The Bretons

Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:32 pm

Well, I'd use an Oblivion plane instead since Masser is more anologous to a moon and the Daedric realms are planets.

He's from the Coloured Rooms of Meridia, because he has a certain shine about him and he's definitely a colorful person.
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:53 am

The Breton 50% resistance to magic does not nullify the Apprentice 100% weakness to magic; rather it halves it, producing a character with 50% weakness to magic.

Since it appears Count Lauriel's intent is to play a Breton that is more vulnerable than normal, this solution accomplishes that nicely.

While the Altmer Apprentice may be considered as good stock for the ultimate glass cannon, a Breton Apprentice is an enjoyably fragile character, if that is what one seeks. :)

Hit the nail on the head, my friend. Obviously, an Altmer Apprentice is weaker than my Breton Apprentice. But for me, that doesn't make them any less fun to play. In fact, one of my favourite characters before Helena was an Altmer Apprentice named Laronwen. She was a Necromancer, and rather a handful against other spellcasters.

I once met a Breton who was more vulnerable than normal. His mama never loved him, and he got hooked on Skooma. But he had tiger blood and adonis DNA. They didn't realize they were dealing with a warlock.

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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:56 am

Ill take Altmer Apprentice over Breton any day.
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:45 am

Ill take Altmer Apprentice over Breton any day.

If I had a choice, I probably would ;) I'd also probably be slinging all manner of destruction spells at anyone who wrongs me. Helena on the other hand, won't throw fireballs of doom at anyone. Neither is she an Altmer.

However, all this talk about magic and Altmer is making me want to play a Sorceress.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:42 pm

The Breton 50% resistance to magic does not nullify the Apprentice 100% weakness to magic; rather it halves it, producing a character with 50% weakness to magic.

Since it appears Count Lauriel's intent is to play a Breton that is more vulnerable than normal, this solution accomplishes that nicely.

While the Altmer Apprentice may be considered as good stock for the ultimate glass cannon, a Breton Apprentice is an enjoyably fragile character, if that is what one seeks. :)

Actually it does. the way magic resist and weakness work it does completely nulify it ,at least in my experience since the effects don't cancel each other ,because positive spells like resist or spell absorb are checked first and negative effects are checked after those effects

So say a mage casts a damage health 100 spell on my Breton Apprentice ,the game first checks my magic resist halving the damage to 50 ,it then checks the Weakness which doubles it to 100

I think it should change so that it just takes away 50 percent to weakness
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:52 pm

Actually it does. the way magic resist and weakness work it does completely nulify it ,at least in my experience since the effects don't cancel each other ,because positive spells like resist or spell absorb are checked first and negative effects are checked after those effects

So say a mage casts a damage health 100 spell on my Breton Apprentice ,the game first checks my magic resist halving the damage to 50 ,it then checks the Weakness which doubles it to 100

I think it should change so that it just takes away 50 percent to weakness

:) Interesting. I wonder where I've gone astray? Here's my references:

Quote UESP wiki: 'The mechanics of each individual Resist/Weakness pair is the same. A Weakness is basically just a negative resistance. Any creature's or character's total effective resistance is the sum of all active Resist and Weakness effects:'

Supporting link:
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Grace Francis
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:58 am

Actually it does. the way magic resist and weakness work it does completely nulify it ,at least in my experience since the effects don't cancel each other ,because positive spells like resist or spell absorb are checked first and negative effects are checked after those effects

So say a mage casts a damage health 100 spell on my Breton Apprentice ,the game first checks my magic resist halving the damage to 50 ,it then checks the Weakness which doubles it to 100

I think it should change so that it just takes away 50 percent to weakness

Are you sure? In my experience, it does create a weakness.

Edit: Note that my experience is merely playing a Breton Apprentice and getting hit by a spell that I'm sure shouldn't have taken as much of my health as it did.
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:45 am

They are but I made my Breton a weakness.

The Apprentice.
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Emilie M
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:36 pm

If I want to play a magic user, I play as an Altmer let me tell you - THAT is badass. :cool:
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:54 am

Bretons are really powerful although Bretons are only good as Battlemages or full mages. You can have them be Warriors although they will have low health for a while. Easily my favorite race and a race I love playing as. Now if Bretons had Adrenaline Rush then that wouldn't be fair.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:04 am

I've always used Bretons until I first started playing Morrowind, then I changed it up a bit. Personally, I think the Orcs and Redguards have the best one day powers, the Altmer has the highest magicka making them superior to the Bretons once you are high enough that the negatives mean very little, and the Bretons are my favourite race for their magicka bonus and 50% magicka resistance. I don't even look at the skill or attribute bonuses because they can all be maxed in the end, and a majority of powers (and birthsigns) can be made into a spell. It seems like only a select few races and birthsigns are significant enough to be in any way useful mid-end game.
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