The Capital Wasteland: Part 2

Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 10:06 pm


Alex pulled her in, smiling. She stumbled up the stairs into the bed. "Damn your drunk!" he laughed.

"You bet I am. Let's do something crazy!" she said as she stood up and slammed the door.
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Latino HeaT
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:51 am

Alex Johanson-His house-Morning:

Alex yawned, he awoke with Mary's naked body next to him

Damn! When she meant crazy, she really meant crazy! he thought to himself, he tried as carefully as possible not to wake her. He put on sweatpants, a T-shirt, and walked down stairs. He turned on the Radio to GNR

Today in the news a group of men leading New Springvale and Greyditch have defended their towns from a group of merciless Regulators. A word of advice children, don't trust the Regulators! In other news, mysterious gigantic birds have been sighted flying to a unknown location. Do not shoot at it children, it will not bring it down! Nowww Three Dog's gonna play some tunes for you!

Alex smiled as he cooked deathclaw eggs and Brahmin bacon.
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:50 pm

"You're listening to Monarch Radio, and I am your host, The Programmer," Vatris said to the micrphone, a voice changer in hand, "Now, I have some delicate news today that may save your lives tomorrow. While looking through the eyes of one of my many, many kind robots, it was attacked by people of two seperate factions. Now, one, I can tell you the identity of right off the bat. The group of well-dressed raiders that call themselves the Kallaran Mercs. One way or another, they are a thorn in my side, and a threat to yours. However, they were not the only ones involved, as I stated earlier. There was another group of.... well trained young men. They wore a tan sort of outfit that looked perfect for deserts, and they looked very, very well trained. If you see them, keep away. In local news, there has been some commotion...."


The Sentry Bot rolled across the bridge town of Arefu, it's blue eyes scanning. Most of the civilians locked themselves inside the moment they saw Reaver rolling there way. One even panicked to the point of jumping off the bridge. Reaver slowly rolled west, his eyes landing on a rocky valley.

"Initiating scouting mission: Target, Vault 106. If found, kill all hostiles in the area and secure." Reaver began to roll northwest, his legs functional once again thanks to a mechanic he found in the wasteland.


Vatris looked through the monitor, seeing Reaver's vision through shades of blue. He seemed to be on to something.

"Finally, be alert for a Sandstorm tonight, from the hours of 6:00 PM to 3:00 AM, if I have calculated the wind patterns correctly," he said into the microphone, taking a sip of his water. If Reaver did find a heavy source of technology, Vatris could send out a team, or one man to investigate. "And now, for all of us lonely folks out there, here is Maxine Sullivan with,
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:07 pm

OOC: Blackhand, The Militia nor the Mafia are anywhere near where the Sentry bot was shot, it was Kallaran Mercs.
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:05 pm


May awoke with no clothes on and Alex was gone from the bed. She stood up and looked for her robes. She checked in her closet but they weren't there. She wrapped the blankets of the bed around her body, so any visitor coming to see Alex or to stalk Mary wouldn't see her naked. Mary stumbled down the stairs and heard the Ink Spots on the radio. She saw Alex making breakfast and she sat at the table. "Morning." she told Alex and put her feet on the table. She grabbed a newspaper and read it. Alex turned around and put deathclaw eggs and brahmin bacon on a plate on the table. Mary lowered her feet and began eating.

"So, you won the battle yesterday? That's great! What are we going to do now?" she asked Alex. He sat at the table, ready to respond.
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 3:29 pm

Alex Johanson-His house-Morning:

Alex laid the breakfast infront of his and Mary's seat, and Mary sat down. He looked at Mary with a stern look, a look that he rarely gave.

