ooc: Sorry looong post, but its supposed to be awsome. You guys might recognize a certain setting near the end

The halls were dark and silent. The only light was the small portions luminating from magical crystals on the walls. Dante moved quickly but muffeled his steps as he crept along the wynding corridors. Down steps from the entrance, and following the long hallway to a large room, filled with pillars which held welkynd stones. Dante inspected the floor, and at the same time kept himself aware of another presence inside the ruins. There was much ash, those soldiers who did survive must have pushed their way into this room, but battled many more beasts. There were too, several human corpses, naked corpses. These must have been the lycans. It didn't take long for the stench of dead flesh made its way to Dante, but he held himself. He had been through worse over the years. As he ended his inspection, now across the room, he made his way through an opened grating showing a stone door with blue glowing runes, forming a tree. For a stone door, it was soft in sound as he pushed it open.
Now more steps brought Dante to an even larger room. Most of it was filled with water, and a slim bridge lay itself extending to the other end. This room was a bit brighter. On the ceiling was a large cluster of bright glowing crystals, like a chandelier. How beautifull architecture the alyeds had. But the beauty is a mask of what power and evil they held. Dante now made his way across the bridge staying low, about half way. Soon he stopped. His senses spotted danger. Soon two crystals, one on each side of the bridge glew red then cast some spell at him. Dante dropped to his belly, making both fireballs collide making a loud roaring bang.
Damnit all! Dante whispered as he hoped no lycan had heard. But the bellowing howls that came deeper within the ruin dropped any hope. Dante crawled to the other side of the bridge slipping into the shadows into the next chamber. He wasn't suprised when two lycans had dashed passed him and stopping at the door watching the bridge. Dante waited, for almost two minutes, but the creatures didn't move. There was no other way, he had to take them down, the larger one had showed signs of taking in Dantes scent.
As it turned to Dantes corner, it met its doom. Dante was already behind it, his hands placed in key locations on its head. And with a swift twist, the beasts neck cracked hoarsely, as Dante let go, the thing fell to the floor face first. But now his presence was known, and the other Lycan shrieked out a loud howl. Clearly it was calling for aid. Dante now flashed out his scimitars and cut it down in mid howl, slicing heatscar across its chest, cutting deep and sending a searing pain through its veins, and next came Froststrike cutting its neck. The blood that had spat out didn't reach far, it froze in place making red ice and as the lycan fell backwards and hit the floor it shattered. The first kill for the twin blades in a long while, the only time though, the enchantments would be so strong, their energy had saved over the passed few weeks, making those strikes fatal.
Now more howeling came from within the dark corridors. Dante made no time to make his way deeper. Passing side chambers, and more hallways. He didn't want to explore, he wanted to follow the howls. This time, the hunters became the hunted, and Dante so loved to hunt good prey. After only a few minutes of sprinting swiftly deeper, he found his dead end. A small room, a burial chamber with only one coffin in the center. Dante didn't need to find a way out, he took a stand on top the marble stone coffin his blades ready, Frostrike out front, Heatscar behind in its backwards position. Soon the scuffeling of feet, or paws was heard, but through the small entry way came not lycans, but eight Vampire soldiers, one of them the same that Dante met outside. His wound was healed fully, but he held no smile. "Took you long enough didn't it?" Dante said with an sarcastic attitude. Soon more, faster paced steps could be heard, and more howling. "Well Don't stand in the door get over here and lets show these s'witts fear!" The vampires made no question, they made a line Dante in the center, swords drawn. Soon the yellow eyes of the wolvs could be seen down the hallway. They came closer and closer, and soon another large grey werewolf entered, its snout curled showing its teeth growling as it made a leap to Dante.
Dante had started his dance already, hopping forward to meet his enemy his legs bent underneath him, barely making him flip backwards, but made impact into the creatures chest, giving enough momentum to push it back tiltign its back to the ground and Heatscar stabbing into its heart, and they made impact to the ground making the firey blade sink deeper through slamming into the marbel floor. Now the battle had begun, the vampires had charged into the first group of lycans that entered, Dante yanked heatscar out of the carcass and froststrike was already sliced into another lycan, cutting into its stomach making it clutch at the wound painfully and falling to the floor. Now Dante was on the defensive. A lycan had swept its claws fiercely at him. He moved backwards as one claw went to his chest, then svcked in his gut as another went for his stomach, then ducking the first came back to strike his head.
After some dodging Dante now could predict the creatures next move, He steped back as it tried to gut him again then it lept forward with both claws aimed at Dante' chest. He side stepped leaving froststrike in the beasts path gutting it, then heatscar came round as dante made a spin cutting at the spine. The thing fell, limp as a fish. Eleven lycans had died and thirteen more had entered, the last of the clan that had taken refuge in these ruins. Their dispatchment was quick however, as the vampires found their own rhythem and cut the rest down. Now the troop rested for a few minutes. Dante had taken out his supplies for his blades. using a red cloth to wipe the black blood stains from the blades and then sharpening stones. Ten more minutes had passed now, the Vampires had split up to check the ruins for cattle. Dante was in the small chamber still inspecting the walls.
There's always secret passages, or rooms. He muttered sliding his hand along the wall. Then his attention went to the lone coffin. A square tablet with a glowing circle in the middle seemed to stand out. Dante approached it aand pushed it with his hands. It slid in roughly and the three walls fell, showing Cultists behind them. They all wore robes, dark in color. About ten of them.
Soon the vampires came back with a few more cultists. "Well done Dunmer. These should last a while. We better get back to the city. These men will stay and guard these halls." The Imperial vampire motioned his hands and the cultists followed after him. The ruins were now safe, and the journey back to the surface was quick and easy. As they reached the outside, they made their way back to the once known Imperial city.