Just peaked here. Colored about the same as an iron-rich rock, but paler.
where i am (devizes uk) there isn't a cloud in the sky,and i have a great view of the whole thing (even the street lights by me are off). so much so that the whole sky is filled with glowing stars
Throat so dry, skin itchy, hair seems the same but I'm sure its growing.... overwhelming urge to moon the moon.
Cant fight it
(And back outside for me)
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y76/Caultus/Pictures/IMG_2837_zpsnnxlibbw.jpg~original so I got a good viewing.
I took a series of pics, some kinda blurry (some really blurry), but most of them seemed passable. That one ^ was the last one I took, about ten minutes ago.
Very nice. As I feared, it was way too overcast here for me to see anything.
This is about as good as it gets with my camera: https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/12063730_947338985325971_8073865825583272350_n.jpg?oh=33afa2dd86c1d279ab991054b45f697a&oe=56976C3E
Not bad, not bad Same as Swrdphantom for me but city haze and lights made it a tad rough to make out. (or my crappy eyes are getting worse.
Ya hear him howling round your kitchen door?
Well you better not let him in!
Heard a lady got ravaged late last night,
Bet it was ole 2-caps again.
AAAoohoooooo werewolf in omaha
Looking through the rest I thought I'd share a few more-
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y76/Caultus/Pictures/IMG_2791_zpsna2b1oqk.jpg~original (the shape you see on the bottom is the roof of the apartment building to the east of me)
The rest are with the camera on a tripod, and using a two second timer/delay. Pushing the button made the camera shake too much.
This is the 4th bloodmoon within the last two years (2014 and 2015)... Kinda scary honestly to me.
It's cloudy where I am, so I couldn't see anything.. I'm not surprised because back at my family's old house, when something like this happened, clouds were there as well. Honestly, I'm actually quite angry that I have to look up the pictures every time rather than being able to see any of these in person.. to continue having a cloudy sky on an even rarer event make me not want to really bother anymore.
These are all quite nice thank you for sharing.
Well. It's religion related and about that whole "end of the world" prophecy... It did mention that one of the signs will be four bloodmoons in a row within a short period of time (short as in compared to how rare a bloodmoon usually is). I don't believe it myself but still, the fact that part of the prophecy has became true does makes one think...