But what we can all agree on, is that the Dwemmer are a mystery to us all.
However, the answer is nearly within our grasp thanks to contributions from a close and personal friend of mine Calcelmo, court wizard and renowned expert on both the Dwemmer and Falmer, and the College of Winterhold who after discovering the “Eye of Magnus” dedicated vast amounts of time to researching the Dwemmer.
It seemed that after the Eye of Magnus was found and subsequently removed from our world that something stirred beneath us, a long drawn out whisper that unnerved all that could hear it. Anybody who had been in contact with the creations of the Dwemmer heard it, though not a voice like you would think. It was more akin to a sense of deep terrifying urgency. The call caused panic among some and delight among others and as you can imagine, countless amounts of scouting parties where dispatched immediately from almost every province and organization in Tamriel – though they all had their different motives for exploration, some for scholarly learning, others for riches and glory and some for reasons unknown even to themselves.
What did they find? Well, if they return I'm sure we will find out – for none of them have save for one man, in eight months since the call was heard, none have returned. The information we have is inconclusive thus far, all we know is that the Falmer all but disappeared from their homes in the ruins of the Dwavern cities no doubt following the very same call we who had been exposed to the relics of the Dwemmer heard.
However, the one survivor of the many expeditions (if we are to assume the others died) was unable to shed much light. We know from his journal that he encountered other scouting parties who had apparently found their way down to a previously untouched dwarvern city from other ruins located across Tamriel, which would confirm that there is more than one way down – a conclusion which excites many millitary leaders and worries others. If these catacombs could be succesfully navigated, whats to stop an invading force from sneaking into the heard of enemy territory? An avenue many are convinced the Thalmor will wish to take advantage of should the time come.
As for our survivor, I am saddened to say that he disappeared shortly after he was recovered wandering the excavation site of Nchuand-Zel rambling of a great maw, a prison that would rival the darkest dreams of the Daedra, of creations so profane and mind bending that trying to comprehend their purpose drove him quite insane.
This brings me back to my earlier point about the Dwemmer, where they truly heretics who took the power of a god as their own to fuel a monstrosity such as the Numidium, or did they fall upon their own sword to create a guardian, a jail keeper capable to guarding this mysterious Maw that has been secret for so long.
It would perhaps be best to leave some mysteries unsolved, but this seems to be my opinion alone, two days ago the high king of Skyrim, Ulfric Stormcloak, has funded expeditions into the Dwemmer ruins and a reward for the return of our mysterious survivor. Many have answered his call and disappeared into the depths already, more arrive every day. It would be foolish to think that he is the only one with an stake in the matter, the Thalmor have already been revealed to have some curiosity in the matter, and I fear that if they are involved it would be safe to say that every one is clamoring to beat them to the finish line.
May the Nine have mercy on them all.
- Extract fromThe Call of the Dwemmer Author unknown
Day... well, I don't even know what day it is, since we lost access to daylight it's been somewhat hard to track the passage of time. It feels like months, perhaps because I've had to endure every minute of my presence in these great halls among these Thalmor imbeciles. If only I could have gained access to these ruins without Thalmor funding then perhaps their paranoia wouldn't be hampering my progress. A means to an end I suppose, at least they will keep me alive long enough to actually do my research, their superstitious must really want to evaluate a possible threat or gain from these ruins to send so many agents to guard me, veteran all to boot. I should be grateful, but if another one of these pompous bastards so much as mentions their superiority to me because I'm Bosmer, I' have half a mind to... well what could I do, they'd kill me in seconds where I not so valuable to their superiors. Who I have yet to meet.
I'd better get some sleep, it's my turn to cook the morning meal next. If I wake up early enough I might be able to add a special and most unsavory ingredient.
Entry Four.
I've decided to organize my journal by entries rather than dates, It feels like days sine I last wrote – probably has been, I've made breakfast twice since then. At least we've made some progress since last I wrote, we finally made it down to the bottom of this hole, the crumbling ruins have paved way to something glorious, a door that was previously documented as unable to open, even by the Psijic before they departed our world, just welcoming us arms wide. It was as if it expected us and opened in preparation. Inside, well it's paradise to some one such as myself. The walls do not crumble, the machinery is pristine and life may well not have penetrated these walls since the Dwemmer themselves occupied them. Such an exciting development!
Entry Five.
What a day, we lost two of our number to a mechanized construct, I've come across them before but this one seemed different, it seemed aware of our presence and lured us into a trap, this is the first evidence I've seen of sentience in the Dwavern constructs. Of course attempts on my part to communicate with it where overshadowed by blasts of lightning from the fingertips of my companions. The strangest thing did happen when it was defeated however, it simply melted right there before my eyes! Another mystery to be solved I guess. Sadly I didn't manage to recover a sample. I the others are asleep, but I can't contain myself, the excitement is unbearable.
Entry Six
We where attacked again today after finding the strangest thing. A bright orb that quite literally painted visions of people into the walls out of pure light! They seemed to be moving and talking but we could not hear their voices, they where undoubtedly images of Dwemmer, so beautiful.
Entry Seven
I've been in this room for three sleep cycles (which we've started using to record the passage of time in here) I can't get this device to work again, i've pushed every brick and piece of metal, cast every spell and said every word from every language I know. If only I could look at those faces one more time.
Entry Eight
Our number has fallen again. As I attempted to activate the Dwemmer divice it exploded and showered us with shards of Dwavern metal. A few of the Thalmor agents where pierced but most where protected by the architecture of the room. The metal that pierced the agents quickly turned to liquid form as it did with the construct, it got into their blood stream and to my horror, their veins stood rigid with strain and they lost all control of their movement before dropping dead to the floor, their faces all masks of agony. I think it's time to move on, my infatuation with this device has angered many and left me feeling... exposed.