"Look honey, theres something going on in the wasteland. I don't know what it is, Remember back in Paradise Falls?" Alex explained, and Mary shed a small tear for Mark "Look, that 'bird' that went down wasn't Brotherhood, it wasn't. I also heard Big Town was taken over, we got a rise in men, we now have 100 men. But thats nothing compared to half of the people in this wasteland. Mark was a statistic in the wasteland. He was a mere person for the Talon Company. They didn't care who he was!" Alex slammed his fist on the table, and Mary, frightened by her Boyfriends sudden outlash, shrieked. "I went through files back at that Militia base, well that officer who was shot with the Commander of the Talon Company was a guy of some crazy organization. I heard rumors they were called 'The Enclave.' Look, let me tell you this Mary." Her pale skin glowed in the early morning sun "I'm going to Big Town, and I'm not coming back till I get answers." Mary tried to stop him, she grabbed onto his arms, and tried to get him back in the house, but he was determined. He left walking away with ten Mafia men.
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:40 pm


"Look honey, theres something going on in the wasteland. I don't know what it is, Remember back in Paradise Falls?" Alex explained, and Mary shed a small tear for Mark "Look, that 'bird' that went down wasn't Brotherhood, it wasn't. I also heard Big Town was taken over, we got a rise in men, we now have 100 men. But thats nothing compared to half of the people in this wasteland. Mark was a statistic in the wasteland. He was a mere person for the Talon Company. They didn't care who he was!" Alex slammed his fist on the table, and Mary, frightened by her Boyfriends sudden outlash, shrieked. "I went through files back at that Militia base, well that officer who was shot with the Commander of the Talon Company was a guy of some crazy organization. I heard rumors they were called 'The Enclave.' Look, let me tell you this Mary." Her pale skin glowed in the early morning sun "I'm going to Big Town, and I'm not coming back till I get answers." Mary tried to stop him, he grabbed onto his arms, and tried to get him back in the house, but he was determined. He left walking away with ten Mafia men.

Mary ran back into the house and grabbed her hunting rifle. She couldn't find her clothes and the only thing in her closet was Alex's business suit. She grabbed it, put it on, rifle in hand, and followed Alex in a way his gang wouldn't see her. She hid in the bushes, behind rocks, and even on buildings where they wouldn't see her. She loved Alex, but his pissed off attitude that he had shown her that morning was unacceptable. The plan was crazy too, it was likely to get him killed. She though if she couldn't stop Alex, she could at least help him. She stood in a building for a few long seconds when she noticed the gang was out of view. She jumped down and went looking for them. She found them, and they heard her. They turned around, but Mary hid behind a rock before they had even noticed the sound. They turned back, and she wiped her brow. She followed them unnoticed until they reached Big Town.
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:25 pm

Alex Johanson-Somewhere outside Big Town-Afternoon:

"Son of a [censored]...." said Vito as he watched behind a ruined building, he saw Vertibirds landing and dropping men off, supplies being unloaded, men going into the Vertibirds. This was a full scale military operation. He saw a flag

"Woah.....This is wierd bro." said Joe as he watched the Enclave set up a base. The small Mafia group turned back, sneaking away. Alex knew Mary followed him, once they were a safe distance from Big Town

"Mary, I know your behind this rock..." he fired two shots at the rock, and the girl came shrieking out. "You don't go out on these things Mary, Did you see what that was?" he hugged her, and whispered in her ear

"I'm sorry for the way i acted, frankly, this wasteland is going to hell. Its getting to me..."
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 5:28 pm


There was a loud noise, and Mary looked into the sky. There was a helicopter flying and it landed over the horizon. Suddenly, Alex turned to the rock where Mary was hidden. Mary, I know your behind this rock..." he fired two shots at the rock, and Mary came out, screaming. "You don't go out on these things Mary, Did you see what that was?" he hugged her, and whispered in her ear.

"I'm sorry for the way i acted, frankly, this wasteland is going to hell. Its getting to me..." Alex softly said. Mary cried for the fourth time in this story, and let go of Alex.

"It's getting to all of us, Alex. I don't want to live in a life worrying if there's not going to be enough food for dinner or if you're going to come back home alive. Let's just defeat these guys, whatever it takes. If you go down, you better bet I'm going with you."
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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 10:10 am

Alex Johanson-Wasteland-Afternoon:

"Look....These people....they are too strong, they wear armor like the Brotherhood, yet...more men. We have no chance, and im not throwing myself in the line of fire unless its a good cause." he whispered

"We got to get going...." he said, the he heard clanking of Combat armor, and he fired shots in the direction, and heard cries of death

"Never gets old..." he said with glee, trying to hide his displeasure.
Brotherhood Council-Citadel Council Room-Evening:

"We must act now!" Elder Lyons said "These people are invading!"

