... Life the "Gift" of god or the Curse of Death".
That was the only thought I had after I left that miserable excuse for an Imperial Jailer Ship. My second thought being, how I would explain why I had been arrested and then released to a whole new land I've never seen before.
All that I can remember before being arrested is the death of what I assume to be my parents, the burning massacre of the village I lived in and the blood-curdeling war-cries of an attacking force...
My name is Splatulated... or it is now after being in prison for three years, and then being forced to travel for longer still. In that time I have forgotten the name given to me at writ of birth. Why do I call myself Splatulated? I call myself splatulated because its the only thing I think would best describe how I will end up in one word, and if it were to be carved into a grave (presumably mine) it would give a pretty clear picture on how I died.
If you wish to know why I was arrested I could tell you it was for robbing a bank or murder... But truth is it was for "Disrupting the Peace" as the guards put it. How did I disrupt the peace is probably going to be your next question and the answer is very simple, I am a Doom-Sayer. Now if you don't know what a Doom-Sayer is I can just tell you this, it is someone who yells out ramblings of doom such as "Death from the skies - RRRUUNN AAAWWWAAAYYY" and "The END is nye be warned".
Notes: I am currently working on the trip between the Census and Exercise office and Cascades house and currently have half a paragraph on riding the Siltstrider and about two paragraphs in a quick note of making a "cover up" identity that Cascades asked for