But high in the mountains of Skyrim, a storm is brewing, a storm that will rock the very foundations of Tamriel.
Its school-time kids.
Right now you’re probably thinking. “And?” Allow me to explain.
In the fourth era on the first if Morning Star, the Emperor proclaimed that schools be built across Tamriel to widen the knowledge of the children. “The children are our future.” He said in the opening speech of the first of the schools. He named this school “College of The Nine Divines.” It is located high in the mountains of Northern Skyrim, and only the most privileged of all children are able to attend. The Headmaster, Romulus Remus, one of the best mages in all Tamriel leads the school with pride.
However, dark forces plot against the school. They plan to destroy every single one of the schools. One by one.
Plus, they’ve already started. The students have started to mysteriously disappear within the night time. Black fog has surrounded the upper towers of the school for years. The worst that has happened was a professor, Ida Warrick by name was found hanging from the rafters. Dead.
But there is a problem, no one knows who these people are or what they want. The Emperor hasn’t made a single move to stop them and Romulus Remus hasn’t left his tower office for months.
So the kids decide to take initiative.
Mathematics and It's many uses.
Language (Ayleid, Daedric etc.)
Magic and It's many uses. (Teaches magic, duh.)
Sporting (Fencing, archery etc.)
Carpenting (Woodworks)
1. No ubering.
2. No controlling other peoples characters.
3. Romance is allowed. To an extent. Nothing to graphic.
4. I control all story bending NPCs.
5. You break one of these rules. I will PM you and tell you not to. Second time. Short suspension from the RP. Third time, you get taken by the mysterious dark forces.
6. dO nawt poste liek dis oR u wil git kiced ot off teh RP. AKA, use grammar.
7. I want good character sheets and good RPers.
8. Have fun.
Birth sign:
Physical Appearance:
Hair style:
Hair colour:
Misc: (Tattoos, piercings etc.)
Weapons: (Limited to knives, which aren’t even allowed on school property.

This is just a rough draft, feel free to join now. Students will be required to wear uniform in class.
Age: 17
Race: Dunmer
Birth sign: The Shadow
Physical Appearance: Looks like a normal Dunmer, though thinner and smaller. Magus’ front teeth are unnaturally sharp and his fingernails are rather pointed. His eyes are a deep, dark red.
Hair style: (Not in game.) Hangs over one eye. Sorta emo.
Hair colour: Black
Height: 5’6
Weight: 79 KG
Misc: (Tattoos, piercings etc.) Eyebrow pierced, left ear has a silver stud in it.
Apparel: Uniform, Black cloak with hood, tight black pants (made of a new material, called denim

Weapons: (Limited to knives, which aren’t even allowed on school property. ) None.
Misc.: Journal, quill, ink. Schoolbooks. Brown leather bag to carry these in,
Personality: Quite and likes to keep to himself. Usually in a good mood but can get frustrated or angry easily. Quite smart (academically) but can be a smartarse most of the time. Which leads to him being hated by most of the teachers.
Bio: Magus was born and raised in the mountainous regions of the border between Morrowind and Skyrim. The mix between Nord and Dunmer culture was a nuisance in his life. His mother always had Nordic friends over. One of these nights, one of his mother’s friends was ordering him around. “Do this Magus, do that Magus”. Magus tried to keep calm but couldn’t help it. He cracked.
The next day, Magus was sent to The College of The Nine Divines, his mother had said that he didn’t want him at home anymore. So she sent him there. The [censored].
Elite Birthday:
Age: 15
Race: Breton
Birth sign: The Tower
Physical Appearance: Somewhat tall and slim, he has a very frail physique. He has a long nose, and a small, defined face. He has brown eyes, and a small mouth. He has small ears which are somewhat pointed, which is unusual for Bretic people. He has long fingers, which are very thin.
Hair style: Natural Curly
Hair colour: Cool Brown
Height: 5'10
Weight: 141
Misc: (Tattoos, piercings etc.) None
Apparel: School Uniform, correct? Although he prefers a gray cloak.
Weapons: (Limited to knives, which aren’t even allowed on school property. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) ) None
Misc.: A Lute (Let's LUTE IT UP)
Personality: Creative and cunning, Leon is a quick learner. He loves art, which is painting, music and all other kinds of art. He has a high respect for those who wield magic, and is pretty calm. He isn't the bravest, but he isn't a total wimp either. He loves nature: bears, wolves, trees, and everything else. Therefor, he has a strong relationship with Y'free, who he reveres dearly.
