CE's are ALWAYS worth it. The only people who don't buy them are uber-cheapskates and people who don't have jobs and live off their parents' income.
Noooooooooo! I love Elder Scrolls, but never in a million years would I pay for some over-priced tat that does nothing. I mean even the Call of Duty CE's had Night vision
goggles and working RC cars. I don't like that series much, but I'm pointing that out.
I don't know how you can justify buying a plastic dragon, with some random fodder added to it that you won't use. I have a job thank you, but I am very wise with my money in case something
happens in the future.
I don't want to be spending my money on some rubbish, that doesn't make me feel any better. I will be too busy playing the game and enjoying it. I wouldn't knock it if it were cheaper, but it's obviously
just to milk money from all the die-hard fans.