You ask to be a member of the brotherhood, then the elder gives you a quest. Then when you finish it, you are a paladin and the elder gives you some power armour and training
NOTE: after finishing
Still in the Dark, you need to leave the bunker
entirely (
i.e. exit all the way to the wastes) and then re-enter prior to speaking to McNamara and asking to join the Brotherhood, or he will not have the appropriate topic available. It may also be advisable to FT to another location and wait a day or two before re-entering the bunker, although I have never had to do so.
If after re-entering the bunker McNamara does not offer the proper topic, then exit the bunker again and do the FT-and-wait routine; give it 2-3 days to be on the safe side and then try again, and McNamara should now have the proper option available. I recommend making a fresh save after exiting the bunker (remember, you
must exit to the Mojave Wasteland), so that you have a close point to reload to if the waiting trick does not fix things, since in that case reloading will be the only option (if
that fails, try exiting the game completely prior to loading the save).