No thanks. The blackout/delay screen when switching from hip fire to scope is horrendously slow. That's why most of my guns have reflex sights.
Stealth should be versatile too, that's why we have skills like reverse-pickpocket and sandman kills. It should not only be functional for sniper-role.
Im okay with the gun parts going invisible, and such, since its a pro and con of the mechanic. But the weird pipboy effect is a bit odd...
Since almost everything is tied to the Pipboy, I agree it should be visible even with Chameleon. This is one of those scenarios where gameplay should trump "realism/immersion/whatever."
It doesn't affect sniper rifles as I would suspect working as intended, ADS weapons it's not that hard to aim really, you have to be pretty bad to not figure it out.
I don't think you know how the chameleon effect works.
I agree with both statements here. With the former, that's why I only put a scope on sniper rifles since usually, when you're sniping, you are staying a good distance away from your enemies and should be fine. However, I do notice that you can still shoot and do other things during that blackout/delay part.
I was being sarcastic. blending into your surroundings and literally being invisible are two completely different mechanics.
Such gear is so op for ranged combat it should come with a disadvantage. I find the Pipboy problem thing a bit exaggarated, at least I could still find stuff in it when camouflaged. I finally stopped using the camo armor because it felt like cheating however. What is not a very decent mechanic is that reflex sights are invisible but the scope is not. How so? Both should be invisible or both visible because both are material parts of the gun.
Your scope and pip-boy are bugged... invisible or with a flourescent light so bright you can't see them. If you are not getting these effects and can see the screen of the pip boy and reticle in your scope then you are not getting this graphics bug (good for you) which is why some people in this thread think this all doesn't make sense.
Some people have a complete unusable pipboy SCREEN and gun reticle (like on the circle sight). If you have this bug you will most definitely know it.
Has not gotten it yet but it reminds me of chameleon effect in Oblivion who also made lots of stuff very hard to do and I only used to get past hard to pass places like an locked door with guards in front.