Bio: Born in a rich family, he was brought up by a famous painter (father), and a unknown musician (mother). They both brought him up in the ways of creativity, and arts. Of course, he was spoon fed most of his life, but other then that, it has been uneventful. At the age of 15, his age now, he was enrolled in one of the College of the Nine Divines. (Even though he was brought up learning about different gods)
Age: 17
Race: Altmer
Gender: Female
Birth sign: The Lord
Physical Appearance: The best word to describe Silenya is either "yellow" or "gold", depending on how you feel about her. She is tall and leggy, with the classic Altmer skintone and long blond hair. Her eyes are dark brown, and seem to bear an eternal serious expression.
Hair style: Long (past her waist), usually pulled back in a pony-tail with a purple ribbon.
Hair colour: Blond
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 134 lbs
Misc: Classy gold hoop earrings.
Apparel: Uniform (with skirt cut exactly to regulation length), black velvet shoes trimmed with gold, and a purple ribbon to hold back her hair.
Weapons: None, and she is horrified that anyone might have some!
Misc.: She has a leather shoulderbag with a Mages' Guild decal stitched to the front. In it, she always carries textbooks; a small leather-bound planner; a vial of fatigue potion for late nights; and a hand-carved oak case that carries her quills, ink, and quill sharpener (a small razor).
Personality: A perfectionist and over-achiever to the extreme, Silenya is at the top of the class in History and Magic (particularly in Mysticism and Alteration). She feels the compulsive need to prove that she's smarter and better mannered than everyone else. She volunteers herself for community service activities and is particularly involved in the Peer Tutoring Program. To be fair, she really is very smart, but she tends to overthink things, and her attitude doesn't make her the most popular person in school, except with perhaps the teachers.
Bio: Silenya is the daughter of Tyressius, Wizard Rank and chapter head of the Amol Mages Guild... and she never lets anyone forget it. As far as she's concerned, "Daddy's" word is law and scripture, and she holds everyone--especially herself--to his exacting standards.
As both of her parents were members of the Amol (A mid-sized town in north-east Skyrim) Mages' Guild, Silenya was raised on a strict diet of magic and education. Her father was a strict disciplinarian who held knowledge in the highest regard; it was pretty much all she ever knew, and so she can't understand when other people don't. She was tutored by the Guild Mages from the moment she could walk, and was sent to the College as soon as she was eligible. As she had the brains and Tyressius had the money and power, she was accepted.
Age: 17
Race: Breton
Gender: Male
Birth sign: The Lady
Physical Appearance: Felix is a very frail young man, having had little experience with things like 'work' and 'physical exertion' as a child. He has no muscles to speak of and is very thin and pale. Despite this, he doesn't look all that unhealthy, which may be due to the fact that he's always smiling around others. He has light brown hair with a slightly blonde tint and brown eyes. He tends to be nearly obsessive over germs and the like, and so always looks clean and orderly.
He has just a slight hint of facial hair, and no tattoos or scars visible. He does, however, have a series of lines going horizontally across his back that are red against his normally pale skin, but whether these are scars or simply birthmarks of some kind is uncertain.
Hair style: Preferring simplicity, Felix's hair is short and goes just past his ears in the back. It looks very well cared for and is parted on the left.
Hair colour: Light brown with tinge of blond.
Weight: 132lbs
Apparel: The typical school uniform, and only it. Aside from an old, gray cloak, he didn't bother to bring any clothes with him.
Weapons: None.
Misc.: A leather-bound journal that has been in his possession for a very long time, a brown, leather sling-bag that contains all of his school equipment. All his more fragile equipment, like inkwells, quills, etc, are kept in small, orderly pockets stitched into the inside of the bag. He also has a silver pendant given to him by his father with the Moorsley family crest on the front, which he wears at all times, kept tucked inside his uniform.
Personality: Felix is a complete perfectionist with nearly everything he does, but he's also quite docile. While not quiet or anti-social, he has a tendency to fear the worst and can make quick assumptions based on first impressions. He also has the tendency to be nervous around people he doesn't know well, which is to say everyone. This can lead to stuttering, loss of words, and occasionally randomness on his part.
He always wants to excel at what he does to show that he can do something with his life, but he never gloats or brags, and indeed prefers to just go unnoticed. However, when he's alone, he can be so obsessive over his work and studies that it could be seen as unhealthy, going over every little detail of what he's done to insure it looks just perfect. If he does something less than perfect in his eyes, he'll continually beat himself up about it mentally for many days after.
He's very kind to everyone and is always willing to help with everything, even if he doesn't like the person, leading to him being easily duped into tricks. He doesn't tend to talk much on his side of a conversation, but is more than willing to listen to anyone about anything, and he has infinite patience.