"Elder, we must think of all options..." said his chief of the Paladins, Alan Crystal "We can't go in with our heads in your asses, you would know..."

The elder shook his head "We must act...."
Alex Johanson-His House-Night:

When him and Mary returned home, there was a painful silence, he was pissed off, and Mary knew not to bother him. He sat at the table, looking at a piece of his old Talon Company vest.

"I'm going out, and so help me god Mary if you come with me, I will do much more than scare the living daylights out of you."
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:55 pm


Mary and Alex came back home at night and Alex was furious. When they got there, he gave her a stern look and said, "I'm going out, and so help me god Mary if you come with me, I will do much more than scare the living daylights out of you." Mary stood up from the chair she was sitting in and pointed her finger at him.

"I thought I could reason with you, Alex. But you've left me no choice. I can't live this life anymore," she went upstairs where her clothes magically reappeared and stuffed them into her suitcase. She got Mark's food pack and harmonica and her rifle. She walked downstairs to where Alex was following her every move. "I tried to help you, Alex. When you're out there, about to die by the hands of the Enclave, think about me and the stupid decision you made."
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 1:49 pm

Alex Johanson-His house-Night:

Mary ran up stairs, backed her things in a suitcase, and ran back down. What she said really hit home to Alex. As she walked out of the door, out of his life. He said one last words to her.

"Mary! I'm...I'm sorry! There's so much to do in this place, I want to be a scout, a patrol man like I was in the Militia and the Talon Company! This...This Desk job bites Mary! I love you Mary!" he said, and she heard him.
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:14 am

Alex Johanson-His house-Night:

Mary ran up stairs, backed her things in a suitcase, and ran back down. What she said really hit home to Alex. As she walked out of the door, out of his life. He said one last words to her.

"Mary! I'm...I'm sorry! There's so much to do in this place, I want to be a scout, a patrol man like I was in the Militia and the Talon Company! This...This Desk job bites Mary! I love you Mary!" he said, and she heard him.

She heard him, and turned. She felt sorrow for him, but more hatred. She looked into Alex's eyes, but felt no mercy. "You want me back? You'll have to find me." She walked out of Megaton, suitcase in hand, and ran off. She constantly looked behind her, but there was no one. Alex didn't seem to care. If he would, he would've gone after her.
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 10:34 am

Alex Johanson-New Springvale-Night:

He stood staring at the way Mary left. His mind suddenly clicked together again. Vito, Joe, and his other Mafiamen ran up to him, but he sprinted away. Soon, he found himself in the middle of nowhere, the lights of New Springvale behind him, and the fires and firefights of D.C. Alex stood at the cliff drop, and he screamed


He repeated and shouted again, again, and again. He gave up hope, and ran back home. He took everything that he had, and took of into the wastes, looking.
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 5:33 pm


Mary walked up to the small saloon, looking for a drink. The man cleaning the tables and selling drink was rather nice, or Mary would say, cute.

"You single?"
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:55 pm

Alex Johanson-Exact Coordinates unknown-Morning:

Alex awoke in his sleeping roll to a caravan passing, he flagged it down.

"Hello my friend, we are a water and food caravan! We can give you all we have for 60 caps for our most expensive item!" the caravaneer said. Alex responded by pulling out a Magnum on the young couple of Caravaneers, killing them. He took what he needed, and walked away. He soon found himself nearing the small town of Girdershade. He made a small tent, rolled his bed roll out, and set his stuff in his tent, drifting off to sleep.
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:04 pm

"That is correct sir," Anastasia said to the Intercom before her. She was wearing her Leather Armor, her Hunting Rifle strapped to her back and a combat knife strapped to her leg. Her short, black hair was tied into a ponytail. "I have seen my fair share of violence in my life. Raiders pillaging towns. Merchants killing other merchant just to get a little water off them. Monsters that are supposed to exist only in nursery rhymes. I think I can handle the Wastes."

