The Brink Reviews

Post » Tue May 10, 2011 11:33 pm

Do you guys think that Splash Damage and Bethseda are upset/mad because of the reviews? One of my friends was going to buy it.....until he saw the reviews. :facepalm:
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Tue May 10, 2011 10:45 pm

Not to insult your friend, but I think anyone who buys or doesn't buy games based on reviews is making uninformed purchasing decisions. Other people's opinions aren't good enough for me, and they shouldn't be good enough for any of you either.
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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 5:08 am

One of my friends was going to buy it.....until he saw the reviews. :facepalm:

Your friend is a foolish person. Reviews aren't, by any means, objective commentary on the strengths and weaknesses of a game which you can use to justify or refute a buy. All they are (despite how they dress up the language into defnitive statements) is someone ranting on about how they liked this game, and entirely subjective thing which isn't transmittable to any other peson without intimate knowledge of their tastes and preferences.

And even then, something's going to be loss in the translation.

For example of how meaningless they are, my one of favorite games of the past 2 years have been HAWX 2, something that no reviewer would have possibly pinned as something that could even strike that position. They saw an unispired, tedious dogfights, and the rest of it but I saw something a hell of a lot deeper than that and something that I immensely enjoyed, far more than Battlefield BC2, Mass Effect 2, Halo Reach, and even the nerd-gasm that is Portal 2. Now for Brink (despite scoring the same) isn't one of my favorite games, but it's still one I don't regret buying even though most reviewers would have thought I'd feel as much. Their words aren't mine, and while they may touch on a few issues the relative importance they place on them isn't going to reflect the importance I would (and which I can only do with direct experience, not second hand reflections.)

So, next time you see his friend give him a slap for me and say "think for yourself." And if he asks something to the effect of "what the hell did you do that for?!" slap him again and just say "the internet sent me."
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 10:00 am

Despite the reviews my friends did buy the game and they were not satisfied with it. They're out 60 bucks and if they would have listened to the reviews they would still have their money. It really works both ways. I love the game despite its issues. It's safe to say that this game isn't for everybody.
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Post » Tue May 10, 2011 8:05 pm

If Brink was $35, it would have better reviews. People will think it's bad from reviews even when the price drops. It's an awesome game with less content than most.
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 4:30 am

It really works both ways.

In so much that you might be "wrong" and completely separately someone else might be "right." That doesn't mean you should cede your consumer choice to someone else, though, because with the very next game that same person may very easily be "wrong" with respect to your own opinion as nothing is counted for him by his previous, and entirely by chance, success. Each and every instance is a new throw of the dice, and it should only be up to you to play the odds.
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Queen of Spades
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 1:29 am

Video game reviews aren't worth the paper or gigaframz they're printed on. Nowadays writing a critique is akin to airing out all of your personal grievances and trying to mask them as being objective, not to mention the (large) group of article writers who are only well known for some niche, the Harry Carey's of the critic world. Critics in general are pretty useless and I think SD understands that the only good thing to come out of it is that at least they're being talked about, the actual content of what they say couldn't matter less.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 11:28 am

It's an awesome game with less content than most.

Yeah, thats gotta be one of few drawbacks, but its still a great game, I'm moving onto my 2nd character just yesterday.

Plus, reviews are just opinion (my review for example), you should get your friend to play a bit of the game, kind of like its a demo. That will allow him to make his own choice if its worth his time.
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 12:37 am

Not to insult your friend, but I think anyone who buys or doesn't buy games based on reviews is making uninformed purchasing decisions. Other people's opinions aren't good enough for me, and they shouldn't be good enough for any of you either.

Reading reviews and opinions on the game is the exact opposite of uninformed. It is gathering information about the game, seeing if you think said reviewer is reputable, intelligent, and has an opinion worth a damn, and then taking his review into account. That's actually making an informed purchase using your anolytical skills.

You see the way reviews and critics work is they present an opinion on something and gives reasons. You then take their history as a reviewer and their tastes into account. Some review sites are worthless, such as IGN. Reviews provide far better opinions such as Ars Technica.

Just buying a game based on your opinion of the box art or a few doctored up screenshots/videos is making an uninformed or poorly informed decision. Probably worse than the poor idiot who bases their purchasing opinion on IGN alone.
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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 10:04 am

Here's a simple honest review. The game is a complete launch joke. DON'T BUY IT. Rent it. It's gonna be a while before Splash Damage puts a patch out, and I doubt their cool little server side tweak technology can fix the things that are #FAIL about that game. The reviews were actually too generous as I supposed they didn't want to tarnish Bethesda's good name but Spalsh Damage is making them look bad.
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Lilit Ager
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 5:47 am

Here's my opinion on my own personal experiences and should not, by any means, be considered objective

Oh okay.
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