Entry Nine
Something moving in the shadows, it didn't sound dwavern.
Entry Ten
They got them, got them all. But not me, they left me. Knew I was special, knew I was destined to find it, where is it though? I have the key to the Maw, I can open the prison and let it out.
Day one
Met another group today. Nords and Elves and Cat people. Said they where from the College so I had to kill them, students shouldn't be this far underground, they should be in class. They nearly killed me instead, I ran away. Got lost though.
I think sent they me back in time, but without my friends. I'm back at the beginning except it looks different now.
Entry Eleven
Strange men are coming, they look like barbarians. I didn't know Nord's lived this far underground. He said his name was Calcelmo. I recognize that name from a book, a fictitious book perhaps. Have they put me into a book? When will they let me see it again. The maw is calling to me. It wants me in its jaws.
Entry Twelve
I'm in Skyrim. I started in Summerset Isles, now I'm in Skyrim. I think I invented teleportation. The Thalmor will be pleased.
Entry Thirteen
Wont go back. Wont go back. Wont go back. Wont go back. Wont go back. Have to though. It told me to.
1. No character controlling
2. All sheets must be approved
3. No altruistic/all seeing or uber characteristics.
4. Try not to argue or upset each other, if you must, take it to the inbox
5. Keep OOC posts to a minimum if you can, if its not that important PM the affected party of whatever you need to say
6. If you cant post or are dropping out, let us know so we can do something with your character.
7. Just use common sense and you'll do fine

Character sheets
Name: Almerion
Race: Nord, Vampire
Age: Born at the end of the second Era.
Appearence: Almerion displays two appearances, one of a feeble old man, stooped and weak wrapped in a cloak and bent almost double due to his weak back and arthritis riddled bones, he wears a cloak so large that the only part of his face people can see is a long white beard dropping from bellow the shadow of his hood. However, this is simply misdirection, when he allows others to see his true form he stands as tall as any Nord at a modest 5'10, his body is lean with little bulk, his hair is almost of spun silk, falling down past his shoulders in white strands that he ties with a blue ribbon. He rarely removes his cloak unless those he is with are trusted to know of his vampire nature.
Apparel: Almerion wears tailored clothes, a black knee length fur coat over a white silk tunic and black cotton pants, his left arm is covered in white bandages which he never removes due to an odd collection of burn scars. He wears soft black leather boots and has rarely been one for practicallity or protection when wearing clothes.
Weapons and misc: Almerion prefers to use unarmed combat rather than weapons since relying on weapons can be unreliable. He carries a gnarled old wooden staff to help him “Walk”, when pretending to be feeble.
Abilities and talents: Almerion is a proficient and fierce combatant, a user of martial combat rather than weapons, he always seeks to undermine his opponents and use everything to his advantage in the theatre of war. The only other art he has studied in his years as a vampire is that of Alteration, he considers himself a master of the art but often realizes he still has much to learn.
Personality: Cold, calculated and conservative. Almerion was once a man of passion who let his mistakes burn out that flame in his heart to become something more meticulous and wise. While others might be arguing or preparing to fight, Almerion will be taking in the subtle nuances and details of the room before making his move. He is however, quick to laugh at even the most childish and unintelligent jokes. He finds a certain serenity in peaceful contemplation but follows the dramas of the world with eager amusemant.
Biography: Almerion was born to an Imperial captain who served in the Legions of Tiber Septim. His father retired to a vineyard in Skingrad which Almerion (who was named Marcus by his father) eventually inherited. In this time he eventually married but lost his wife shortly after. When entering a streak of self destruction he attracted the attention of a Vampire named Gabrielle after making contact “Marcus” was turned into a Vampire and subsequently renamed Almerion by his new master. After many years they parted ways. He spent some time in the thiefs guild before eventually being confronted by his old master, after his defeat he left the thieves guild in disgrace and travelled alone until eventually spending some time with the dark brotherhood. What heppened from there on is much of a mystery (or a major spoilet alert if you read my fanfiction) though after the oblivion crisis he traveled the provinces making contact with the many vampire clans before coming to Skyrim where he settled with much of his amassed wealth. After the defeat of Alduin he moved to Markath where he funded much of the Court Wizards research, he is now prepairing to venture into the Dwemmer ruins bellow the city, and if offering to pay for any expeditions from Skyrim on Ulfrics behalf.
Name: Mashab "Steel Tusk" Gro-Vod, goes by "Mash" by most. Only the Orcs of his clan use his full name.
Age: Early 30's
Race: Orc
Appearance: Mashab has dull green skin, the colour of samp moss. Much of his body is riddled in burn scars though not from battle, the are from his work as a blacksmith. He keeps his hair shaved and his beard trimmed since it so often gets singed by the forge's sheer heat. His body is bulky with weight from his years of manual labour. His tusks appear to be made of steel, which he keeps polished and bright.
Weapons: Mashabs form of combat is unrefined at best, he relies on his presence to unnerve enemies and swings madly until either he or his adversaries are down. He uses two hammers, his fathers forging hammer and his grandfathers forging hammer. They are essentially used as maces.
Apparel: Mashab always wears leather overalls and an appron when traveling or working, they serve their purpose to protect him from the heat of the forge and its metal so they suit him fine in combat.