"You will have to be able to," the voice of Mieux's new best friend, referred to only as The Programmer amongst the tower residents, spoke in a gentleman's voice through the speakers. " One of my scouts have found the location of a very valuable place I have been looking all over for. A place where humans were meant to live freely... or so Vault-Tec advertised anyways. I know better."

"Vault-Tec, sir?" Anastasia recalled the many posters that were flying around the Wasteland with that company advertised. "Didn't they make giant bunkers sir? To shelter humanity?"

"One would think that was the case, but the majority of them were... death traps... awful death traps."
The Programmer gave off a sigh, "But amongst those deathtraps, true treasures are said to be buried. Working technology of old. Imagine for a moment, if you would Anastasia. Pure water flowing through rivers. Green plants rising from the deserts, everywhere you go. Great, wooden towers not made by man, whom instead of having gutters that spill falling rain, they have branches that drop food."

"Drop... food.. sir?" A puzzled look came on the soldiers face as she brushed some of her hair to the side. "Are you saying that-"

"Yes. There would be no need for people to scavenge the bones of a long deceased creatures just to survive, on a daily basis. There would be no need for man to kill man. Everything needed to survive would be there! Food, water, but most of all, safety! This is what I am sending you out to find, Anastasia. The key, to just that... can I trust that you will do your best to find it?"

Anastasia gave herself a moment to think. The very thought of salvation existing outside of Tenpenny Tower was like a child's dream to become something they could never be. And yet, this all so mighty man was saying that it existed, and that it was located in a bunker below there feet. If that was the case... how could she refuse? She had been trained to believe that the world was cruel and almost unbearable; that you had to fight just to survive on a daily basis. And yet... this... Programmer said there was a alternative.

"What's my destination sir?"

"There is a Briefcase on the table to your left," The Programmer said some satisfaction visible in his voice, "Take it, and head a ways north of here until you reach the large river that we all have come to know and love in this Wasteland. From there, walk east until you see a very rocky valley. It will be a ways southwest of the town, Arefu. In that valley, you will find a Sentry Bot. Do not shoot at it, it is mine. I will use it to give you your next instructions. Any questions?"

"No sir." Anastasia grabbed the Briefcase from the table, about to walk out of the Boiler Room.

"And one more thing, soldier. A sandstorm is going to hit very soon, so don't take to long getting to the valley. We don't want the wind to blow the skin from your bone after all."


Vatris leaned back in his chair, pressing the tab key on his keyboard a couple times until Reaver's vision was brought up. A wooden door was in view for a moment, but as the robot turned it's head Vatris could see about eight raider corpses laying in the dirt, some missing there limbs.

"Why do they always have to attack things without question?" He slid his fingers together, sighing and turning up a radio next to him to listen to the music he had collected over the ages.
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:43 pm

Mieux stared hard at a book on his lap, it was an old photo of Pre-War D.C. He dreamed of seing it reborn in his lifetime. he then looked over the balcony, staring over yonder to the D.C. skyline, and sighed with a heavy sigh. "You're a poor lady my dear. Despite claims to the contrary, you are not dead, you are barely clinging to life. These...idiots of my generation do not understand civility, only barbaric violence." He sighed again and threw the book over the rail, a few seconds later, a shout from below rose to the balcony. "OW, SON OF A- WHAT THE HELL?!" He looked below and sniggered as he saw a guard looking around trying to figure out where that book that hit his head. Mieux got up from his plush chair and went back inside. He shut the door and took off his slippers, walking bare foot in blue silk pajamas. He sat down at the towers mainframe and started ticking away at the keys, checking for ways to fix up power efficiency in his hotel.
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:36 am

Alex Johanson-Liuh-Evening:

Alex waltzed into the town, pulling out his Tommy gun, firing off a clip, and reloading

"ANYONE HERE BY THE NAME OF MARY?" he shouted, and a girl ran

"Gotca" he smiled, he walked over, and the girl punched him.
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Alessandra Botham
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 5:46 pm

OOC: Names, I don't understand your post, who's the girl that punches Alex and if you fired your gun, why'd you ask where Mary was if they were all dead?
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Ebou Suso
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Post » Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:18 am

Anastasia landed onto the dirt, doing a roll and quickly turning, raising her hunting rifle. A yao gui suddenly leaped from the rocks jutting out of the ground, about to swipe at her. A loud gun shot emitted in the air, and the creature went limp as it landed.

