As the rather silly title suggests, this is to be a catch-all topic for the great Imperial vs Stormcloak debate that always comes along every couple of weeks somewhere on the internets. Frankly, I'm genuninely surprised there hasn't been a topic like this created yet, on the official forums no less. We may as well keep this debate here rather than having it pop up in other threads that my or may not have have actually been about the Civil War and everything related to it.
This topic will also serve as a continuation of the "Glory Be to the Empire" topic, which had its last debate cut short by the post-limit.
1. You give the people of Skyrim far too much credit. The vast majority of them won't be smart enough to have a genuine opinion on the matter that isn't influenced by who they're pledged, related, or otherwise obligated to.
2. And at least half prefer that the Imperials go back to Cyrodiil, and the Imperials are trying to impose their beliefs on that half of the population because of "historical precedent". More than half of them are aware of what's common and they consider unjust, but are in no position to fight against it. (And when they do, they're executed, because standing up to imperialist powers is bad when you're being ruled by them)
3. Half of the people of Skyrim consider the practice just and a necessary act to spur into the motion the events required to bring change to Skyrim, and you're wanting to run roughshod over their beliefs to defend a culture that's trying to destroy the local one with no justification.
4. Talos as he's worshiped is different from how he was as a mortal. Further, he doesn't want to kill all the elves. Certain beings he's associated with might want to, but Talos/Tiber specifically has no issues with elves. And no, his handiwork fell apart a long time ago. Well before the Stormcloaks ever came about. The Septim Empire died with Martin, and what was left of it was taken by the Mede Empire.
Tiber Septim created his Empire by conquering the continent and unifying what was mostly warring petty states. Mede created his Empire by taking the remnants of the Septim Empire by force.