Personality: Stubborn to a fault but kind hearted to most people. He takes the honour of his name and his clan very seriously and deeply respects those of similar tradition. He always seeks to perfect his craft and has always been in awe of the dwemmer and their craftmanship.
Abilities: Mashab is a master craftsman, smith and artisan with the strength of an ox (as with most orc) though he has little else to call talent.
Histoy: Mashab was born to a long line of Orc blacksmiths. In his clan the tradition was to use both your fathers and his fathers hammers to forge your own as an apprentice, then from that moment onward you carry both Hammers as a symbolic gesture to your family line. Mashab learnt the art from an early age from his father, though he eventually left his clan's stronghold in the rift when it was ransacked by bandits. Much of his family survived and sought refuge with the other orc clans but Mashab took the opportunity to travel the land's an apprentice himself to many craftsmen.
However, in his time travelling Mashab was taken by bandits who wanted to ransom him back to his family. When Mashab refused to tell them which clan he belonged to they considered torturing him. The chief however knew the futility of torturing a stubborn Orc and instead had his men painfully grind down Mashab's tusks. Mashab who was humiliated and tormented by this, eventually broke out of his cell in a rage and using a discarded candle stick, brought down each of the bandits in his path (though he later realised the bandit group was not a great one, having only three members besides the chief). He eventually confronted the chief who, like the coward he truly was, begged forgiveness and mercy, offering Mashab his prized steel sword of Skyforge craftsmanship as a bargaining chip. Mashab took the sword happily, then used it to skewer the chief. When he eventually made it back to civilization he spent months trying to forge a new set of tusks as his prize. Using his newly acquired Skyforge steel as his medium.
He eventually came to Markath due to his fascination with the Dwemmer and got himself noticed by a wealthy nobleman named Almerion, who has been funding his training ever since. In return Mashab helps the old man with his daily activities much like a man servant, even his more darker needs though he does not always approve of his masters appetite.
(If your not using both sheet's let me know which to remove)
Name: Abreal
Age: 25
Race: Nord
Appearence: Pale, dark brown eyes and long blond hair (about 3' feet of hair, which she usually keeps tucked up under her hood) . She is about 5'7" and slender, but strong looking. She is very pretty.
Talents: She has trained in stealth for many years, and she's a whirlwind with two daggers. She's very fast.
Apparal/weapons and such: Dark shrouded armor with a hood. (Not DB armor, but looks like it.) . Her weapons consist of two small daggers. She has about 50 gold on her, but she's left everything back at home.
Background: Abreal grew up a citizen of Skyrim. She was kicked out of home when she was 16, and started off on her own. She started learning all the trades of the perfect theif as soon as she was out making a real name for herself. She has no need for a theives guild, though Brynjolf begs her to join when she goes down to the Ragged Flaggon, the only place she can relax for a bit without worrying about guards rooting her out. She made her way to Markarth because of the rich citizens who lived there, and it was the only place acctually she hadn't really racked up that big of a bounty.
Name:Leo Lucius
Appearance:1.75m (~5' 7''). Slim, very light in his feet. His hair is black and he puts a lot of effort on it. It's perfectly trimmed short and carefully combed to look messy. No facial hair. He has big brown eyes and always a smile on his face. Most would consider him attractive.
Talents skills and or abilities:His main strengths are speech and his cunning in general. He has a nack for talking his way out of sticky situations. He's also competent at sneaking, detecting/disarming most traps, picking most common locks and, if really necessary, use his blade to defend himself. Barter is also one of his main skills.
Apparel, weapons and Misc:He uses a full set of leather armor while adventuring, except a helmet since it could ruin his hair. He carries a short sword, a knife, a bottle of Cyrodilic Brandy, various utility potions and plenty of lockpicks. He always carries as little as possible so that he can carry back more loot.
Personality:Egocentric, womanizer, playful and very social. Sometimes he can be annoying, especially with his sarcastic remarks. He's not one to get angry easily, tends to see the irony in every situation and play down its dangers.
Background:Born in a big family from the Imperial City. Both parents ran a general shop selling items that tended to have shady origins. Without much supervision, Leo and his siblings, were free to roam around the city, getting themselves in all sorts of trouble every time. Some small thievery of useless things and pranks were their everyday occupation.
As Leo got older, being the free spirit that he is, he started traveling all over Cyrodiil. He started a strong relationship with alcohol and he met some women along the way... ok, many women. Between all the romance, the drinking and the socializing, he found this Bosmer adventurer. He was mesmerized by his stories about all these caves, ruins, treasures! All of those stories really resonated with him. He wanted to feel that thrill! Going into dangerous places, taking its treasures and selling them for countless Septims... visions of gold and excitement led him to accompany the Bosmer.
He learned the ropes quickly. The Bosmer had a paternal attitude towards Leo, he cared about him and he felt proud to be teaching someone his tricks. Leo learned how the creatures think and how to deceive them. When to move and where to move. How to avoid traps and pick locks. He even shown him a few tricks with a blade, not to attack but to defend yourself if needed. The Bosmer explained to him that a creature can spot you at the worst times so you have to be ready. This is a lesson that Leo will never forget, especially after that happened that same night: as the Bosmer was sneaking past a goblin, he was seen, and in a matter of seconds, that small corridor was filled with dozens of them, trapping the Bosmer inside.
Leo ran and survived.
He matured with this experience. He developed a conflicted relationship with his memories of that night and his decision to run away. He'll argue with anyone that he did the right thing, but deep down, he wishes he would have stayed. He became more conscious of how quickly one's life can end. That didn't stop him though, by that time, Leo was addicted to the hunt for treasure. The vision of valuable items in an unexplored cave was simply too tempting for him and he gradually built up the confidence to do it by himself.
