The Cell 3,3 bug

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:28 am

To quote the CS wiki:

Markers Missing from Local Map

The cell 3,3. If a mod alters ANYTHING at all in the cell 3,3 in any worldspace, the player's local map will stop showing the player marker and other markers on the local map. However, this local map error can also happen randomly when going through certain cells without any mods at all, but in this case it's only temporary. No fix is known for the latter bug.

This bug will also happen with cell 4,4 if uGridsToLoad is set higher than 5 in Oblivion.ini. However, since increasing uGridsToLoad causes other bugs as well, cell 4,4 should be considered safe to edit.

My question is this: Does this occur with just esp files or do esm files have this problem too? Also, if an esp file creates a new world space does this bug occur still?

Thank you very much :)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:38 pm

No idea if it occurs with ESM files as well. I don't know how it was confirmed that 3,3 in *ANY* worldspace will trigger it either. I have to wonder if it's any worldspace with Tamriel as a parent that's got edits to that cell. For a new worldspace you'd be hard pressed to avoid this bug unless you deliberately built in a direction that would never create cell 3,3 and I don't think anyone with worldspace mods has gone to that length.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:19 pm

I kind of doubt that it applies to new worldspaces. My experiences tell otherwise.

Background: One of my mods includes a new worldspace. The land and everything is build in a way to not include cell 3,3 , but at first (before I cleaned it up a bit), due to Heightmapeditorfallout, cell 3,3 was included and it didn't cause the "3,3 cell edit bug" at all. I cleaned it out nevertheless, just to be on the save side (and save .esp file size), but while it was there no problems occured, neither for me nor beta testers.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:08 pm

OK, thank you both for your replies! :)

This is reassuring, and maybe the CS wiki should be edited to clarify the point. I don't know who to ask about that though, if any one knows or is in a position to say more, that would be helpful.

Thank you both again! :cookie:
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Shae Munro
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:24 am

Bumping, but It certainly needs clarifying as the CS wiki is (in this instance) a bit useless and vague. Unlike bg2408, I see exactly this issue in a mod (Damarask) that has a 3,3 custom worldspace. (It's an esp). There is nothing _in_ that cell, but as soon as it comes into scope, all the map markers disappear.

The mod maker is long gone, so the wiki advice is exceptionally useless. Any one have a technique to actually fix the problem? Does splitting into an esm/esp pair work? I've tried deleting the 3,3 cell, but it still looses all map markers.

I'm quite happy to fix this myself, if I could find some details on exactly what causes it and how to fix it.
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:47 pm

So, does no one have any actual experience at fixing this issue if you find it?
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candice keenan
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:55 pm

The only fix is to remove all possible reference to it, by gutting it from the ESP. A pretty drastic solution, but when it happens, that's the only recourse. Not very practical if the worldspace has that cell in the middle of something.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:26 am

That's what I was becoming afraid of. I'm going to try splitting the esp into an esm/esp pair at some point, but if that doesn't help, moving the cells to avoid 3,3 seems the only option.
Nasty and tedious!

The only good bit is that there is nothing in the cell, it's just there.

Edit: May have fixed it.
Removing the empty 3,3 cell didn't seem to help, but there was also an empty 3,4 cell, which sort of implies there ought to be a 3,3, as otherwise, it's 'loose'.

I removed both the empty 3,3 and 3,4 cells and now it seems OK.

Edit2: No it's just better. Now sometimes the map markers hang around, but coming through the Gate they vanish.
Almost as if something else is still causing an issue, just less frequent. Very odd.
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