"Well there," she said, approaching the corpse with a smile and nudging it with her foot, "It sure looks like you couldn't bear the thought of me getting away, ehh?" She gave off a chuckle at her horrible pun, when the sound of something whirring suddenly emitted from behind her. Quickly turned, she raised her hunting rifle toward a blue eyed sentry bot. For a moment, they just stared... then it spoke, it's eyes glowing with each word.

"At ease. This is Reaver." Though the voice was that of a robots, Anastasia knew that it was The Programmer making him talk. She slowly lowered the hunting rifle. "I see you have found your way. That is good, the storm is about to begin very soon... and... interesting way of carrying the briefcase, soldier."

Anastasia gave off a smile, pulling the Briefcase off the straps that she had on her armor. "It's easier to keep track of this way... but enough chit chat. I saw a war-party of Super Mutants patrolling the area and don't want to become there toy. What do I do now?" A brief moment of silence followed before the robot spoke.

"Inside the Briefcase, you will find six small chips with attenas. I want you to attach them to any working computers you may find, and press the red button to activate them. I will be able to contact you inside the Vault this way. Try to find the Overseer's Main Computer, that is the most valuable one. Also, there is a chance you may encounter the Vault Locals. These people are the victims of a dead governments experiments that were meant to effect a now dead society. If they attack you, do not hesitate to kill... however... I would prefer you keep them alive if they prove to be the least bit sane. Indeed, if the Vault is in better condition then I imagine, then get them in contact with me."

"Sound's easy enough, but how do I get in? From what Three-Dog has barked about, these places have giant doors that require passcodes."

The Sentry Bot's head turned to the wooden door, the eyes going blue once more.

"Simple. Attach the blue-chip I told you about to the door-console. Ill handle the rest."

Anastasia gave off a sigh, nodding and turning to the door. "And what if others come? This Sentry Bot will take care of them I suppose," she said as she looked the many dead raider corpses over. "Super Mutants won't be a problem right?"

"Super Mutants are the least of this Wastelands worries right now, when compared to a much bigger threat. But that will be dealt with later... for now... I am going to have Reaver go into a small barn I saw not to far away. I don't need the Sandstorm roughing him up to much, and unless someone has ahold of a Virti-Bird and some good millitary equipment, I doubt anyone will be able to reach this vault."

"What's a Virti-Bird?"

"Nevermind that," the Sentry Bot began to roll away, "Just get the job done. Ill educate you later."

Anastasia felt a flare of anger go through her body for a few seconds as she quietly walked to the door, carrying the Briefcase in one hand. The winds were beginning to pick up, signalling the beginning of the Sandstorm... hopefully The Programmer was right. Hopefully the Super Mutants were the least of her worries.
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:56 am

OOC: Its Alex loosing his grip on reality, it never actually happened, it was a dream part, suppose to confuse you :)


Alex Johanson-Campsite-Late Afternoon:

Alex awoke with a start in the sun just starting to set, he realized he'd never been to Liuh, and it was just a dream.... He set his sights on Tenpenny Tower, hopefully for some employment. He packed up his things, and hit the road, bound for Mieux's Tower.
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:43 pm


Mary rode into to town after getting a drink at the Saloon and asking the bartender out. The sign on the arch red: "Welcome to Liuh!" there was something written underneath it, but it was replaced by a red sticker reading: "More commonly known as the town that almost destroyed a Brotherhood base. You can call us the [censored]s!" The sign turned the sunny, bright, and happy looking town into a place where villains reside. She strolled into town and men looked at her stunning body and her amazing, beautiful face. Some women even turned their attention to her.