Not Provided
Name - Arcturus Novius
Race - Imperial
Gender - Male
Age - 37
Appearance - Arcturus is tall, pale skinned and fair haired; it's often been suggested that he might be of Nordic descent, although he has no proof to back such claims up. He was once extremely handsome, but war has hardened and scarred him so that he looks more intimidating then anything else.
Skills - Arcturus is a trained light soldier, and is highly skilled at combat with a sword and shield. He has some talent for sneaking around, which has come in handy often in his line of work. He is a trained archer, although it's not his preferred variety of combat. He knows some basic Restoration and Illusion, enough to heal minor wounds and make mild changes to the dispositions of others. He can pick locks, although he's no master at it.
Inventory - He wears a full suit of Mithril armor, and wields a steel short sword. He has a small crossbow, with a small selection of poisoned bolts designed for piercing armor.
Biography - Arcturus was born in Cyrodiil; his father was a respected Legate in the Legion, and he grew up in complete awe and respect of him. As soon as he was old enough, he joined the Legion and began to train as a light infantryman, doing a large number of missions for the glory of the Empire. When the Skyrim Civil War broke out, he was deployed as an auxiliary unit, mostly doing covert sabotage and raid missions to weaken the Stormcloaks.
However, as the war went sour, he was moved back to Cyrodiil, where he was inducted into the Penitus Oculatus; his particular function in their ranks was among the most secretive jobs in the Empire; working against the Thalmor. If the Thalmor ever discovered his purpose, then it could potentially mean open war between the Empire and the Dominion, and so his existence was kept a secret from all but the Commander of the Penitus Oculatus and the Empreror himself.
He spent the next few years sabotaging Thalmor Justiciars, assassinating ambassadors and in general trying to hinder the Thalmor, without drawing so much attention to himself that they'd make the connection between the different raids on them. He's now been sent to explore the depths of the lost Dwemer city under the persona of a greedy but wealthy treasure hunter, with his true mission being to make sure that nothing beneficial can get into the hands of the Empire's enemies, under any circumstances.
Personality - Arcturus is a strong willed, loyal person. He has a staunch sense of duty to the Empire and to the Medes, and will stoically carry out any task given to him, no matter what.
When off duty (which is rare) he comes of as quiet, polite and reserved, as he believes any good citizen should.
However, on the inside he's not nearly as calm at all; to put it bluntly, he's an emotional wreck. He regrets every enemy soldier he's ever killed, and has constant doubts about the honor and duty he's forced himself to have. He fears for the possible victory of the Thalmor (especially considering the dark, omnicidal plans he's seen in documents found in their bases, or overheard while spying on their meetings) and is cynical that the Empire could ever emerge victorious.
Of course, he's never revealed his internal turmoil to anyone else, instead choosing to wrap himself up in a shell of duty and justice.
(If your not using both characters let me know and I'll edit one out)
Appearance:Tall even for an altmer and very thin.His skin is a pale gold, even paler than most altmer due to the amount of time he spends indoors and his hair is golden and quite disheveled. He looks rather young by human standards due to his magic powers but his pale skin and gaunt appearance may give an impression of illness.
Talents skills and or abilities: Very proficient in most fields of magic, Atheleen is considered one of the greatest living experts in the fields of alteration and conjuration despite being quite young for a wizard. He is also highly skilled in restoration, mysticism and destruction and far above the average in all the rest although he is a poor alchemist. His skill with weapons are limited to telling the pointy bits from the handle and he has never shot a bow nor has he picked a lock.
Apparel, weapons and Misc: Several sets of enchanted gray robes and a large bag that contains a huge amunt of magic books and a few blank journals for recording whatever magic he might encounter.
Background:Born in the Summerset Isles in a high class family Atheleen was considered a very talented mage even for an Altmer and he left his home to study with the psijic in Artaeum before his 200'th birthday and spent the next 586 years there becoming one of the most learned members of the psijic. However his hot temper and difficult personality as well as his radical ideas resulted in a lot of conflicts with many of the council members including lore master Celarus, the leader of the order,despite this he did attain the rank of master although he never became a member of the Council. Dissapinted by the increasing passivity of the order Atheleen left Artaeum to study magic all around Tamriel, eventually becoming Divayth Fyr's student for a brief period of only 59 years. Afterwards he returned to the Isles for a short time hoping to influence and aid the Thalmor. Disilusioned with the works of the Thalmor goverment after a few decades of frustrating work he used his influence to get appointed as head a Thalmor research party and is currently investigating dwemer ruins in general and the loss of a number of scouting teams in particular.
Name:Sinks His Tail,
Nicknames:Sinks, Tail
Appearance:Sinks His Tail is rather small and slim but very agile. His skin is a dark shade of green and he has four short horns on the top of his head.
Talents skills and or abilities: Although skilled with a sword Sinks His Tail prefers to take his enemies by surprise and as such is very adept at sneaking, alchemy and illusion and feels at home wearing light armor. He can swim very well even for an Aragonian and he is strangely powerful for someone who doesn't appear to posses any muscles to speak of. He is also quite cunning and very good at persuading people.
Apparel, weapons and Misc:Sinks owns a pair of glass daggers that are his most prized possesions. He doesn't have any other armor and usually dresses in middle class clothes.
