"Hail All - Brave City Bromjunaar
Forever These Walls Shall Stand
May Enemies See Her Majesty
May All Quake to Behold Her"
Hello, hello! And WELCOME to the first annual BROMJUNAAR FASHION SHOW!!!!!!! *applause* That's right! Featuring some of the finest and most majestic royal outfits the modern day tailors would and shall be envious of! In contemplation of the benevolent Dragon cult of yore, these holier than holy Priests of Alduin have assembled to partake in this fashion show of the ages! Each attire and their eponymous masks were specially handcrafted by themselves. Their fashion tastes are impeccable, their faith devout, and their hearts of righteousness, they are ready to show off their magnificent splendor to you, the public!
And with that said, I shall now give the podium to our gracious host - and one of the 12 contestants - Please give a round of applause to... Lord Hevnoraak!!!
Thank you, thank you, oh thank you! You savages are all too kind! Greetings, blasphemous heathens. Under the magistrate of Overlord Alduin, and funding from the old members of the 2nd Atmoran society?, and the support from Draconian Associates Management inc. I, lord Hevnoraak of Valthume present to thee, Bromjunaar Fashion Show of 4E 201!!!
It is a common misconception that those of the holy ranks are anol and boring. Strict and official, and have no fashion tastes whatsoever. I am proud to say, this is false. My attentive audience, we of the Priesthood are but the epitome of FASHION! Why, it was us - most holy of Alduin - who began the tradition of "royal dressing" that the savage Jarls of today claim to adhere to. It was not the pansy Elves from Aldmeris who invented the term FASHION. Aye, it was the benevolent Dragon cult of Atmora, who brought this tradition to Snow Elf infested Skyrim. The cult, who graced it's subjects with the splendor of dragons in human form, as represented by the craftsmanship of our holy robes, of our holy masks, of our holy souls!
Without further ado! Let the Bromjunaar Fashion Show of 4E 201 begin!!!!
- Hevnoraak of Valthume
*In honor of heroic http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/577867195242798588/5000877B20E653D89C4B8A38BC1C764CDADF3CFC/ Guardian of Solstheim, and most brave of the cult.
Whose deeds inspired the hearts of men and Dov.
http://i.imgur.com/yOdSfQm.jpg the Embittered Destroyer
http://i.imgur.com/spCS8YG.jpg the Dishonored
http://i.imgur.com/2iFLAiN.jpg the Brutal
http://i.imgur.com/wce1hbT.jpg the Sorrowful
http://i.imgur.com/uxJLlNh.jpg the Guide
http://i.imgur.com/4O0SM10.jpg the Glorious
http://i.imgur.com/Qaps5qs.jpg the Vengeful
http://i.imgur.com/aP0tV3K.jpg the Mad
http://i.imgur.com/Qmh91KO.jpg the Rageful
http://i.imgur.com/nbtuGYk.jpg the Shadow
http://i.imgur.com/C0W3vyw.jpg the Horrific
http://i.imgur.com/ibs6qbA.jpg the Bloody Sword
Vote now!!
If you have ANY problems viewing the screenshots then click the link below for the custom album I made: