I've created this thread to share with you my new Fallout 3 series. The DC Chronicles.
I'm currently working on Episode 3 (I'm about 50% done). I'm hoping it will be out this weekend. But I can't promise! Which is half the reason I made this thread. To remind you guys It's coming

In the DC Chronicles we follow the story of Andrew Grafton, a Vault Dweller out to find a water chip for his vault (Inspired by the original Fallout).
Throughout the series, Andrew will encounter different enemies, allies, and scenarios.
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Special thanks to FoxtrotZulu from the Bethesda Forums for creating the custom follower script and lip syncing in Episode 2. If anyone here has some helpful mod's that could aid me in making these, let me know!

PS: I'm not sensitive to criticism either! So let me know if you think something should be changed or what you think would improve it. Thanks!
Bye for now! And enjoy.