Background:Sinks doesn't know where he was born but he was found at an early age in Narsis by a Redguard named Leslay who was employed as a mercenary and who took him in memory of a childhood friend who saved him from drowning. Sinks His Tail spent most of his life with a mercenary company and trained with his adoptive father, also bounding with Valur Otheril the leader of the mercenaries, a dunmer who knew quite a lot about silently killing and who found a eager student in the aragonian. When Sinks was 23 the company disbanded after many of them were killed and Valur was crippled by a wizard in the fight. Sinks then went from one job to another finally ending up in a xenophobic Skyrim where his skills are at the service of the highest bidder.
Eric Snowmane
Name:Eric Snowmane
Age: 45
Appearance:5'11" and 235 lbs of muscle. He has long, brown hair that extends to about the middle of his shoulder blades and a full beard that is about the length of his fist, although both are starting to grey, hence the name "Snowmane". He has a scarred body and face, with a prominent gash over his left eye from an enemies' dagger.
Talents, skills, and/or abilities:Extremely deadly with a battleaxe, and he can intimidate the average person to the point where violence becomes unneccesary.
Apparel, weapons and Misc:A Dwarven Battleaxe that was given to him by his grandfather upon joining the Legion, that he calles "Bloodaxe" because of its rough, jagged edge that brutally cuts up his foes. He also has his old Imperial Heavy Armor from his time in the Civil War fighting for the Legion
Background:He hails from Rorikstead. He joined the Imperial Legion in the Civil War, following a long standing tradition, dating back to the Oblivion Crisis, of the 1st male child of the family joining the Legion to bring honor to the family. He saw plenty of action, always wanting to be at the front of every invasion, earning a reputation as a no-nonsense warrior and feared opponent. Even the Stormcloaks knew and feared him. He was discharged shortly before the Legion's defeat in Solitude, because he took two arrows to the chest, resulting in months of serious pain that has, thankfully, subsided with some physical therapy and exercise.
After his discharge, he returned to Rorikstead and began a simple life of living on the family farm doing farmwork, however it never satisfied him like fighting did. He tried hard to adapt to civillian life, but couldn't, so he jumped at the call for people to search the Dwemer ruins, knowing that there could be trouble for the scholars, and a warrior's presence might be needed.
Tommy Bozzer
(If your not using both sheets let me know and I'll edit one out)
Name: Taliah
Race: Redguard
Age: 25
Appearance: Standing at 5'8, Taliah has a lean, but athletic build.Her skin tone is typical of that of a Redguard, but a bit darker than most due to longer exposure to the sun's rays.Her hair is black and braided on the front right side. Her dark brown eyes pierce out of white tribal paint across her eyes with small lines jerking off towards her forehead.
Skills & Abilities: Taliah has admirable skill when wielding a scimitar, either one handed or duel wielding, she's skilled with both but prefers dual wielding. Despite her skill with scimitars and curved blades, to her, straight swords feel clunky and awkward in use.Another skill she has is alchemy. Even in a desert, where ingredients could be considered rare, she manages to scrounge up enough for potions and poisons. The poison usually features snake or scorpion venom. She also is very aware of her surroundings, being able to detect traps and hazards from her experience in a Dwarven ruin during her "trial".
Weapons:Two simple scimitars worn on the left and right side of her body
Apparal:Taliah uses armour that in first glance, looks like simple hide armour but is in fact a more tribal looking set of leather armour, not including the helmet.
Misc: A satchel containg a mortar & pestle, a few ingredients and several poisons.
Personality: Taliah could be described as a lively, albeit naive young woman, but is still viewed as somewhat of a child by some people. Curiousity had always been a trait of her's, particularly regarding the Dwemer which had lured her to the city of Markarth in her first departure of the clan.
History: Born and raised in a tribal clan of the Alik'r desert, Taliah constantly had to prove herself to her elders.From a young age she sparred with her brother, Corvak, now battle champion of the clan who was basically her mentor and friend.
Another task she did was venture out into the desert sands around the camps, with her brother, and picked ingredients from plants and harvested the raw venom from incapacitated snakes and scorpions. By the age of 18, thirsting for adventure, she took the perilous test of "The City in the Sands".
A Dwarven ruin untouched for years was entered by Taliah and five others in the clan undergoing the trial and their aim was to recover a dwarven helmet deep in the ruin, apparently bestowing great power to the wearer. This was achieved, but only four left the ruin. After this trial was completed, the group were rewarded and it was deemed that, if they choose, they can venture out into the world, still maintaining their honour and respect of the clan.
Taliah stayed for another two years before venturing out and she travelled around Hammerfell, High Rock and a brief tour of western Skyrim. Five years later, when she was twenty five, Taliah returned to the clan who greeted her with open arms. Despite their apparent happiness, at her return, the clan were falling upon tough times due to skirmishes from rival tribes. It was around this time when they heard the call of the Dwemer. They knew it wasn't good. Taliah told them of Markarth, the Dwarven city and Calcelmo. Corvak volunteered to travel there, but they would have a weakened defence if he left.
It was then that all eyes fell on Taliah...
Name: "Mold"
Appearance:Grim-looking, He stands around 5'9 and is of average build for his race. He has short, brown hair with a neatly trimmed moustache.
Talents skills and or abilities:he's talented in all the thieves arts, some would describe him as "Jack of all trades, master of none". His fighting abilities rely upon speed and accuracy instead of muscular ability. Preferring ranged fights to melee. His major let down his his ability in social situations, though he often keeps up a friendly attitude.
Apparel, weapons and Misc:Full set of leather armour, Shortbow, Quiver of 30 arrows, Shortsword, two daggers, travel pack, several days worth of food/drink, bedroll, short coil of rope, a journal.
Background:Mold grew up in the Imperial City of Cyrodil, his family worked and lived along the waterfront. His father worked as a sailor, and his mother was a "night worker". He retains a resentment of upperclass citizenry, likely the reason for his career into thievery. At 25, He was caught stealing from the Elven Gardens District but managed to outrun the guard. With his fathers help, he was smuggled into a ship and was sent off. When he departed, he discovered his destination was the land of Nords. Begrudgingly, he settled into the life of Rifton in time to see the declination of The Thieves Guild. Hearing rumour of the hidden treasure, He headed to "The Lost City".
Muhgnib gro-Gisnib
Race: Nord
Age: 28
Appearance: Fjolr is the common 6 foot tall, muscle-bound, and long bearded Nord, with a nasty scar starting at his forehead and coming down to his left eye, just glancing it hugging his nose, and ending at his jaw. His eyes are as blue as Skyrim’s morning sky, with shoulder long blonde hair which is constantly unkempt. Fjolr is modest looking but usually has a blank expression on his face, all the better to conceal his intentions.
Personality: Fjolr is a treasure hunter, a Dwemer treasure hunter and has a greedy almost hungry look in his eyes. Unlike most treasure hunters he doesn’t take to looting a ruin but rather delving to its greatest depths and finding the one greatest item contained within. Such reflects in his persona, constantly moving, restless yet indefatigable, and ruthless to no end. He is always quick to make a cruel comment and never stays within a circle of people for long, both for hate of them and being hated by them. He is friendless and prefers it stay that way. His motto is ‘Coin before Company.’
Apparel/Weapons: He wears an odd necklace with a small dwemer gear as an amulet. He prefers scaled and fur armors, allowing him to move more easily. He proudly wears little armor around his arms and shoulder, maintaining most of his armor for his core and legs. He disdains helms of any kind as it impedes eyesight. He brandishes two steel axes and keeps a bonded iron shield on his back, just in case.
History/Background: Fjolr Bear Heart earned his name from a group of bandits he ran with, after being cornered by two large cave bears and fending them off by shouting and striking them while his ‘comrades’ snuck behind and placed arrows in their heads. Fjolr found solace in the name, as who would bother a Nord who had the blood-thirsty heart of a Bear?
One day, his group of bandits decided it may be more profitable to take to treasure hunting, as the rebellion gained more steam. ‘Hard to rob people with soldiers everywhere, easier to steal from the dead.’ A saying the bandits seemed to all agree with at the time. His group decided to loot a nearby Dwemer ruin, one rumored to have never been looted before.
As the descended ever deeper, the noise of clanging and odd chirping echoed throughout the ancient halls. Many of the bandits didn’t pay it any heed and those that did chalked it up to the machines. It didn’t take them long to realize all the Automatons in the ruin seemed active. The bandits found themselves surrounded and the Automatons began their attack. Fjolr, in a whirlwind of fury and battle-lust, began grabbing and smashing every little spider construct he could and when the Sphere Construct’s joined the fray, Fjolr only relished the battle more. After the battle had ended, many of the bandits were either dead, dying or severely injured. Fjolr received a grievous wounds himself, the most nasty being the scar on his face.
The Bandit leader decided to continue and loot the constructs for pieces, Fjolr became amazed. For the first time in his life he found something other than blood and battle he found interesting. He took a small gear from a spider construct and used it to fashion a crude amulet. From then on forward, Fjolr would journey into any Dwemer ruin in search of new sights and new loot.
He has since left the bandit group, many of whom are dead, and has journeyed to Markarth. A feeling he could never described pulled him to this place and Fjolr feels certain that the greatest Dwemer Treasure must be found there.
Ugliux MaximusII
Name: Larry Wall
Nickname: Brick
Race: Imperial
Age: 28
Appearance: 1.75m (~5' 7''). Larry is extremely slim however he isn't very strong, only having the very minimum strength. His legs are long and while his face hints at a tan the rest of him is deathly pale. His hair is short and he's well shaven. His eyes glint a light blue, there are no obvious signs of his addiction.
Hair: Short, well shaven.
Eyes: Light blue
Skin: Pale save for his face which is a light shade of brown.
Class: Scholar
Talents skills and or abilities: Larry has studied all his life and is well versed in historical lore, both on the Dwemer, daedric and nation provinces. His specific field is that of Dwemer constructs. He has very few abilities past that, he can cook the most basic of meals but can drink like a fish.
Weapons: An ornate Steel Shortsword
Armour: None
Clothing: Very expensive black suit with blue trimmings, the suit fits Larry well.
Backpack: Larry carries five bottles of flin and one bottle of potatoe spirits(Hard Vodka), he disguises them in large hip flasks. He also carries a small tent, bedroll, flint for fire and 400 septims.
Personality: Larry is schizophrenic. While sober, he is the intelligent scholar who was granted access to the Imperial Library with his own assistants. But when he drinks, Larry turns into who he would like to be, the rampaging warrior from Skyrim. As a scholar, Larry is shy, he doesn't have much of a sense of humour and is usually seen diving into some book while holding one of his flasks. But as the rampaging warrior from Skyrim, he is brash, motivated, fearless and dangerously of all, believes he is a master of blades. Even drunk, Larry is still quite awful with weapons.
Born and raised into the Imperial City, Larry was told he would always be a scholar. He was never to live a heroes life and instead become an acountant or assistant historian. This played on his mind and as he found his time spent diving into historical books about wars, he would often pretend to be one of the heroes within. This lead to his mental condition and it didn't become obvious until he was around 15 years of age.
