the Hist and did not stop; they gorged themselves on the liquid without pausing for air, their eyes filled with an ink like liquid and their scaled hardened and lost all colour When the Hist dried out the music stopped.
The sounds of the tribal beats were replaced by terrified screams.
A low pitched buzzing noise shook its way through the congested streams of air and smoke in the forest, the sound of the black shadow advancing from the core of the swamp send shiver's running through the limb's of it's flora, the native Hist. The sun waned somewhere beyond the vast canopies of swaying tree's that dominate the horizon, it was getting hard to see anything but the pinpricks of light in the distant settlement of Longmont. The only sound that can be heard over the din of the black shadow is the sound of two feet beating furiously against the sodden ground.
A small lithe body flashes through the undergrowth, flattening plants and skipping curled root, ducking under snapping plants and curling vines. He run's for his life, his hunter unseen -- save for a black shadow scraping across the landscape. His tail flicks out, helping him stay balanced, never before has his life depended so much on something so simple as balance.
Closer to the village, his red scales shine in the final few minute of the sunlight that breaks through the well defended canopy of leaves, splashes of green leaf like patterns can be seen on his world weary face. He craves quiet, tranquillity, his feet pounding against the ground drag memories from his mind. Thing's that happened only hours before -- his brothers and sisters drinking from the Hist at their naming ceremony, the tribal drum beating that abruptly stopped as the newly named turned on their friend's and family, biting and clawing, eating killing.
He didn't know if anybody got away, all he knew was he was told to run -- so he ran.
At last, the town is in sight, it's rickety wooden buildings standing the test of time against the swamp -- each one looking more like a natural fixture than a man made structure, thanks to the amount of plant life and moss that had grown over them in the years.
Cheerful faces greet the outsider as he run's frantically toward them waving his arms screaming for them to turn and run, many laugh and some look shocked, but none of them move. Not even an inch. He darts through; squeezing past the mass of bodies, many Argonians but a few Imperial and Dunmer, slavers or drug smugglers no doubt. Not that it mattered.
As he passed through her heard one of them cry "Flesh flies!" No doubt referring to the vast shadow of insects that followed in the small Argonians wake. Panic shot up in the air like thunder crackling through rain drops, people ran inside or dived under the tiered housing, which was raised off the floor due to flood weather. The small Argonian said a prayer for them in his native Hist, that they be spared a slow death.
He knew the flesh flies where the least of his problems.
Then -- just as he reached the far side of town, an arm reached out and grabbed him roughly by the waist, word's where said to him in a calm reassuring voice but he barely understood them, the only thing he noticed was the smoothness of the skin.
He was pulled inside -- forced under a bed while the door was barricaded. He didn't dare look out, tear swam between the scaled eye lids.
Then they came. The insects passed over within moments, ignoring citizens of Longmont. But within moment's more noise came, the noise of hundreds of feet running -- hunting, screaming.
The Argonian boy closed his eyes and whispered in his native tongue as the screams turned into slaughter.
1. No vampires.
2. No were-critters, just too uber.
3. Weapons are allowed this time, but nothing enchanted -- nothing high grade such as mythril/glass/ebony/daedric etc.
4. Armour is allowed at your own risk.
5. No ubering, you kill five zombies single handed without a scratch I send ten more, you kill ten more I send a hundred. Be on your toes and fight to survive. In other words, be realistic.
6. Character control is not allowed unless discussed via PM first, in which case please make sure you make it clear that it is has been discussed for the benefit of other played via OOC: tag so you don't get wrongfully accused of unlawful character control

7. Romance is allowed if you find the time but keep it clean.
8. Absolutely NO OOC only posts, if it's urgent please PM either me or somebody you know if going to post so they can tag their own post in an OOC for your benefit. Or post in the General discussion thread.
9. PM all character sheets to me for approval.
10. If you are unsure of something PM me (Example being, you want to kill something big and hairy but you don't want it to look uber).
Character Sheets:
Name: (Nicknames and pronunciations as well if possible)
Age: (don't have to be specific, a ball park figure like 20-25 or 40-45 will suffice)
Race: (Try to be lore correct, Khajiit and Argonians are known to have sub races to let us know which.)
Gender: (obvious)
General Appearance (includes height, weight, build, and hair colour eye colour hair style facial hair, everything you can into this bit.)
Clothing/Armour: (Again be realistic.)
General skills and talents: (Describe what your guy does best and why he is trained in that art. Tell us if he also likes to paint or sing, it all counts really. Don't just say "Heavy armour, Restoration, Destruction.", try to break out of the habits of game mechanics if you can.)
Personality and temperament: (Wets himself under pressure? She giggles furiously when she's scared? Goes quiet around strangers? It all goes here.)
Brief History: Doesn't have to be pages long just give us a general idea of your character and what he/she is about. Secondary characters (who are destined to die or just aren't that important) Can be left blank and developed along the way.
Misc: Couldn't fit something any where else? Put it here
The Black scale Undead, The first to be turned by the Sload's plague. These Argonians drank straight from the Hist, they are as strong and mobile as they where in life, and the only difference is now they are bloodthirsty and relentless. They identify their prey through the pheromones and hormones that the living still produce, so they will never attack another undead. Their scales and eyes are as black as the velvet night sky.
The Black Dead, The second strain of undead, not as fast or strong as the Black Scales due to the fact that they became undead during or after being eaten -- so some body parts and muscles may be missing. The majority of these undead are legionnaires (for now) but it isn't uncommon to see civilians amongst them. Be warned, they may still be heavily armoured even in death.
We will be using I will be adding a Key and marking certain things on the map as the story progresses (including our own groups should we separate and objectives should they arise.) The group will be starting in Longmont.
1. Investigate the attack on Longmont