This play-through I bypassed Sanctuary and Preston Garvey altogether and headed straight for the Cambridge Police Station with the intent of joining the BOS, going as far as I possibly could in their ranks before being forced into the MQ, and doing nothing else.
Let's just set aside the fact that that jack-### continues to be rude and obnoxious to me even after I've shed blood for the Brotherhood umpteen million times. Let's forget about the fact that aside from some very good looking BOS fatigues which I've lifted off of dead people, a starting level laser rifle from Danse, and metal chest piece, also from a dead guy, this organization sends me out into the field to take care of their ops without providing me anything in the way of protection or sufficient ammo. Fine, they're holed up in a police station without many resources of their own. The situation is desperate and I have to play ball until we can all complete the "mission", whatever that might be. I can role-play as well as the next guy.
What I'm having a hard time with is understanding where it's all going and knowing whether or not these endless fetch quests actually do ever end, or whether I have to take a break from them and start the MQ (and follow Nick to find Kellogg then discover the BOS airship, etc.) before this stagnant, uninteresting "guild" quest ever moves along. I figured when I got back from finding all the members of the missing recon team that Danse would actually give me another quest and something would happen, but no. He just tells me he's busy and I have to go talk to ####weed and his little girlfriend for more endless radiant fetch quests.
Am I locked into this or does the whole thing start moving after a set amount of time? If anyone can help, no need to give me heavy spoilers---just tell me what to/where to go next, or just to stay put and keep doing the radiant quests and something will eventually happen. Many thanks. Sincerely, frustrated.