His parents, both wealthy traders were often away from home and therefore never really caught wind of his condition but Larry was all too aware. Being intelligent beyond his years, he had begun to understand and reason with himself that he did have two minds, two persona's. Liking the idea of being a hero, he decided not to act on it and eventually his denial lead to a drinking problem which only highlighted his condition to his friends and family.
At the age of 27, he was banished from his home and sent out into the world. With nowhere to go, he turned to his passion of Dwemer and headed to Skyrim.
Name: Yorrick Brightblade
Race: Nord
Age: 55
Appearance: Yorrick stands 6'2" and weights in at 250lbs, with broads shoulders and a bear-like build. Never seen as an attractive man, the left side of his body and lower left side of his face up to mid cheek are covered in burn scars. Short white hair on his head, and a pale shadow of stubble on his cheeks (except on the lower letf side of his face.) A long ago broken nose, with pale bue eyes behind, leans crooked to the left.
Talents skills and or abilities: A naturally talented swordsman, honed by years of fighting, and a hardcoe suvivalist, Yorrick prides himself on his ability to pull people out of, or keep them out of danger. He is also a competant gambler and blacksmith.
Apparel, weapons and Misc: Yorrick wears heavy furs at all times. He carries alternate clothing for when he needs to attend festive events, but little else for clothes. He wields his sword, the Brightblade, a steel sword that while not magical, seems to shine with its own silvery light, and an iron-rimmed targe. His pack holds a lamp, lamp oil for two days, an extra waterskin, and his fathers compass.
Background: Yorrick was born in Solitude, his father a legion blacksmith, his mother a washwoman, who died when Yorrick was three. He learned his fathers trade until he was 18, then enlisted with the legion. His father presented him with the Brightblade as a gift for his enlisting. His father would fall ill after. On his deathbed, Yorrick was warned of his family history and tragedy. His fathers last words would shape his life, and would make sure he would never marry.
When the civil war broke out, Yorrick would stay with the legion, and at the battle of Whiterun, he was seriously burned. The flames would damage his left leg and arm, reducing his mobility in both. Fire would also scorch his throat, giving him a distinct rasp in his voice. He left from Skyrim for the remainder of the war, taking work as a bodyguard in Hammerfell when he finally healed. He was hired on by a writer for the expedition.
Name: Ardis Simmons
Race: Breton
Age: 32
Appearance: Short black hair, with brown eyes and a baby face, and keeps himself clean-shaven at all times. His slim build fits with his short stature, standing at 5'7, and weighs 150lbs.
Talents skills and or abilities: Ardis is a skilled wordsmith, working as an independant writer, and aspiring inventor. He has some experience in pick-pocketing.
Apparel, weapons and Misc: Ardis carries nothing in the way of weaponry, fully believing that the pen is greater than the sword. He wears patched white and purple robes, caring little for how he looks, and wears a threadbare hat, with an old grey feather pointing outwards. He has a side worn pack holding dozens of sheets of paper, several ink-wells, and three freshly plucked goose feather quills. He also has several tool of his own creation.
Background: Ardis grew up poor on the streets of Skingrad, living as an urchin. When he grew older, he left looking for more in life, traveling to Anvil, where he found work on a small merchant ship headed to Hammerfell. When he arrived, he went from one job to another before finding his true calling as a writer. He would work for years, building up his reputation and bank account, all the while working on ways to make his job easier. He heard of the possiblity of a lost Dwemer City, and saw the chance for immortality as the first man to report on the expedition. He hired a bodyguard, and left for Skyrim.
OOC: Use this time to tell us where your character is (i.e what part of Markath/the reach) before the Jarl announces an audience with the public in a few posts time. I want some people to have a chance to interact before going in
The sun was setting over the stone walls of Markath, the way the light hit the wall infront of the old Nord's bed filled him with sadness, to feel the kiss of the sunlight one more time would be his only wish if he where given any. He'd been sat for hours in his dark bed, protected from the beams of the sun by clever positioning of the bed. He watched as it tracked the room like a sundial and finally decided it was safe to rise. He could hear Mashab downstairs prepairing Almerions evening (or morning, in the eyes of the vampire) meal. She struggled a little but eventually relented when a dull thump resounded through the house. Almerion pitied Mashab for his work, he admired him as a craftsman but he was useless at anything else, so even fetching Almerion blood donors was a task too great sometimes. He often considered turning him into a Thrall, but Mashab was vocally against becoming a vampire, he loved being who he was and who was Almerion to take that away from him?
"Your awake." Mashab said gently, "your breakfast." He added, placing a tray on Almerions desk, a steaming bowl of red liquid sat in the middle of the expertly carved oak serving tray, a dwemmer spoon of some curiosity beside it. "Brought to the boil in a copper pan, just how you like."
"Thank you Mash, much appreciated." Almerion said, though he didn't immediately sit down to partake in the meal. "Will you be joining me?"
"I have already eaten, thankyou master." Mashab said glibly, but even without the sensitive ears of a vampire Almerion wouldn't have struggled to hear the Orc's stomach groan at the mention of food. Almerion knew perfectly well that the sight of blood put Mashab off his food, but it was bad etiquette not to offer.
"I imported some Osinium ale for your pleasure, you've been working so hard friend." Almerion said lightly. His gaze was fixed to his bedroom window, waiting and waiting, the sun just cresting the mountains now. "I believe tonight we will be attending a public audience with the Jarl. He was reluctant but I assured him that the call of gold was enough to keep him from harms way. He's been quite paranoid as of late, though I cannot say why."