Bio: Felix was born and raised in Camlorn, High Rock, to a family of nobles. Throughout most of his life, he was schooled privately by a series of teachers on subjects ranging from politics to history to sword fighting. (Which he hated.) However, he lacked a traditional education in typical subjects, like math. So, as his parents wanted him to be perfectly well rounded, he was sent off to the best school available. Once his time there was finished, he would return to Camlorn to the life of a young noble.
That is not something Felix is looking forward to, but as always, all he wants to do is make his parents proud.
Age: 16
Race: High elf
Birth sign: The serpent
Physical Appearance:
Hair style: Hangs loose approximately ear length although it is roughly cut and layered in a weird manner.
Hair colour: dark brown
Height: just under six feet.
Weight: One hundred forty pounds.
Misc: a scar on his inside thigh from a fight that escalated.
Apparel: A uniform that looks like it has survived several centuries of abuse. Although he prefers to wear a pair of black linen pants and a blue-grey shirt when he can get away with it. He wears black leather shoes that rest just above ankle level.
Weapons: A hidden knife.
Personality: Although not evil natured he frequently finds himself at odds with any authority figure and the law. He lacks discipline and respect for authority. Most have written him off as a lost cause and simply wait for the day he is sent to prison.
Bio: Born in the imperial province to an upper class merchant family he could have had the world at his finger tips however he fell in with the wrong crowd and soon had the under world at his finger tips. His family sent him away, far away in an attempt to turn his life around.
Age: 17
Race: Dark Elf.
Birth sign: The Apprentice
Physical Appearance: Telva was pale, which was uncommon for Dunmer.
Hair style: Shoulder length long hair, slightly messy.
Hair colour: Bright Grey.
Height: 5'6
Weight: 135
Misc: small scar above eyebrow.
Apparel: Standard school uniform.
Weapons: None.
Misc.: Study books (Ways of Magika: Vol. 1 to 6)
Personality: Telva had always been sly and sarcastic. She doesn't have many friends, but she likes it like that, and she sometimes gets lost in her thoughts.
Bio: Telva was born into a poor family in the north-east part of Morrowind, a blacksmith father and a barmaid mother.
Telva was 7 when she casted her first fire ball at a local Dunmer bigot.
After that, her parents saved most of there money and paid for local training at the Mages guild, improving her skills.
At 12, she was well trained at destruction and alchemy, and dabbled in Illusion.
At 14, one of the local mages sent a letter of recommendation to the College of the nine.
When her parents learned of this, they sent Telva to live with Her father's brother and his wife in northern Skyrim.
She was accepted, and quickly enrolled in Magic use(Destruction and Alchemy) and sporting(Mostly Fencing, even if she thought real fighting wasn't like that).
And now, in her third to last year, she in hoping to get into the Arcane University, but with these sort of events, her skills might be tested early...
Jerod Kayne
Nickname(s): Blackie (Somewhat of a racist name towards him), Demon, Daedra-Boy
Age: 16 and a half
Race: Argonian
Birth sign: Serpent
Physical Appearance: Kim was born a genetic mishap. Born with unnatural black scales, and a more lizard-like body structure (IE: Reptilian feet, hands, tail). His eyes, although, are a deep, peaceful blue color, which occasionally change colors depending on his mood (Red being Angry, blue being normal, Green being nervous, orange being happy, yellow being sad). He also let his claws grow to a moderate length.
Hair style: Long spines
Hair colour: Dark Crimson
Height: 5 feet, 11 inches
Weight: 101 lbs
Misc: Small scars and bruises around his stomach are and chest.
Apparel: Satchel filled with a small amount of alchemical ingredients, papers, small vial potions. Black trouser, along with a black shirt and black hood. Wears black-leather boots with steel toes.
Weapons: Claws, teeth.
Misc.: Nothing
Personality: Not very social, he talks occasionally, but never really interacts with anyone. On Campus, if you can see him, he hangs around dark area's to hide from bullies. Although, if one were to dig deep enough, they may uncover a fun, happy side of Kim. The argonian, is also incredibly intelligent, knowing much about carpentry, biology, alchemy, and stealth. Although, in some cases can be fairly clumsy. (Figure I'd put it here, there's no 'Skills' thing.)
Bio: Kim barely remembers any of his life, but so far, it's been horrible. When he was young, he was nearly killed by slavers because he was ''Too weak'' to be a slave. He was saved from death's door by a traveling Imperial scientist by the name of Professor Kayne, whom is a teacher (Alchemy) College Kim attends. Kayne named Kim after his wife whom died after a severe blood-lung infection with child. The scientists taught Kim almost everything he knew about Alchemy, biology and some botany, Kayne saw he had potential and enlisted him into the College of the Nine. There, Kim's life has turned into Hell.