Damn you, shoddy QA!
I hear a lot of comments about how terrible Bethesda QA must be. The most important thing to remember about QA is that it is not, and never will be, QA's responsibility to ensure a bug free release. QA's only function is to assist stakeholders in judging the quality of the product.
In essence, QA can only highlight issues caused by developer mistakes (whether they are faults caused by bugs, or missed or misunderstood requirements) so, QA's effect on the actual quality of the release is largely passive, so to blame QA for post release issues is at best misguided.
Another thing you'll hear a lot of, is 'All software releases contain bugs.' this is perfectly true. No matter how much effort you put in to development or QA, you will always release with some bugs. Moreover, not only will the release contain bugs, but first releases will always contain known bugs. That is to say, just because a release contains bugs does not mean they were not identified ahead of time by QA. In fact it's quite normal for a first release to contain hundreds, if not thousands, of known issues of one kind or another.
That will perhaps shock some people, but this is because no matter how good the development group is, project resource is finite. It's generally just not possible to fix them all in time for release. What happens is that, given the necessary information by QA & Dev, an appropriate stakeholder (normally a project manager) will anolyse each issue, judge the business risk of release against the project risk of the fix and then prioritise accordingly. The output of this is a list of 'to fix for release' and 'to fix in maintenance release 1', 'to fix in maintenance release 2', etc.
Damn you, shoddy developers!
As a developer, one of the first thing you have to come to terms with is that no matter how good you are, you're going to make mistakes. You're going to put bugs into software without realising it and that software more often than not will be released with your bug/s in it, and your customers are going to have to deal with them one way or another. So, it's all the developers fault, right? Not necessarily.
While it's true that any bug that a customer sees can by and large be traced back to an individual developer, no developer works in isolation with a margherita in one hand and a Faberge egg in the other. Not unless they write COBOL, anyway. When judging the work of a developer it's important to remember is that all developers work under the constraints put in place by development management, project management and stakeholders. One way of thinking about it is that a software project can by and large be broken down to three main aspects. Quality, Time and Resource. So, for example, if marketing commit to a release date, time becomes fixed. In most cases the stakeholders will have set the budget at project initiation, so your resource is fixed - and the only thing left that's variable? Quality. With finite time and finite resource the maximum achievable quality of the product is now effectively fixed, and the eventual realised quality of the release is probably going to be defined by the maturity of your project management, development and QA processes, and the level of skill in the respective areas.
So, what's that got to do with developers? Well, the constraints for development are now set. Now, if the stars have aligned and you've been given realistic deadlines and a generous budget then great. However, if your marketing have decided that, say, releasing on 11/11/11 looks really good on their branding boards then you're probably out of luck. You'll now have your work items set, if not in stone, then at least in a fairly sticky substance that you really don't want to go near.
What's that? Your timelines don't seem to have accounted for the time necessary to write good unit tests for your code, or appropriately document it, or clarify ambiguous requirements with the stakeholder? Unlucky! It's come around to patch time and because you weren't allowed the time for them before, there are no regression suites to run to check that your latest change hasn't made dragons fly backwards? Unlucky!
So, no-ones to blame?
Not exactly. Realistically, the project team (Steering, Marketing, Development, QA, etc) all share some degree of responsibility for the final quality of the product, in sickness and in health.
However, in my experience, the people most likely to negatively affect the quality of the final product, almost without exception, aren't the QA team, aren't the development group, but Steering, with unrealistic budgets, unrealistic timelines and a lack of emphasis on product quality and Project management, by accepting unrealistic timelines and not managing stakeholders properly.
In closing, please don't always be quite so mean to Development and QA.

Developers work harder than most people could believe and generally love the software more than anyone - and while QA will forever be the red-headed stepchild of software development they are still highly skilled professionals and generally work as hard as anyone, if not harder, to help ensure a high quality release.