Samurai - Warriors of old for whom honor is paramount and death a core belief
Three divisions of Samurai exist and these are:
The heavily armored Samurai who will often use odachi or nodachi in order to slay their foes before they can come close enough to strike;
The lightly armored Samurai who will often use the naginata to strike at foes on horseback to either kill them or unmount them for a katana deathblow;
The unarmored Samurai who use speed, skill and cunning to slay their enemies with the extension of their being that is the katana.
The key attributes and skills of the Samurai are as follows:
Attributes: Strength, Endurance
Skills: Armorer, Blade, Block, Acrobatics, Restoration, Marksman
Between the three divisions of Samurai the skills that change and their division are as follows:
Heavily Armored Samurai: Heavy Armor
Lightly Armored Samurai: Light Armor
Unarmored Samurai: Hand-to-Hand
Ninja - Stealthy warriors whose mastery of shadow, deception, and death are unmatched
There are several divisions of Ninja in existence and these are:
The light armored Ninja who have mastered the way of bladed weapons and whose daggers strike from the shadows;
Those light armored Ninja who have chosen instead to master the small hand scythe whose prowess will draw one into the shadows to never be seen alive again;
Those light armored Ninja whose weapons are bow at long range and hand-to-hand at close range from whom death flows silently;
Those unarmored Ninja who have sharpened their skills with the blade and bow and will close the eyes of many unseen and unheard;
The unarmored Ninja for whom mastery of the Kusari-gama and fist has become essential to their deathcraft;
The key attributes and skills of the Ninja are as follows:
Attributes: Speed, Agility
Skills: Alchemy, Marksman, Illusion, Security, Sneak
The five divisions of Ninja vary due to their preferences:
Light Armor with Blade
Light Armor with Blunt
Light Armor with Hand-to-Hand
Hand-to-Hand with Blade
Hand-to-Hand with Blunt