"I believe the forsworn have been caught entering the city, they consider him a priority target Master." Mashabs gravely voice came from behind Almerion. "The sun is down."
Almerion moved fluidly through the assortment of furniture like he was dodging deadly traps, his hands clasped behind his back the entire way. He reache the window with some relief and spotted the fliers instantly. He'd insisted the guard put them up throughout the city. He'd publicly offered funding for any who wish to explore the dwemmer ruins bellow but was Veto'd by the high king. Ulfric didn't quite appreciated Almerions night time visit thereafter, but quickly agreed to announce funding from an anonymous donor on behalf of the good people of Skyrim and in the name of the stormcloak leader. It made him look good, kept the scholars happy and enough treasure hunters to fill a fleet would be laughing with glee at the idea of exploring an untouched Dwemmer ruin. Almerion didn't know why he was so willing to spend his fortune on such a hazy venture, but the ruins seemed to call to him specifically, like so many others claimed. He had to get in there and in his eyes, all company is good company when faced with vicious Dwemer guardians.
"They will be of no trouble, the call of gold has attracted many, it would be too dangerous to publicly attack the Jarl in his own palace with little chance of escape." Almerion said slowly. He'd thought of every concievable scenario and every one of them ended in favour of both Almerion and the Jarl, he'd made sure of it. "Now I must eat, I dont want my teeth showing at the evening soiree now do I Mash? Incidentally, what kind of blood is this?"
"A convict delivered by the guard as per your arrangement with the Captain, she was old, a darkelf caught dealing with necromancers. I believe she was born nearly a century ago." Mashab said in a monotone voice as if reading wine from a menu.
"Oh Mashab you do spoil me." Almerion said before taking a sip, he grinned and added. "I rarely get to start my day with a vintage, than you friend. I just wish the noise could quiet down so I could enjoy my meal in peace. This public audience has us all quite excited doesnt it? I don't think I have ever seen the street this full. And a full street in Markath can be quite dangerous to ones health."
"I'll have a path closed off for your personal travel to the palace tonight Master."
"Thank you Mashab, I'll ready myself shortly. How I wonder what these mercenaries will react when they see a feeble old man being escorted into a dangerous ruin." The vampire said with some amount of mirth in his voice, he hated putting on the act of a weak and incapable old man, it was completely against his nature, he was lavish and bold, he liked to flaunt his taste wealth and education since he had worked so hard for all of it. But too many times had he been attacked in the past, for walking openly amongst men pretending to be one of them. A disguise is the only thing that kept him alive, or atleast welcome. "Go speak with the guard as soon as you can."
"Certainly master, excuse me." Mashab said before ducking out of the room. He moved through the stone house with blind familiarity, he could do it in the dark now since he'd spent so much time here. Almerion had been kind enough to provide a room and study of his own, and even converted the basemant into a forge with enough ventilation to keep the heat from being too much for the Orc. It was also in the basemant where he prepared his Masters meals, the guards had a tunnel built to this house years ago when a very important political figure occupied the walls, it was used as his escape route should he come under attack. He never did and the tunnel was all but forgotten until Almerion bought the property. Since then, the captain of the guard used it to deliver Almerions meals in exchange for a monthly fee that dwarfed the wages he earned from the Jarl.
Mashab had helped write and distribute the fliers on Almerions behalf, notifying the public of the Jarl's audience, it had been delivered to every hold in Skyrim and distributed through every merchant caravan and traveller willing to carry them. It was a wonder that the Orc was able to contain himself, never before had he seen a Dwemer ruin first hand, he'd never been brave enought to venture one alone, but tonight it was finally going to happen.
He paced through the living room, pausing to rub a spot of spilled blood from the stone tiles with his shoe before opening the door. He was amazed at what he saw, though also quite irritated. Every walkway in Markath was filled with a rabble of gossiping people, some where natives to Markath, nobles and mine workers, others looked unfamiliar and some carried weapons or staves. He even spotted a few Khajiit, which was a welcome sight to Mashab who often counted Khajiit his friends when he encountered them, he pitied them for the Nordic views and racism and was happy to see that many had been welcomed into the city on this day, though he noticed that most of them had set up impromptu market stalls and where selling all manner of produce to the passing crowds.
After a few minutes of grunting, shoving and pushing Mashab eventually made it to the end of a street, something that would have usually taken seconds on a normal busy day in Markath. "This is ridiculous." He muttered under his breath.
"You can say that again Orc." A heavily accented voice said into his ear. "I'll be needing your employers payment early this month, double my usual fee. With all this commotion it was a wonder that I got that grey skin to your basemant without being spotted." it was the captain of the guard, a very muscular, very rude and extremely irritable man name Jorvul.
"If you expect double then you earn your keep." Mashab said, he knew full well that every word from Jorvul's mouth was mere posturing, he had no leverage over Almerion. Sure, a vampire might be attacked and run out of town if word got out, but what would happen to the man who consistently delivered living flesh for said vampire to feed on? "We want a pat blocked by guard and cleared from Almerions estate to the palace. He's feeling weaker by the day and struggles to walk when the streets are empty." Jorvul knew Almerion was capable of walking the streets without any distress, but anybody in earshot didn't, and the didn't need to.
"Very well Orc, I'll have my men organise safe passage. I'll be waiting at the palace." He said with a cruel smile. Mashab returned it viciously, his steel tusks glinted in the moonlight.
OOC: Have at it gentlemen!