This Rp is a story run adventure Rp which means you will only Rp NPC's that effect your character such as: Attackers, traders, friends, etc, etc but nothing else. The RP and events within will be lead by my character which will be the leader of the group, if you wish for sidequests and such, you are more than welcome to bring them up in RP.
The usual list:
Only I may create a new thread.
Follow my character sheet.
Don't move time along.
Don't character control without the persons permission.
Don't go all uber please - I will tell you whether or not you've broken this rule - Just be realistic.
I would love it if you could speak in a language we all understand.
Keep it real.
Romance is fine, I don't care quite how far you go, but ofcourse.. six scenes aren't allowed by forum rules so.. No explicit stuff, please?
No enchanted weapons/armour/clothing/etc
PM all your character sheets to me.
OOC chat is to be kept at a minimum.
A few pointers.
In this RP, you start off as a prisoner, you have nothing but the cold rags on your back, you're weak and hungry, your body is bruised and in some cases, damaged. You have seen horrific things in the last few weeks/months of capture. You all start in the same cell room, Larry Wall, the most talkative of them keeps you company, tells stories of the warm sands of Anvil and the tall trees of Skingrad. Home.
From there, you are rescued and follow the group to unravel the mysteries behind these strange abductions and, as a member of the blades, you try to unite Cyrodiil under the rule of Ocato.
The character sheet
Name: (Full name)
Nickname: (Yeah.. What you would rather be called: Note! No one will call you this unless you tell them that that's your name)
Race: (Don't go all complicated on me, stick to the races seen in Morrowind.)
six: (No 'Yes please')
What your character is good at: (AKA, ingame and noningame skills.)
Appearence: (How pretty is your character?)
Hair: (Length/colour/style)
Height: (In feet/cm...)
Weapons: For the moment: None.
Armour: For the moment: None
Clothing: Thin jail rags.
Inventory: Nada, maybe some mouldy bread? Or the rat you finally killed.
It is the 12 year in the fourth era. Tamriel, is in chaos. Locally, Cyrodiil has sealed it's borders and due to no emperor, each town vies for control. The land stands broken and people fear that there will be no end to it. Ocato, chancellor of Cyrodiil; has used his powers to control the land through military efforts, to try and stem the violance that has spread and bring unity to the once great province. These efforts have only pushed the large cities further away from Ocatos rule, civil war is now more than a rumour.
The rest of Tamriel is not fairing so well either. Vvardenfell is suffering a civil war, Skyriim is being invaded by the western nation of High Rock and Hammerfell seeks war with Somerset isle. Valenwood, Elswyr and Black Marsh are currently the most stable nations, while they still suffer from the Oblivion Crisis, their people are still united and content to just rebuild their provinces back to full strength.
With all this commotion, violance and terror - It comes as no surprise that people would not notice a few stolen men and women. Taken, from their homes in Cyrodiil and brought to castles located around Skyriim, these prisoners' fate is surrounded by mystery. The blades, the most secretive force in Cyrodiil, aims to find out more, sending informants and raiding parties into Skyriim to retrieve these prisoners and find out, just what is going on.
This is where the RP begins (4E year: 12), you have been captured, from where and how is up to you. But a group of nords decided you looked pretty and took you. You find yourself in a freezing cold circular room, this room is filled with individual cells where other people, dressed in rags like you, huddle to the walls for warmth. You're fed irregularly, and your nordic guards toture you without reason. The few glimpses of the outside world shows nothing but a snowy tundra, a desolate place which chills your fragile bones. Yet, unlike the other prisoners, your mind stays strong and focused. In the night, you hear a fellow prisoner in the same room as yourself, talk of escape, he mentions his names as Larry Wall, a farmer from Anvil. The other prisoners mock him, but, beyond your thin, cold walls, the blades are preparing to act.
The objective of this Rp is to live long enough to find out why they're taking prisoners, stop them from their evil ways and unite Cyrodiil and put an end to Tamriels problems. Think that's too much? Pfft, all in a days work for The Blades.
It is a time of great crisis, our own brothers and sisters turn against each other while we watch our neighbours do the same. If the daedras aim was to cause chaos well, they have succeeded in a way that is far more dangerous than Dagons invasion ever could have been. I plead to you, men and women of Cyrodiil, unite under the banner, defend this great nation and bring it to glory!
Ocato, Chancellor of Cyrodiil at his emergency conference.
I will allow you all some time to post before the rescue begins, that way we can all get to know one another and begin preparation for the rescue.

My character:
Name: Gravious Cussler
Nickname: Gravious
Race: Imperial
six: Male
Age: 43
What your character is good at: Terrain navigation, long blade, shield, medium armour and athletics. Is also known to play a flute.
Appearence: At 43, Gravious hasn't aged well. His skin is hard due to a long life in the outdoors, his body is tanned and scars dot it here and there. His chiseled features compliment his strong body structure to create an imposing look. Needless to say, Gravious is hardly beautiful to look at.
Hair: Short, grey but well trimmed.
Height: 5 feet 11 inches. (About 180cm)
Eyes: Blue
Scars/Tattoo's: Numerous battle scars, the only tattoo he has is that of the Imperial Legion.
Weapons: Akaviri katana and a winged steel mace, also wears an akaviri round shield.
Armour: Simple Akaviri armour but with a red cotton sash around his waist to show his rank.
Clothing: Black cotton shirt with thick tan trousers, he usually wears a grey trenchcoat which covers him to his feet. He has a large satchel on his back which he uses to carry any of his personal effects.
Inventory: A wooden flute, well looked after and decorations have been carved into the wood. A few coins, several maps and food provisions.
Personality: A no nonsense soldier, Captain Cussler has risen to the ranks due to his loyalty and compassion to the empire. He has a smart head during combat and a civil tongue during more polite adventures. He doesn't enjoy meeting nobles or socialising much with the richer classes of the empire. As a hardened soldier he is no stranger to violance and thus takes quite a neutral standing to war, love and religion.
He rides a strong brown horse which carries his gear via saddle bags.
The wind rushing through the cell windows drowned out any sound of the oustide world, but, like a whisper - The clash of metal hitting metal became evident. "Hah!" He shouted, "I knew it! Those bastards are all going to die! Hahahahaha! Come on then you nordic swine! Try and win when we're not so defenseless!" Blood rushed through Larry's mind at the thought of escape and revenge while blood lust tickled his mind as he jumped onto the metal bars and tried to pull them down. "Come on you nordic swine! Come on!"