Unfortunately, she wasn't there to stay. She had some business to do...
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:41 am

Alex Johanson-Outside Tenpenny Tower-Early Morning:

He walked to the gate, most people asleep, but a guard stood watch, he walked to the door.

"Sir, can i enter?" asked Alex

"Not without checking for weapons." the guard walked over, and Alex looked coldly at him

"I am here to be a bodyguard or a scout for Mieux, I wish to see him." Alex said

"Look man, you can have your weapons back if Mieux lets you!" Alex let the guard take his weapons, and Alex went in. He forgot Mary when he awoke in the Morning, and he suddenly saw a woman walking to a shop
Indra Sarin-Tenpenny Tower Lobby-Early Morning:

Indra stumbled around, she was tired, but she had a long day of waiting on people in the diner. She wished for a better life, maybe in Rivet City.... She then saw a man, dirty from the wasteland, and she took a liking to the man

"Why hello!" he said with glee

"Oh! Err, Hi" she didn't know the man, let alone she wanted to, but she tried to be happy

"Well, im sorry, but I just crawled in, do you have a place I can stay?" he tried his charm, which worked

"Well, you could stay at my place. Take the elevator to the top floor, then go to the right, thats my room." She said

"Well, I have some business to take care of with Mieux first." He said as he walked over to a man behind a desk.

OOC:Colonel, accept Alex's offer!
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:57 am

President October. Raven Rock. Auditorium.

October stood on the auditorium stage, every Enclave member stood in the auditorium there eyes on October.

“It is my displeasure to inform you all that our President John Henry Eden has passed away. This means that I Commander October am your new President. I could go into a speech but I will not do that, I am going to be blunt and honest with you all, Eden was a fool who didn’t know what he was doing. Under my control the Enclave will become a threat to all of the wasteland, he will begin immobilizing the army at once and focusing all scientist activity on military tech. The Enclave is done with hiding, he are organized and lethal, we can be a force.”

The crowd of Enclave members erupted in cheer, they agreed with October that was all he needed. October walked of the stage and began to walk to his private quarters but he was stopped by a scientist that October knew, Tyler Gray.

“Gray?” asked October, the two had not talked in years.

“I want to discuss Project X.”

“Nobody has talked about Project X in years. Is it finished?” asked October, his heart was now beating fast.


“Magnificent. Eden delayed production but you defied him! So, have you found someone willing to be apart of Project X.”

“Yes, Marcus Black.”

“Marcus Black, the intelligent brute? He would be the perfect candidate. So when does he undergo the Project?”

“Today. He is already in the FEV chamber, when he is ready we will release the FEV-X2 virus and he will be transformed forever.”

“So what is this FEV-X2 exactly? I didn’t get much details when Eden was in charge of the project.”

“It would turn the user into a more human Super Mutant. Increased muscle mass, increased agility, increased strength, and the best feature of all, increased intelligence. Black will be turned into a nine foot five hundred pound super human.”

“This is great news. Is the suit of Enclave X2 suit finished?”

“It was finished a year ago. Now we wait for Project X to be finished.”

Several Hours Later….

The door to the lab opened and out walked a giant man in a suit of Enclave Power Armor, it was a magnificent site, the armor was designed to fit a nine foot tall five hundred pound man which was exactly what the FEV-X2 turned people into. The armor was designed to be light and allow for maximum agility while being as strong as the normal Enclave power armor.

“Tyler Black-” October said before he was cut off.

“I am X.” said X.

“Alright X, you are the Enclaves number one project, you will be key in our victory but listen to me know. You are to listen to everything I say. You disobey be and you will be punished.”

“Of course President.”

Around one hundred Vertibirds were landed outside of Raven Rock, Enclave Soldiers walked from Raven Rock into the Vertibirds and when they were full they flew off to Big Town. At Big Town stood around one hundred soldiers while more arrived every few minutes. Every soldier that landed at Big Town was given a Plasma Rifle, Laser Rifle, or Assault Rifle and a pack that contained three stimpacks, a dose of rad away, two doses of rad-x, and three bottles of water. Big Town was no longer a simple outpost, it was becoming a base.

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