Name: Jareth
Nickname: Fenrir
Race: Khajiit (Cathay-raht, looks similar to a Suthay-raht but bigger)
six: Male
Age: 29
Birthsign: The Antronach
What your character is good at: Alchemy, Alteration, Enchant, Destruction, Restoration, Mysticism, Blade, Medium Armour, Athletics, Hand to Hand, Block (With blades)
Appearance: Jareth is a well built khajiit, having some bulk built on it from living wild in the past few years of his life. His fur is a light tan with even lighter stripes running through it, in relatively good condition and is much thicker than most Khajiit.
Hair: His mane as it is, is short and rough cut.
Height: 189 cm
Weight: 90 kg
Eyes: Dark orange
Scars/Tattoo's: Several scars litter his body from fights and injuries, most not very prominent.
Weapons: For the moment: Claws and spells.
Armour: For the moment: None
Clothing: Torn black Long pants and a Partly torn long sleeve off white shirt.
Inventory: N/A
Personality: Jareth is for the most part a cheery kind of khajiit with a real serious streak at times. He will push himself beyond his own limits as much as possible rather than stagnate and stay comfortable within his own boundaries; this also means he will try anything at least once.
Misc: Former Member of House Telvanni. (May not be the most Upstanding of former members either

Background Information:
Jareth was born to a young seamstress in the employ of Mistress Dalrissa, a Telvanni Magister whom occupied an old Imperial Fort rather than the traditional Telvanni tower. His father was unknown at the time and to this day still is, potentially he could be one of the Servants that worked for the Mistress of the tower or one of the sell-swords that were used as guard. At a young age Jareth seemed to show some magical talent by accidentally setting one of the Apprentice’s robes on fire. At the time Mistress Dalrissa had made a joke with one of the other Magisters that if anyone of a beast race showed magical talent she personally would train them. (This is linked to how some do not believe that the beast races such as khajiit are not capable of natural magical talent.)
When he was brought before her for this transgression of setting the apprentice’ robe alight she had to eat her words, after having the child prove what he did. It was fright that had triggered the outburst before and this time he was given a simple spell to try, a frost spell in which he froze a candle stick. So at age seven Jareth was taken as her apprentice and began to be taught in the ways of sorcery, believing men to be more adept as battle mages and spell swords rather than full on Mages (Believing men to be more brutish and not as…intelligent) he was also trained in some of the more physical arts. Jareth took on much of what he was trained, picking up on what he was taught quickly and as a bonus to the training with magic he was forced to learn how to read, write, do math and all kinds of other things. He picked up alchemy and the study of enchantments as hobbies from the Hall as they were the more common things that were exported away from there and sold to make coin.
At the age of Sixteen, young Jareth had started to do some traveling outside of the fort he started to explore everything that was offered, sampling moon sugar, women and pretty much everything that he got his paws on. This also landed him in trouble with the law, he was arrested by one of the guard from a nearby Redoran town while trying to sneak out of the daughter’s bedroom of the Redoran Lord. Fortunately an imperial Agent happened to want information on the ins and outs of several Telvanni Lords and their holdings, for reasons most probably of the seedy kind. The agent took advantage of the young incarcerated khajiit and the two Brokered a deal. Mostly this deal favoured the young female agent who was getting good information and the teen was getting his freedom and guards whom would not tell his Mistress of the…incident. Three years after the Oblivion crisis, Jareth chose to start travelling abroad, looking to apply his trade and skills elsewhere and even visit the land in which his kind originate from. Utilizing his alchemical and enchanting skills to help make ends meet and pay for any other spells or magical training he encountered along the way.