Sure why not, I do like a trailer and anything that can give me new ideas is good

Now here is some more information on the Brotherhood of Steels army.
Since the Brotherhood has gotten so huge they have split into three companies, those companies are Alpha Company, Beta Company, and Charlie Company. Each company has three divisions. There are several positions that are in each division, these positions are not ranks they determine what they do in battle. Each position will have at least one Frag Grenade and a side arm, usually a Pistol or Laser Pistol.
Soldier: They wear Combat Armor and use Assault Rifles or Laser Rifles.
Scout: They wear Recon armor and are equipped with Sniper Rifles. The Scouts are the only ones with an Elite Unit, there Elite Unit is called Recon.
Medic: They wear Combat Armor and have kits filled with medical supplies, they use SMG's.
Tanks: They wear Power Armor and use LMGs and mini-guns.
Brutes: They wear Power Armor and use Assault Rifles or Laser rifles.
Boomers: They wear Power Armor and are the Brotherhoods demolition experts. They use anything that goes boom.
Each Division has all of the positions in them.
Lyons Pride is not apart of any company, they are considered to be there own company though it is not official. To those who are not members of Lyons Pride they view it as the Brotherhoods Elite Company, no one despises Lyons Pride, most of the Brotherhood members wish to become apart of Lyons Pride but it has never had more then fifteen members.
(The total number of Brotherhood members will not be stated, but they are the largest faction on the east coast so just go by that)